2 Vasilissis Olgas Street 1101
Ref: 424-12/17
Date: 28.06.2017
On the basis of the Directive Concerning Public Procurement in Diplomatic and Consular Missions of the Republic of Serbia,No.716/GSof 20.05.2013 and the Instructions on the Conduct of Procurement in DCMs of the Republic of Serbia,No. 716-2/GSof 03.07.2013, the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Nicosiamakes:
For procurement of large-scale
“Structural and craft works onthe good maintenance of the premises used by the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Nicosia, with the Turnkey Clause“, reference number 02/2017
Tendering procedure for large-largestructural and craft works on the good maintenance of the premises used by the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Nicosia, reference number 02/2017, IS SUSPENDED.
E x p l a n a t i o n
The procedure is suspended at a stage following the expiry of the period for the submission of offers and after the opening of offers.
The reason for the suspension is that all received offers were inappropriate and unacceptable.
The ordering party/Investor announced the big order tender on12.06.2017, with the Tender Decision,referenced424-1/17.
The call for the submission of offers and tender documents was published on12.06.2017 at the Embassy’s website.
The Procurement Commission, upon the opening of received offers and making a report on the opening of offers, ref: 424-10/17,dated27.06.2017,technically evaluated the offers and reported on it, ref: 424-11/17,dated 27.06.2017.
The technical evaluation report submitted by theTender Commission noted the following:
- Subject and estimated value of procurement:
Tendering procedure is aimed at awarding a contract on procurement of “Structural and craft works on the good maintenance of the premises used by the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Nicosia, with the Turnkey Clause“.
The value of the procurement is estimated at RSD11,500,000.00with no VAT, or EUR 93,848.36with noVAT.
- Information contained in the procurement plan
The MFA Procurement Plan for DCMs in 2017 envisages procurement of such works.The funds needed for the above-mentioned procurement have been allocated through the Law on the 2017 Budget of the Republic of Serbia (Official Gazette of RS, No. 99/2016), Section 17.1 – DCMs, function 113, economic classification 425 – required repairs and maintenance, source 01 (Budget).
- Deviation from the Procurement Plan
There were no deviations from the Procurement Plan.
- Basic information on tenderers and offers submitted:
The above tendering procedure involved two tenderers. The procedure of opening of offers took place on 27.06.2017, beginning at 11:30 A.M., on the premises of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia, 2 Vasilissis Olgas Street, 1101 Nicosia.
By the deadline of 27 June 2017 at 11:00 A.M., 2 (two) offers were duly and timely received, namely:
No. / Registered No. of offer / Name and seat of tenderer / Date of receipt / Time of receipt1. / 424-8/17 of 27.06.2017. / Leohome constructions & developers, Spiros Kyprianou Ave. 14b-c, 1075 Nicosia / 27.06.2017. / 10:15
2. / 424-9/17 оf 27.06.2017. / SZR“RIVAL“, Ul. 419bb, Cacak“Noris Engineering“ ДОО, StrahinicaBana 30, Belgrade / 27.06.2017. / 10:50
- Refused offers, reasons for their refusal and the fees contained in these offers:
а) The offer made by the tendererLeohome constructions & developers, Spiros Kyprianou Ave. 14b-c, 1075 Nicosia, which was entered by the tenderer under reference number 424-5/2017 оf 27.06.2017, and by the ordering party/Investorunder reference number 424-8/17 оf 27.06.2017, is refused as inappropriatebecause the tenderer failed to submit any of the required proofs of fulfilling the conditions set out for the tender documents, namely:
Completed Offer Form (Part 3 of the tender documents)
Documents issued by official authorities (Part 4 of the tender documents);
Proof that the tenderer is registered with the competent Court in the country where it has its seat for business involving performance of works required under the tender;
Evidence or a statement to the effect that the business is not insolvent or in liquidation and has no claim against it;
Licence for the contractor in charge in respect of the professional overseeing the works to be performed, granted by the Chamber of Engineers or an appropriate institution in the country where the tenderer has its business seat;
Evidence that the company concerned has performed the above-described works on facilities serving as diplomatic missions such as embassies, consulates or ambassador’s residences or on heritage sites;
Completed Tenderer Information Form (Annex 4.1),
Statement of acceptance of the terms and conditions of the call by the tenderer (Annex 5)
Template contract (Part 6 of the tenderdocuments), completed, signed and stamped.
The offer submitted by Leohome constructions & developers isEUR 154,990.00, making italsounacceptable as it exceeded the amount estimated by the ordering party/Investor.
b) The offer submitted by the tendererSZR“RIVAL“, Ul. 419bb, Cacakand“NORIS ENGINEERING“ DОО, Ul. Strahinica Bana 30, Belgrade, entered by the tenderer underreference number 10/2017 of 26.06.2017 and by the ordering party/Investor under reference number 424-9/17 of 27.06.2017, is refused as unacceptable since it exceeded the estimate value of the tender.
The offer submitted by SZR“RIVAL“, Ul. 419bband“NORIS ENGINEERING“ DОО is EUR 132,967.16.
- Ranking of appropriate and acceptable offers according to the applicable criterion for contract awarding:
There were no appropriate and acceptable offers submitted.
- Recommendation of the Commission
The Commission finds that there were no appropriate and acceptable offers submitted in the tendering procedure and that, therefore, no conditions have been fulfilled for awarding contract to any of the tenderers and recommends to the ordering party/Investor to suspend the procedure.
In view of the foregoing, it is decided as stated above.
Copy to:
-Leohome constructions & developers, Spiros Kyprianou Ave. 14b-c, 1075 Nicosia;-SZRRIVAL, Ul. 419bb, CacakNORISENGINEERING ДОО, Ul. Strahinica Bana 30, Belgrade