April 1, 2013
EMC Presenter Notes: Session Four
Activity / Time / Purpose / Materials / Slides / Presenter NotesOpening / 5 min. / Share purpose of today’s meeting / /
- Review Choice Map
- Introduce today's concept and schedule
Video Share / 15-20 min. / Discuss professional growth and student concerns / -A/V equip.
-Flash drives, etc. / /
- Participants can share video clips saved on Flash drive, CD, etc.
- Consider creating a shared Dropbox folder or Skydrive (skydrive.com) for video clips
Fluency Assessment / 20 min. / Practice Professional Noticing and scoring of FA / Copy of scoring FA scoring guide / /
- Share video: FA 1000
- Divide into groups and share rationale for scoring
- Once groups agree on scoring, share with Math Circle
Foundational Fluency / 10 min. / /
- Watch "Mathematics Fluency: A Balanced Approach"
- Review foundational fluency
KR Book 3 / 5 min. / /
- Distribute books and allow participants a few minutes to familarize themselves with the text.
Key Points / 10 min. / Discuss key instructional points of
place value / /
- What must a student understand in order to effective learn place value concepts?
Teaching Place Value K-3 / 10 min. / Timeline for introducing place value / /
- When should place value be introduced?
- First graders have difficulty with the duality of ten. Ten is a group as well as ten individual items. Use example of child's grandmother is also mother's mother.
Book Investigation / 30 min. / /
- Divide into three groups
- Allow time for group discussion and preparation for whole group sharing
- Group share (repeat for each concept)
- Insert applicable video clips for each concept if time allows
- In order to allow more time for activity exploration, this section will be more streamlined than in previous sessions
Activities / 15 min. per concept / Hands-on learning / /
- Participants will explore activities from the book allowing time for questions and clarification
- Distribute materials and blackline masters
- Purple Book- Jump and Split strategies
Materials / 20 min. / *Materials to distribute
*Cut foam board, elastic and beads / /
- Distribute materials
- Explain purpose
Reflection / 10 min. / Reflect on EERTI experience / /
- Allow participants time to complete reflection prompts.