A Tuiton-Free Public Charter School

School Board Meeting Minutes

October 15, 2013

Montessori of Winter Garden Charter School

Governing Board of Directors

Date: October 15, 2013

Chairperson: Mary-Catherine Segota

Secretary: Karen Carlson

The meeting was called to order at 5:34 by Mary Catherine.

Board members present were April Boykin, Danielle DiCarlo Cagle, Karen Carlson, Kemi Lewis, Maureen Twohig, Michael Steidley, and Mary-Catherine Segota.

Others present: Executive Director, Kimberly Riggins; Sherilyn Moore, PTO President, George Miarecki, school accountant

Community members present: two parents (get names), Marsha Cason. Parents - Rebecca and Jason Dominger.


Discussion of School Advisory Committee (SAC):

PR/Marketing Update: PR/Marketing is working on promoting the School Building Project event scheduled for October 20th. The event has been promoted via Facebook and the school website. Flyers will be added to backpacks on Friday. A comments page has been added to the website (

Finance Update: George Miarecki presented the school budget vs actual expenses. Revenue is on target. School is ahead of budget on fundraising. We are under budget in nearly every category. We are on track to have saved $140,000 by year’s end. The board reviewed the monthly financial statement and approved it, unanimously.

Fundraising Update: April Boykin presented an update on Green Gala plans are being formulated. Tentative Date is April 26. Two venues are being considered.

Facilities Update: Danielle DiCarlo Cagle shared photos of potential school designs and asked for feedback from the board on style preferences. Prospectus for building financers are being reviewed. April Boykin shared the plan for the October 20th presentation. School aims to raise $400,000 (10% of estimated total land & build cost). October 20th event will include canvasing community about their connections to people of influence and money. Michael Steidley discussed Windermere Prep multi-building model as a good example of style/design/use of outdoor space.

HR Update: April Boykin shared that the parent survey is ready and will be sent out after conferences. Teacher and parent exit interviews have also been completed.

Enrollment: School is at full enrollment at 166 students. School has lost less students in the first semester this year than in the first and second year.

PTO Update: PTO President Sherilyn Moore presented a PTO update. The PTO requires an additional $160/month to fully fund the melodies, art and Spanish specials for the years. The expectation is that matching funds from corporations may make up the gap. The next big fundraiser/event is Gallery Night on November 7. December 7th will be the winter concert.

Directors Report

4th Grade Issues: A new lead teacher has been hired for the 4th grade classroom. Director encourages parents of fourth graders to communicate with the new teacher and with herself about concerns over classroom rules and transition to the new teacher. Sherilyn Moore stressed that rules need to be communicated clearly and consistently. April Boykin volunteered to teach positive discipline.

Grant Draw Down: Phase I complete. Waiting on approval to start phase II. The treasurer will assist Kimberly in with purchases and payments.

Staffing update: Four teachers are enrolled in Montessori training. New lead teacher, Ms. Kathy Broome, has been hired and is also in Montessori training. Out of Field: Following teachers are working toward their English as a Second Language endorsement, which is required by the state of Florida. The out of field teachers are Heather Winslow, Barbara Price, Andrea Kemeny, Sara Wynia, Nicki Thomas, Samella Mejia, Charlot Manderson, Jessica Hafer, Carol Schneck and Kimberly Riggins. Danielle Cagle motioned to approve the Out of Field teachers. Boykin seconded. Approved unanimously.

Assessment & Interventions: Discovery Assessment data and FAIR data will be used to identify students requiring interventions. Results have just come in. Our ESE teacher will begin small group interventions with these students. Interventions will begin with third and fourth grade students. School-wide data will be presented at the November board meeting.

Facilities: All school events are on-hold (during business orders) until we’ve established a better parking protocol.

Policies: April Boykin presented the need to update the policies book. Members will be assigned sections for review and updating.

Approval of August Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes:

Nomination of Kemi Lewis for Treasurer of Executive Committee: Mary Catherine nominated Kemi Lewis to fill the seat of treasurer, vacated by Mark Olesen. April seconded the nomination. Passed unanimously.

George Miarecki Audit Presentation: Georg Miarecki presented the auditor’s report from Kin g& Walker, Certified Public Accountants. Auditors have produced no findings. Mary Catherine motioned to approve the 2012-2013 audit. April seconded. Passed unanimously.

Comment from Sherilyn Moore: Moore requests that the playground receive attention from the school. Safety committee chair Michael Steidley will be meeting with the Director to review the safety policies and procedures and potential improvements. Fire ants and snakes have been reported.

Final comments from the Director: Classroom observations are this week. Director encourages direct feedback form board members. Director praised board energy.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:45.

Respectfully submitted by Karen Carlson, Secretary.