The following action plan will help your organization during an emergency. Please practice this plan so that you are prepared and know your assignments. In addition to injuries, emergencies can result from fires, violent winds, rain and lightning.
It is important that each person know what to do in the event of an emergency. Just as the teams practice on the field, the coaching staff should practice putting the emergency plan in motion.
If an injury occurs, the following should be done.
- Check the participant for the type of injury (first aid and CPR person should be on site).
- Identify someone to call 911 if needed (know your location and address).
- Make sure this individual has a cell phone or knows location of nearest phone.
Inform operator of injury and answer all their questions.
Provide your location:
Practice fields and home games: Golden Eagle Regional Park, 6400 Vista Blvd., Sparks, NV 89436 and the field number or specific location.
- If injured person is located off main road, have someone identified as a flagger to bring the ambulance to the location of the injury. This person must know the exit and evacuation route.
- Notify participant’s parents and/or guardians of injury and where injured person is to be taken.
- Identify an individual who will accompany the player at all times.
- Have someone identified to move the team away from the injured person.
- Have someone responsible for crowd control.
- Identify someone to be responsible for retrieving parental release for treatment. Also take the medical history form with you.
PRESIDENT – Jim Taylor - 775.560.4003
VICE PRESIDENT – Nathanial Rhodes – 775.657.0743
2NDVP –Peter Coyne – 775-420-8510
SECRETARY – Cindy Taylor - 775.560.2400
TREASURER – Nancy Elderkin – 775-420-6300
SCHOLASTICS COORDINATOR – Sunny Anderson – 775-544-7255
FOOTBALL COMMISSIONER - Darrell Baldwin – 775-338-7696
FOOTBALL LIAISONTM-JP – Rick Brashear – 775-813-1282
FOOTBALL LIAISON PW-UL – Rick De La Puente – 775-722-7923
CHEER COORDINATOR – Marisa Zakoor – 775.250.3156
CHEER LIAISON – Stephanie Rose – 530-339-6023
EQUIPMENT MANAGER –Brian Jackson – 775-233-6902
- In case of emergency weather conditions, identify where you will be able to take your team to a safe, secure location. Identify someone to always know the weather conditions such as lightning, rain, or violent winds.
- Complete appropriate documentation (incident report, accident report, etc.)
Coaches, remember to give assignments to your staff and practice your emergency plan at least once per week. When you are at an unfamiliar location, familiarize yourself with your surrounding area and local emergency facility.