Embracing Outdoor Learning Conference

12th June 2015

Redwood Education Centre, Gossington ,

Nr Slimbridge, Glos GL13 9HH

Booking Form

Job Title/Work Address:
Qualified Forest School Leader: Yes /No
Invoice Details
Invoice to:
Email address for invoice to be sent:
OR : I enclose a cheque for £80 + £16 VAT = Total £96
made payable to Forest School Learning Initiative (FSLI)
Booking fee is non-refundable after 8th May 2015
Conference Workshops
Workshop Descriptions
1.  Sustainable management of your Forest school site – Chris Dee
With increasing pressure for more children to use your Forest school sites this workshop will highlight the issue of sustainable woodland management, plants that are suitable in small Forest school areas and woodland management techniques for larger sites. The workshop will also identify strategies for sustainable management of Fauna in your sites.
2. Fire Lighting and Kelly Kettles skills update – Tracy Betley
This workshop reviews skills and aims to give delegates the opportunity to light and manage a fire , cook a range of child friendly foods and manage Kelly Kettles and discuss their use
3. Tool skills update and Green woodworking – Chris Dee and Wendi Vick
This session will re visit tool use, making a variety of items using wood, fire lighting and cooking more adventurous items with children, but also give delegates a chance to bring their Health and Safety handbooks for review .
Chris will also go through updating handbooks to incorporate new policies
4, Health and safety Handbook Review – FSLI Team
This workshop enables you to share your Health and Safety Handbook , ensure it is up to date and meets current criteria , bring your latest handbook and risk assessment . This will be a one to one session over lunch with FSLI staff
5. Understanding your Flora and fauna – Ken Greenway - Tower Hamlets Cemetry Park
Ken has a wealth of experience in promoting outdoor learning in urban areas . He has an amazing way of helping people understand Flora and Fauna .