Emergency Planning Committee

April 3, 2007 at 1:00 p.m.

Present: Rocky Bonura, Michael D’Amico, Carolyn Harshman, and Valerie Wagner (Recorder).

Carolyn Harshman discussed the following organization:

1. Incident Command System Overview: This is really a field command process and

SEMS in California took the ICS format of having the four chief sections, which looks pretty much the same with regard to the Field as compared to the EOC; but as soon as you begin to pick it apart you do begin to see that the EOC is the overseer. If you need assistance from the outside, it would be the EOC that would get the outside assistance.

2. SEMS Organizational Levels: SEMS is defined by five different levels: Field

Local Government, Operational Area, Region, and State Levels. The field level according to both SEMS and NIMS is required to use the Incident Command System, and works on a tactical on-scene response operation. You must also establish and maintain an Incident Command Post, and request support from the Local Government (EOC) of El Camino College. The Operational area coordinates with interagency response, keeps management informed, and provides information to all SEMS functions. El Camino College’s operational level would be with Los Angeles County. Within the Los Angeles County there are three regions within the State of California, and the state level is California.

3. Emergency Operations Center: The following employees will be assigned to the

EOC are as follows: The EOC Director will be our Superintendent/President, Thomas Fallo, Coordinator and the Safety Officer will be Kathy Oswald the Assistant to the Superintendent/President Public Information Officer and the Liaison Officer will be Ann Garten the Director of Public Relations and Marketing, and Security will be the Campus Police Department.

Under the Operations Section are the following: Operations Chief will be Jeff Marsee the Vice President of Administrative Services, Law Enforcement Unit Leader is Police Officer Janice Caldwell, Construction & Engineering Unit Leader is Tom Brown – Assistant Director of Facilities Planning & Services, Health & Welfare Unit Leader is Debbie Conover the full-time nurse in the Health Center, and the Fire & Rescue Unit Leader to be filled on an as needed basis.

Under Planning & Intelligence Section are the following: Section Chief is Francisco Arce the Vice President of Academic Affairs, Situation Analysis, Documentation, and Advance Planning Unit Leader will be Arlene Bautista the Administrative Assistant II in the Police Department. The Demobilization and Technical Specialist Unit leaders will be filled on an as needed basis.


Minutes of April 3, 2007

Under the Logistics Section are the following: Section Chief is Jeanine Nishime, the Vice President of Student Services; Transportation Unit Leader is Carolyn Biedler - Athletic Specialist, Facilities Unit Leader is Joseph Saldana - Grounds and Operations Supervisor, Personnel Unit Leader will be the Human Resources Director, Supply & Procurement Unit Leader will be Lois Hernandez - Buyer, Communication & Information Systems Unit Leader is Sheryl Shenefield - Business Systems Analyst, Resource Tracking Unit Leader is Lois Hernandez - Buyer.

Under Finance & Administration Section are the following: Section Chief will be Janice Ely – Business Manager, Purchasing Unit Leader is Josie Cheung – Accounting Officer, Compensation & Claims Unit Leader is Valerie Wagner – Safety & Health/Workers’ Compensation Technician, Cost Accounting Unit Leader is Estella Lee – Accounting Officer, Time Keeping Unit Leader is Gary Turner – Accounting Technician II, and the Recovery Unit Leader is Bill Schneider – Accounting Technician II.

At the Field Level the following employees will be assigned to the following sections: Incident Commander is the Chief of Police, Public Information, Liaison, and Safety Officer will be Rocky Bonura – Director of Business Services,

Operations Chief is Bob Gann – Director of Facilities Planning & Services. Under Operations are the following Unit Leaders: Security will be Sergeant Dal Toruno, Site Facility Check will be Donald Treat – Technology Services Supervisor, Medical will be Deborah Herzik the Nurse Practitioner in the Health Center, Evacuation Area will be Debbie Johnston – Senior Clerical Assistant, Search & Rescue will be Sergeant Jonathan Ott.

Planning & Intelligence Chief is Bruce Hoerning the Assistant Director of Facilities Planning and Services, Unit Leaders for both Situation Analysis and Documentation will be Michael Newton the Industry & Technology Technician Supervisor.

Logistics Chief is John Wagstaff – Director of Information Systems and Services, Supplies & Facilities Unit Leader will be Rick Yatman – Buyer, Staffing Unit Leader will be Allene Quarles – Assistant Director of Human Resources, Communications Unit Leader will be Satish Warrier – Assistant Director of Information Systems and Services.

Finance & Administration Chief is Tom Connolly the Director of Accounting.

Next Meeting: Monday, May 14, 2007 at 1:30 p.m. in Library Conference Room 202.