Youth VBS
Emmanuel Baptist Youth Department
May 31 – June 3
Character Study - Joseph
Genesis 39:9C
“…how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?”
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse – Genesis 39:9C
Read - Genesis 37
Examine -
1. Where was Joseph living?
2. How old was he?
3. How did Jacob treat Joseph?
4. What did he give him?
5. What was his brother’s response?
6. In verses 5-11, what happened to Joseph twice?
7. Where did the brothers go?
8. Where did the rest of the chapter take place?
9. What originally were his brothers going to do to him?
10. What did they do?
11. What was his selling price?
12. How did the brothers explain to Jacob what had happened?
13. Where and with whom did Joseph end up?
14. Who was he?
Apply -
How would you respond if what has happened to Joseph happened to you?
Could you see God’s hand at work?
Maybe there is something that has happened in your life that you can’t understand. Try to trust the Lord like Joseph and keep the attitude that he had.
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse - Genesis 39:9C
Read – Genesis 39
Examine -
1. Who was with Joseph?
2. What word(s) is used twice in verse 2 & 3 to describe Joseph?
3. What did Joseph become?
4. What happened as a result of this?
5. How does verse 6 describe Joseph?
6. What was Joseph tempted to do?
7. Who was this sin really against?
8. How often did this happen?
9. What was Joseph's response to the final temptation?
10. What was her response?
11. What happened to Joseph?
12. Since this was a crime punishable by death, why do you think Joseph did not die?
13. What happened when he got to prison?
14. What is the last word in the chapter?
Apply -
Look at Psalms 1. We see a pattern for being prosperous. Are you following this?
Joseph was faithful when no one was watching. Are you?
What is your character when no one is around?
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse - Genesis 39:9C
Read - Genesis 40-41
Examine -
1. What two people were thrown in prison with Joseph?
2. What happened to both of them?
3. What did Joseph do for them?
4. Was his interpretation right?
5. What happened to the Butler?
6. What happened to the Baker?
7. On what day did this happen? (vs.20)
7. How long had passed since chapter 40 &41?
8. Pharaoh's two dreams were about ______&______.
9. Each dream had two parts each one had the same #.What was it?
10. How does he find out about Joseph?
11. What two things did Joseph do before he saw Pharaoh?
12.What did each 7 represent?
13. What was Pharaoh's response to Joseph's interpretation?
14. How old was Joseph when all this happened?
Apply -
In every case where we see Joseph he is serving others. How about you? Are you a servant? How have you been a willing servant in the last few days?
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse - Genesis 39:9C
Read - Genesis 42-43
Examine -
1. Where was food? Why?
2. How many brothers went?
3. Who stayed and why?
4. What dream does verse 6 fulfill?
5. Did Joseph know them?
6. Did they know him?
7. Approximately how long had it been since they sold him?
8. What was his accusation?
9. How long were they in prison?
10. What did Joseph want?
11. Who stayed in Egypt?
12. What did he do with the money?
13. Was Jacob going to let Benjamin go?
14. Who spoke up and took responsibility?
15. In verse 25, what happened to Joseph when he saw Benjamin?
16. How big was Benjamin's "mess"?
Apply -
Joseph had the power to destroy these men after all they had done. That was not his response. Several times it says he wept. How would you feel towards someone who had hurt you?
Would you respond like Joseph? List the names of people you struggle to forgive and ask God to help you.
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse - Genesis 39:9C
Read - Genesis 44-45
Examine -
1. In whose bag was the cup put?
2. Why was Joseph doing all this?
3. In verse 16 what iniquity is he talking about? (Hint: ch.42:21-23)
4. Who pleads their cause?
5. What did Judah offer to do?
6. Was this a big deal? (Think)
7. What were the brother’s responses when Joseph told them who he was?
8. What was Joseph's perspective on the selling into slavery?
9. How long had the famine been going on?
10. Where would they live?
11. What was Pharaoh’s response to this?
12. Did Joseph send them away empty handed?
13. What was Joseph's response?
Apply -
List what you think each person thought when they realized what had happened. Joseph -
Benjamin -
Brothers -
Jacob -
Put a star by the ones whose response was right.
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse - Genesis 39:9C
Read – Genesis 46 & 50
Examine -
1. What was God planning to do with Israel in Egypt?
2. How many went to Egypt?
3. How long did Joseph and Jacob weep?
4. Who were they going to meet?
5. What was their occupation?
6. Look at Genesis 49:33 - What happened?
7. What did they do to Israel (Jacob)?
8. How long did they mourn him?
9. Where was Jacob buried?
10. How many went with them?
11. How many more days did they mourn?
12. Where did they bury him?
13. What did the brothers think would happen after his death?
14. Look at verse 19. To whom was Joseph leaving judgment?
15. How long did Joseph live?
16. What did Joseph ask them to do one day when they left Egypt?
Apply -
What one thing jumps out at you about Joseph?
What area are you weak in that you can pray and act to change?
What has God taught you this week?
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse – Genesis 39:9C
Read – Genesis37, 39-46, 50
Examine and Apply-
In the chart below put the character quality you see in Joseph’s life in the first column, in the second column put what where the circumstances, in the third column put the Scripture passage, and in the fourth column put how you can improve in this area!
Character Quality / Circumstances / Scripture / Impact on You