Emma L. Arleth School PTO October 12, 2015

Welcome to second PTO meeting. My name is Zoe Katsilis and I am the PTO president.

Flag salute and opening prayer, led by our 1st VP Michele Babino.

INTRODUCTIONS: Michele Babino is our 1st VP, Jackie Mayer is our 2nd VP, Rhonda Davis is our treasurer, Valerie Cannan is our Corresponding Sec’ty, and Kelly Cicconi is

Our Recording Sec’ty.


All have received copies? Any additions or corrections?

As there are none minutes will stand approved?

Treasurer's Report - Rhonda Davis the report will be filled for audit

As of 10/11/15:

Beginning Balance $10,719.92

Income: $17,879.60

Expenses: $9,725.14

Ending Balance: $18,874.38

Correspondence – Valerie Cannan

Thank you notes for start of year teachers breakfast and lunch was from

Mrs. Garnett, Mrs. Duffy, Miss Domanski, Miss Moran, Mrs. Friel, Mrs. Kilduff.

A thank you for reimbursements from Mrs. Shmidt.

Announcements- Zoe Katsilis

We have Arleth All Star magnets for your car and they are blue with white letters

And white with blue letters for purchase tonight $5.00 each.

There will be no PTO Meeting for the month of December.

Our first class party is October 30th. First we will start with the parade weather

Permitting. Parents please wear PTO shirts and no masks or face paint. Parade is to start

Around 2pm followed by class party.

Bingo/pizza night on November 13th from 6-8. We will have pizza, chips and a drink. Mr Preston will be calling out the bingo numbers.

Mrs. Gunter has been putting all PTO documents on our school web site.

After School Programs- Zoe Katsilis / Valerie Cannan

After school programs have started this week. We were able to fit everyone into the

Program without having to turn anyone down. There were few new after school programs Crochet, chess and art club with Mrs. Caccio.

Apparel- Rhonda Davis

The apparel sale will start tomorrow the 13th. Flyers will go home with

What apparel we are offering this year. There are a couple of new items.

Autism Fair- Zoe Katsilis, and Rhonda Davis

Nothing new to report

Birthday Board- Melissa Hilacrzyk

If you would like to add your child’s birthday to our birthday board, please send in $10.00

At least two weeks before the birthday. It’s never too late to send in money for Bday board.

BJ’s Membership Fundraiser- Jacki Mayer

This fundraiser will start in January.

Book Fair- Rhonda Davis / Kelly Cicconi.

Book fair did very good this time. We had a profit of a little over $2000.00

Which was $1200 more than last year.

Boo Bash Zoe Katsilis and Michele Babino

There will be no photo booth but instead we will be offering photo options with a Polaroid camera. We will have some props to take a picture with. Michele will be doing the decorations if anyone wants to help just email her. Also we will need help for all day on Friday to help set up. We will have a sign up genius for anyone wanting to donate snacks and drinks.

Class Parents –Zoe Katsilis, Jackie Mayer and Rhonda Davis

Class parents have been picked and a letter was sent home as to the guide lines of

What is expected of the parents.


Please be reminded that all volunteers must wear a blue PTO Shirt. If you need one,

They are available for $10.00. It is never too late to join any of our committees. If you find

you would like to volunteer for a particular committee, please contact the committee

chairperson to sign up. New Volunteers are always welcome. (Committee Chairperson

Directory is on our website under PTO.

Fire Safety Day - Kelly Cicconi

Fire safety day went well. We had three fire trucks and a new film for the kids to watch.

Mrs. Comerford’s class presented Fire Marshal Kevin with a big thank you letter.

Field Day- Zoe Katsilis and Jackie Mayer

Nothing new to report

Father’s Day sale

Nothing new to report


Kastle Kreations Beth Depinto did very good this year. We deposited $9300.00 with a profit of $3000-4000.00 that’s without on line orders.

Yankee Candle- Susan Marley will start October 26th and run until November 13th

New fundraiser – Shop-A- Roo you download the app and scan your receipts. They have

Sweepstakes as well. We need to send out a flyer about this.

New Casino night just for adults. We will have it in the Sayreville high school.

We will need a lot of volunteers for this fundraiser, there will be real life size gaming tables

NO cash winnings you will receive raffle tickets for big ticket items. So far we have donations for a flight simulator of a corporate jet.

Kid stuff books have been sent out already.

Historian / Bulletin Board

Jackie Mayer has taken over this committee.

Holiday Sale - Rhonda Davis & Kelly Cicconi

Nothing new to report.

Mother’s Day Sale- Michele Babino

Labels/Box Tops- Lainie Wilkison

Please send in all box tops by early October. You can also register at Target and we will earn cash. If you can cut, trim and put in zip lock bags of 50 you get double point.

Library - Kelly Cicconi

Thank you to all our dedicated library volunteers. Please make sure if you are volunteering in the library you do not park on the side parking lot. If there is a fire drill or the kids go outside for recess cars parked there are in the way.

Book borrowing without classes, the teachers will be with the students.

Photography – Debbie Metz

Spring photos have been taken, if you want to retake them you need to return original ones and make-up date is December 3rd.

Programs – Debbie Metz

Our first program was on Anti Bulling with a new vendor and it was “The Power Of One”.

All the kids enjoyed it. So did MR. Preston.

PTO Membership-

It is not too late to send in your membership forms. PTO Membership is $5.00 for single person or $9.00 for family. You also can Opt Out of Fundraising Program this year. You can chose to donate any amount you would like instead of purchasing from our catalog fundraisers. You will still receive the flyers home, please recycle them or send back to the

Reading Programs (book it) Nicole Grasso

Nicole added new incentives for the children

She got Friendly’s, Woodbridge bowling, Dunkin Donuts, Rainforest Café and still Texas Roadhouse.

Restaurant Proceeds

We will no longer have restaurant night because it was not doing well.

We will change this fundraiser to family fun night with BINGO and Pizza.

Somerset Patriots Zoe Katsilis and Valerie Cannan

Third Grade Party

Nothing new to report

Walk-a-thon- Kelly Cicconi

Nothing new to report

TEACHER REPS!!! Mrs. Commerford

Thank you to the PTO for the teacher’s breakfast and lunch. Looking forward

To a great year. Food drive starts first week on November for the food bank of Sayreville.

New Business.

Please make sure you like our Facebook page to keep up to date with all of our events and schedules.

A HUGE THANK YOU to all of our Arleth families for so generously supporting our

Fundraising efforts throughout the year.

Please make sure you like our Facebook page to keep up to date with all of our events and schedules.

Mr.Preston - Thank you and is very excited the calendar is full of activities

And to follow him on twitter and Facebook.

November 9th is our next PTO meeting and is back to Monday nights.

If there is no further business, this meeting is adjourned.