AP World History
Mr. William Sirmon
Class Expectations: 2017 – 2018 School Year
School telephone: 281-412-8800
Conference: 6ThPeriod (12:39pm – 1:27pm)
Tutoring:TuesdayThursdaymornings or by appointment
Welcome to WHAP!!!!
Class Structure: This class is a reading and writing class. Students will be expected to complete all class readings at home and will be required to complete writing assignments in class. There will be anywhere from 2 – 3 homework assignments given each week; this does not include reading assignments. The goal of AP World History is to pass (with flying colors!) the AP Exam given in May to earn college credit hours.
Calendar:All reading quiz and test dates will be posted on my website calendar and on my Skyward calendar. This is updated frequently. Students are expected to check the website.
Skyward: Grades will be updated to skyward. You must have a log-in name and password, which can be obtained from the office.
- Parents, protect your name and password!! Your student has his/her own.
- Assignments listed in Skyward will have the due date beside the grade. Please pay attention to due dates.
- Assignments without a grade marked * are not zeroes. The grade has not been entered yet.
ID Badges: You will not be admitted into my class without an ID. No exceptions!.Your ID must be worn on school-issued lanyards at all times while on campus.I follow the district’s ID policy very closely. If you do not have an ID, I will send you out to get one (and a tardy slip) even if it’s 7th period.
- Replacement IDs cost $5.00 (Id + lanyard).
Evaluation/Grading Criteria: Dawson HS has a campus-wide policy concerning grades and reassessments.
- Tests and major grades/projects will count as 60% of each term grade; daily grades will count as 40% of each term grade.
- Reassessments are available for tests and major grades completed on time if the student scores below a 70. The reassessment must be completed within 3 days of the entry date into Skyward. It is the student’s responsibility to set up a time to reassess; I will not schedule through a parent.
- AP students are allowed only 2 reassessments per 9-week term in each AP class they are enrolled in.
- Daily grades may be reassessed ONLY if the assignment was turned in on time. The same rule applies for major projects and long-term assignments.
- Reassessments are only available for assignments the students attempted. If a student turns in a blank daily assignment (or does not turn it in at all), blank writing assignment, blank quiz, or blank test, they cannot reassess the assignment.
Late Work: No late work will be accepted in AP World History. The student will receive a zero on the assignment if they do not turn it in on time.
Make-up/Absent Work: If you have an absence, it is YOUR responsibility to make up the work you missed. If your absence is EXCUSED, you have as many days you were absent to make up the work.Admit slips are needed to enter class following an absence. If you do not have one, you will be sent to the office to get one and will then be counted tardy! Make sure you get an admit slip before school starts the day you return.
- If you are absent for a school sponsored event (athletics, band, choir, clubs, etc.), it is YOUR responsibility to get your work BEFORE the date of the absence. If you will be missing a test or quiz, you need to schedule an alternate time to come in.
- Make-up work must be turned in during tutorial times in the mornings or afternoons. Make-up quizzes and tests will need to be taken during tutorials as well.
BYOD: Pearland ISD will be using Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) this year. The school district will provide Wi-Fi access to students with mobile devices, tablets, and laptops. Students will be allowed to use their devices at the teacher’s discretion. If a student is using their device without teacher approval or for something other than the assigned task, the student’s device will be confiscated and taken to the office. It can be obtained by a parent for a $15 fee in these instances.
- Students will NEVER be permitted to use their devices on quizzes, timed writing assignments, or tests.
Academic Honesty Policy: Please see the Dawson High School policy posted on our school’s website. There are severe consequences for cheating, and it will not be tolerated in my classroom.
Classroom procedures & rules:
- Be in your assigned seat with your supplies before the tardy bell rings.
- Be prepared for class every day.
- Stay on task.
- Stay in your seat.
- Food, drinks, candy, and gum are NOT allowed in the classroom.
Consequences for not following rules:
- Verbal reminder.
- Verbal warning, seat change if necessary.
- Written warning, teacher-student conference/ 1 hour D-hall
- Parent contact
- 2 hour detention
- Office referral (at this point, it is out of both of our hands. Let’s not get past #2).
- Please note that some problems in the classroom can result in skipping a few steps and going straight to detention or the office.
Tardies: Tardy Stations are in effect at Dawson High school. If you arrive to class after the tardy bell, you must get a tardy slip from the tardy station. YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO CLASS WITHOUT A TARDY SLIP. I will not permit students to enter class unless they have a tardy slip or pass from the office; teacher notes will not suffice.
Dress Code: I expect every student to follow PISD dress code guidelines. Students who are not in compliance with the dress code by the time the tardy bell rings will be sent out for a tardy slip. If a student cannot comply with the dress code they will be sent to the office.
10/10 Rule: Students will not be allowed to leave class the first 10 minutes of class or the last 10 minutes of class. This is the case in every DHS classroom.
Supplies: You are required to bring basic supplies to class every day.Coming to class prepared is extremely important! If you are repeatedly arriving to class without supplies, expect your parents to be contacted and detentions to be assigned. You will need the following supplies for WHAP:
- 2 – 3 blue or black ink pens for daily assignments
- 2 – 3 pencils with erasers for class notes and multiple-choice tests
- 1 large spiral notebook for reading notes (I will not accept reading notes on loose-leaf paper)
- Loose-leaf paper or another spiral for class notes
- 1 ½ - 2-inch 3-ring binder for class assignments
- 7 binder dividers with label tabs
I have read the AP World History class expectations and agree to the terms.
Student Printed Name
Student signatureDate
Parent signatureDate
Parent contact (email) (phone)
Additional Parent/Guardian contact (email) (phone)
****I prefer to be contacted by ____ phone ____ email
I have read the AP World History class expectations and agree to the terms.
Student Printed Name
Student signatureDate
Parent signatureDate
Parent contact (email) (phone)
Additional Parent/Guardian contact (email) (phone)
****I prefer to be contacted by ____ phone ____ email