♥ Biome Speed Dating Pre-ActivityWorksheet ♥


  • This is an individual assignment.
  • You will choose ONE biome at random out of a container. Write it down.
  • IMPORTANT:This is an individual assignment.Don’t tell anyone what your biome is. This is crucial for the project to work.


  • If you do not complete the questions you will not be able to participate.
  • If you have more details you will be more successful.
  • Use your book and other reliable sources (NOT wikipedia). Tip:
  • Fill in the speed dating chart at the bottom of this document with information concerning your biome.


  • During class, you will personify your biome (based on the above information) for speed dating.
  • Be creative and have fun! You may bring clothes and accessories to change into.
  • DO NOT reveal the identity your biome. Be competitive. There may be a prize!


  • Will be based on accuracy, completeness, creativity, learning value, and quality of presentation.

♥♥♥ Biome Speed Dating Activity Instructions♥♥♥

  • BECOME your biome!Personify it based on the questions you answered.
  • Speed dating!
  • Move to the next number in sequence every 2 minutes.
  • There will be mingle period in the end.
  • WRITE IN everyone’s names next to biomes on other side of this sheet.
  • COMPETE for points! Don’t directly reveal your identity.
  • ONLY INDIRECT QUESTIONS ALLOWED (base answer on info in parenthesis)

Where are you from? (where biome is found)

Tell me about your family. (species diversity – plants, animals, etc)

Hobbies? Favorite food? (plant/animal adaptations)

Discuss your job/career. (net primary productivity)

Describe your personality. (climate – rainfall, temperature, etc)

What’s going on in your life right now? (changes, human impacts, etc)

What’s your favorite thing about yourself? (unique features of biome)


•Discuss your research. You will tell us about yourselves together.


•We will vote on best overall presentation.

♥♥ Biome Speed Dating – ID the Biomes you Meet ♥♥




b)tropical dry forest

c)temperate rain forest (coastal coniferous forest)

d)temperate deciduousforest

e)evergreen coniferousforest (aka boreal forest, taiga)


a)temperate shrubland (aka chaparral)


a)tropical grassland (example: savanna)

b)temperategrassland (example: prairie)

c)cold grassland (aka arctic tundra)


a)tropical desert

b)temperate desert

c)cold desert

5)high mountain



Terrestrial Biome Speed Dating

It’s the Perfect Weather for a First Date
(Climate Diagram – Temp = Line Graph, Precip = Bar Graph) / Why You’re a Catch
(Abiotic Factors– Latitude, Avg. Temp., Avg. Precipitation)
Meet my Awesome Friends!
(3+ Dominant Plant Species AND their Adaptations to the Biome) / And my Other Awesome Friends!
(2+ Native Animal Species AND their Adaptations to the Biome)
Your favorite qualities:
(unique biome features) / Job/ Career
(GPP, NPP, energy transfer)
Best Pick-Up Line:
Check Out My Lit Profile Pic!
(Any Pictures you Want of your Biome) / And This One!
(Distribution Map)
Some Stuff that REALLY Harshes my Mellow…
(2+ Human Impacts on Your Biome)

Speed Dating Rubric

CATEGORY / 4 (Advanced) / 3 (Proficient) / 2 (Partially Proficient) / 1 (Unsatisfactory
Research / Student researched the subject and integrated 5 or more "tidbits" from their research into their dating profile. / Student researched the subject and integrated 4 "tidbits" from their research into their dating profile. / Group researched the subject and integrated 2-3 "tidbits" from their research into their newscast. / Either no research was done or it was not clear that the student used it in the dating profile.
Accuracy of Facts / All supportive facts are reported accurately. / Almost all facts are reported accurately. / Few facts are reported accurately. / No facts are reported accurately OR no facts were reported.
Point of View - Purpose / Dater establishes a purpose at the beginning and maintains that focus throughout! Cohesive presentation. / Establishes a purpose at the beginning, but occasionally wanders from that focus. / The purpose is somewhat clear but many aspects of the dating profile seem only slightly related. / It was difficult to figure out the position of the dater.
Speaks clearly / Speaks clearly and distinctly all of the time and mispronounces no words. / Speaks clearly and distinctly all of the time but mispronounces 1 or more words. / Speaks clearly and distinctly most of the time and mispronounces no words. / Does NOT speak clearly and distinctly most of the time AND/OR mispronounces more than 1 word.
Enthusiasm / Facial expression and body language show a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic throughout the session, but it is not overdone. / Facial expression and body language show a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic throughout the session, but it is somewhat overdone. / Facial expression and body language show some interest and enthusiasm about the topic throughout the session. / Facial expression and body language depict apathy or boredom with the topic.
Graphics / Graphics (2) are clearly related to the material being presented. / Graphic (1) is clearly related to the material being presented. / Graphics (2) are only somewhat related to the material being presented. / Graphics are not related to the material being presented and/or no graphics at all.