Emergency Preparedness Plan

& Business Contingency Plan

Emergency Preparedness Plan

& Business Contingency Plan

Springhill Church

120 SE Williston Road

Gainesville, FL 32641

Effective Date:

Updated: September 2017

Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Key Components 3

Purpose 3

Objectives of the Plan 4

General Information 4

Planning, and Preparation 5

Critical Business Functions 5

Staff & Senior Leader’s Responsibilities 5

Staff & Senior Leaders Contact Information 6

Continuity of Management 6

Emergency Resource Agencies 7

Emergency Supplies 8

Emergency to Go Box 8

Training and Drills 9

Plan Activation 10

Declaration of Emergency 10

Emergency Alert 10

Immediate Emergency 10

Immediate Evacuation or Take Shelter Orders 11

Evacuation Procedures 11

Facilities Shutdown Procedures 12

Property Protection 13

Suppliers/Vendors 15

Equipment/Vehicles 15

Voice/Data Communications 15

Vital Records 15

Computer Equipment and Software 16

Emergency Relocation Sites 16

General Building Evacuation Procedure 17

Shelter-In-Place Procedure 19

Natural Hazards 20

Severe Weather 20

Terms to know: 21

Hurricane 22

Fire 26

Hazardous Materials Incidents 29

Household Chemical Emergencies 31

Human Events 33

Pandemic Flu 33

Bomb Threat 34

Suspicious Letters, Packages and Unknown Substances 37

Violent, Criminal or Threatening Behavior 38

Communications Process and Notifications 40

Media Protocol 40

Staffing Resources 40

Emergency Notification 40

Recovery Phase 40

Building Inspection 41

Notifications 41

Checklists 42

Emergency and Crisis Survey for Churches 42

Disaster Procedures Checklist 43

Emergency Shutdown Checklist 44

Communications Checklist 45

Web Resources 46


Key Components

●  Planning and Preparation

●  Plan Activation

●  Crisis Management

●  Response

●  Recovery


The purpose of this Emergency Preparedness Plan is to define the immediate response needed and the recovery process developed to protect staff, volunteers and property during a disaster and to restore critical business functions of the Springhill Church (Springhill). The plan components detail Springhill’s procedures for responding to emergency situations, which affects Springhill’s ability to deliver core services to our members or our ability to meet member, affiliated organizations, and community expectations. It is very clear that as a church we have an important role to facilitate a rapid assistance program for the entire community if possible.

The purpose of this Emergency Preparedness Plan is to provide a systematic approach to prepare and to follow in the event of an emergency or disaster and the process of recovery.

Emergencies, disasters, accidents and injuries can occur at any time and without warning. Being prepared physically and mentally to handle emergencies is an individual as well as an organizational responsibility.

This plan has been developed to protect staff and visitors and to restore the critical business functions of Springhill Missionary Baptist Church.

Springhill’s priorities in any emergency are:

●  The safety and well being of Springhill’s members and guests

●  Securing and restoration of the building and equipment

●  Recovery to quickly resume services to Springhill’s members and community at large

To ensure that Springhill Church continues its mission after a disaster strikes, this plan integrates business continuity planning principles.

Even if the church building is unharmed by an event and all of the church’s employees are unhurt, a disaster can threaten the continuation of the church’s survival. If many of the church’s members are severely impacted by a disaster, church revenues could be lost at a time when the church is experiencing increased costs to recover.

Objectives of the Plan

The objective of the Emergency Preparedness and Plan is to minimize the critical decisions to be made in a time of crisis and to facilitate the timely recovery of the church’s core business function.

1.  Protect the wellbeing of our employees, their families and members

2.  Minimize the critical decisions to be made in a time of crisis

3.  Maintain public image and reputation

4.  Minimize loss of data

5.  Facilitate timely recovery of core church functions

6.  Support the community following a disaster

General Information

Church Name: / Springhill Missionary Baptist Church Inc.
Address: / 120 SE Williston Road Gainesville, FL 32641
Phone / 352-377-1566
Website: / www.springhillmbc.org
Established: / 1886
Emergency Contact
Contact Tel. / 352-000-0000

Planning, and Preparation

Critical Business Functions

Springhill’s mission is to produce maturing believers. After a disaster, Springhill’s mission shifts to support our members and the community’s recovery efforts.

Springhill works throughout the year to identify infrastructure needs to protect our community from hazards such as hurricanes, and the church works closely with area legislators and elected officials to obtain funding for our most vulnerable citizens.

Springhill is an active participant in the emergency planning process, led by our local emergency preparedness office. In addition, the church works with local, state and Federal agencies through opportunities such as public hearings and works to gain knowledge of various governmental recovery programs available to businesses, such as financial assistance programs.

After a disaster, the church shifts its focus on recovery efforts. The church strives to be a resource entity to its members.

Needed for critical functions:

●  Office space

●  Communication systems such as phone and internet service

●  Laptop computers with basic business software

●  Vital data and files such as contact lists and recovery program information

Staff & Senior Leader’s Responsibilities

An emergency event can occur at an employee's home, in part of or throughout the community or at the church building.

Church staff and members are responsible for making every attempt to contact the church as to their location and safety.

Staff & Senior Leaders Contact Information

It may be necessary to notify other key contacts should an emergency occur during off-duty hours. All staff is provided a frequently updated Springhill Personnel Calling Tree. It is the responsibility of each staff member and leader to maintain a copy or have access in the ShelbyNext system.

Name / Title / Mobile # / Alt # / Evacuation Address

Continuity of Management


In the event of an emergency requiring Senior-Pastor succession, the senior staff member in consultation with the Board of Trustees will manage the day to day operations in accordance with Springhill’s policies and procedures.

Board of Directors

During the continuation of an emergency, the Executive Committee will be authorized with all powers of the Board of Directors if there are not sufficient board members for a quorum. In the event there is no quorum for the Executive Committee, those from the Board who remain will serve along with remaining Executive Committee members, as an Emergency Management Committee with all powers of the Board during the continuation of an emergency.

Emergency Resource Agencies

The Office of Homeland Security / Emergency Preparedness Plan staff is responsible for the coordination of actions needed to protect the lives and property of the members when threatened from natural disasters, as well as man-made occurrences such as hazardous material incidents.

The Office of Homeland Security / Emergency Preparedness operates from the Emergency Operations Center (EOC). It is the primary site for direction and control of emergency operations. The EOC is linked with the 911 Communications Center, sheriff, police, fire, medical and all service departments’ working together to form the emergency team.

Emergency Resource Agencies


Fire, Sheriff, EMS 911

Poison Control Center 800-222-1222

Alachua County General Information 311




Consolidated Government 352-334-5000

Alachua County Health Department 352-334-7900

American Red Cross 352-376-4669

Clay Electric 1-888-434-9844

Cox Cable 1-888-269-9693

Department of Transportation Gainesville Operations Center 352-381-4300

Emergency Preparedness 352-264-6500

Eldercare of Alachua County 352-265-9040

Homeland Security/Emergency Preparedness 202-282-8000

Hazardous Materials 352-334-0440

Gainesville Fire Rescue Headquarters 352-334-5078

Gainesville Police Department 323-334-2400

Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU) 352-334-3434

State of Florida Highway Patrol 352-955-1960

Gainesville Public Works 352-334-5070

Emergency Supplies

Supplies to be kept on hand in a water-tight container for use in the event of an emergency.

Emergency Supply Kit Supplies

1 First aid kit with manual 1 Basic tool kit

5 Flashlights/batteries 6 Work gloves

1 NOAA Weather Radio 6 Rubber, latex gloves

3 Duct tape 5 Eye goggles, safety glasses

1 Plastic garbage bags 10 Bottled water (1 gal/per person/day)

3 Plastic sheeting, rolls Non-perishable food (3 days)

1 Camera/storage discs 24 N95 Dust or filter masks

5 Germicidal hand wipes 12 Paper Towels, rolls

4 Hand sanitizer 5 Matches/lighters

5 Zip top bags 1 Bleach, non-scented

4 Blankets 1 Scissors

The kit should be kept in a designated place, which is cool and dry. The kit should be checked regularly to ensure that all items are not beyond their “use by” or expiration date.

Emergency to Go Box

An “Emergency to Go Box” shall be assembled and maintained for use in the event of an emergency or event which requires evacuation or relocation of the operations. The Pastor will designate a staff person responsible for the kit. The kit shall include:

Emergency to Go Box Supplies

10 Legal pads (8 -1/2x11) 1 Staff directory

10 Legal pads (4x5) 1 Road Maps

10 Ball point pens 5 Disaster Plan document

1 Marker set 5 Flashlights, batteries

25 Label sheets 2 First aid kit

1 Local phone directory

Training and Drills

The Facilities Manager is responsible for training programs to increase safety awareness among the staff. All staff should be familiar with the Emergency Preparedness Plan and procedures. All staff shall be instructed in the operation of fire extinguishers and fire drills should be conducted periodically, at least once per year. Staff is encouraged to obtain CPR training which is available from community resources.

In addition to participation in community-based emergency preparedness and response drills, quarterly training will approach a walk-through to functional drills to an evacuation drill leading to full scale mock disaster training.

●  Walk-Through Drill -- The Senior-Leadership team and designees will perform their emergency response functions.

●  Functional Drills -- These drills with specific functions such as medical response, emergency notifications, warning and communications procedures and equipment, though not necessarily at the same time. Facility shutdown procedures and equipment, though not necessarily at the same time. Facility shutdown procedures will be tested, reviewed and modified as needed. Personnel are asked to evaluate the systems and identify problem areas.

●  Evacuation Drill -- Personnel walk the evacuation route to a designated areas where procedures for accounting for all personnel are tested. Participants are asked to make notes as they go along of what might become a hazard during an emergency, e.g., stairways cluttered with debris or smoke in the hallways. Plans will be modified accordingly.

●  Participate -- In City, County, or State drill when appropriate.

●  Training -- Send staff for additional safety/recovery training.

Plan Activation

Declaration of Emergency

In the event that an emergency situation or disaster occurs, the employee first aware of the situation is responsible to contact the Senior-Pastor immediately.

The Senior-Pastor is responsible for the decision to close the church office and determining whether employees will report to work.

The Senior-Pastor, Chairman of Deacons, and Board of Trustees Chair will collaborate to arrange for a location that the church can operate from if an event prevents the building from being used.

The Senior-Pastor shall delegate responsibility for emergency decisions in the event of his absence.

If an emergency occurs due to fire, flood, hurricane, tornado, bomb threat, or any life-threatening emergency any employee is authorized to evacuate the building in the Senior-Pastor’s or designee’s absence.

Emergency Alert

In the event that an emergency situation or disaster occurs at the Springhill Church, the employee or leader first aware of the situation is responsible for contacting the Senior Leadership Team and assessing the emergency situation.

An Alert will be sent to all staff using the ShelbyNext system, by phone, email or text messaging. Status updates will be provided by the Operations Contingency Team to staff and leaders for dissemination of pertinent information.

Immediate Emergency

●  An IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY includes, but is not limited to a fire, major injury, major medical situation, etc.

○  In the event of an IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY in the Springhill church building call 911 and/or pull a fire alarm or other emergency device.

Immediate Evacuation or Take Shelter Orders

●  Consider safety of staff and visitors first

●  Property can be replaced; lives cannot

●  Know how to evacuate the building as quickly and safely as possible

Remember that as staff, it is important to be aware of what is going on in the building so that a complete evacuation can be made at any time….be prepared.

(Please see the SITE MAP DOCUMENTATION for details. SITEMAPS are posted at each exit as well as in this publication.)

Evacuation Procedures

Auto Accident / Call 911:
Write down details if a witness
Fire / Parking area closest to the nearest exit to your location. / Call 911:
May attempt to use fire extinguishers, located throughout the buildings.
Use public announcement system to order the building evacuation.
Fuel or Chemical Release / Remain in building if exterior is source / Call 911
Medical Emergency / Call 911:
attempt 1st aid when possible
Tornado / Move to 1st floor restrooms. / Call 911
Alert staff and visitors using public announcement system
Train Derailment / Remain in building / Call 911
Write down details if a witness
Plane Crash / Remain in building unless imminent danger is present / Call 911
Write down details if a witness

Steps to take during and after an evacuation:

1.  Call 911 immediately to report the situation if appropriate.

2.  Do a “Public Announcement” to begin building evacuation using broadcast systems.

3.  Notify all office tenants of the evacuation.

4.  In case of fire, fire alarm handles should be pulled immediately and immediate evacuation of the entire building shall be done. In addition, 911 should be given the location of the fire within the building and, if possible, the nature and extent of the fire.

5.  All personnel and volunteers should gather at the appropriate location. A roll call will be conducted to ensure that everyone has evacuated the premises. An attempt to contact personnel known to be away during normal business hours shall be done to instruct individuals not to return to the building.