Summary of December 12, 2005 Staff Senate Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Chair Forman at 2:35 PM.
Approval of October 10, 2005 Meeting Minutes
Approval of November 14, 2005 Meeting Minutes
Minutes were approved by unanimous vote
Special Guest, Dr. James Ramsey, President, University of Louisville
Dr. Ramsey was glad to be back with the Staff Senate and said it was hard to believe that the semester is almost over.
- It has been a good semester with a lot of progress.
- Freshman Class best academically prepared in the history of U of L
- Average ACT score 23.9
- Partnership with Jefferson Community and TechnicalCollege keeps the best and brightest in Kentucky
- We have been more focused on student success – working to make sure that students have the opportunity to achieve. We support through advising and student support. More involved and active students stay and complete their degrees. Retention rates were all up this year – Graduation rate up about 10% over last year but we still have a long way to go.
- U of L is mandated by the state to be a preeminent metro research university and research keeps growing. Biosafety Lab – largest single grant ($22 million) ever received. Today in Atlanta, a U of L researcher is presenting research about an embryonic-like stem cell in bone that can help with treatment of diseases. Major announcement nationally and internationally. First quarter – research has increased about 25%. We will not be as successful this year with national earmark funding due to Katrina and the budget shortfalls. Nobody will be receiving earmarked funding this year.
- Changes on Campus – construction is ongoing in many areas. The Natatorium is open, the Lacrosse field is complete, new intramural fields have been opened, the Library addition is opening in February and the Library just received itstwo millionth volume. The Belknap research building opens in January – with the clean room opening later in the year. A new residence hall is under construction, the ReynoldsBuilding is being developed as a condominium complex with $1.5 million to the University capturing the present value of the lease payments up front. This will provide money for deferred maintenance on other university buildings. We may do the same thing with StoddardJohnsonBuildingafter an RFP process. Downtown, a Faculty Practice office building is planned along with a new research building which has already been funded. The Cardiovascular Innovation Institute is going up.
- Fundraising going well, U of L raised about $1 million a week – stretched goal to $60 million. In November, we were at $23 million. Six mini-campaigns: a cancer campaign is at $39 million. Trying to raise additional funds for the Cardiovascular Innovation Institute, $5 million for autism, we have hired a diversity development officer on campus for various initiatives, scholarships and Arts programs on campus. Leasing space to convert to a hot shop for glass work. There have been preliminary discussions about the next major capital campaign – coming within the next 3 years – think big - $650 million. Wish lists will be requested from everyone!
- Getting ready for the upcoming legislative session. Going to be difficult – strange time economically and politically. State revenues grew faster than expected, a $214 million surplus, $91 million was put in the rainy day fund, and the Governor will take the rest to the legislature in January. As a result of tax modernization, the tax cuts now kick in…projecting revenue growth in next biennium .9 of 1% in the year 2006-07. The second year of the biennium, they project a 4% increase in revenue – low by historical levels. Normal is 5 -6 %. Expenditure pressures in Medicaid, Public employee’s health insurance, retirement program at the state – teachers and employees have huge unfunded liabilities. The State has increased benefits, but the assembly has not funded the retirement to match assets with liabilities. The Governor will have little or no influence. It will be a tough legislative session – what about money for K -12 or higher education? Things are also tough politically! Parties pitted against each other…people and offices are pitted against each other. We will focus on pushing as hard as we can to get the legislature to fund the CPE recommendations.
- The CPE Recommendations are based in four pieces in decreasing priority–
- Base funding increase for each institution – good for U of L $13 million in the first year and $14 million in the second year. We are funded poorly in relationship to our benchmark institutions.
- Money for UK and U of L to achieve research mission – Research Challenge (Bucks for Brains) we disagree with how they want to allocate and fund U of L. We think that needs to be funded at a higher level and a more equitable split between us and UK. Last year the CPE recommended $120 million and this year it is $12 million – That is a major difference. UK receives two thirds and U of L receives one third as it now stands. Given the proposed funding, U of L will receive $4 million.
- Facilities – Pool for deferred maintenance. Another new research building on HCS – fully state funded. For U of L, major renovation for Life Science building on Belknap.
- Each school recommendedthreespecial initiatives – pure politics – U of L and UKdid not get any of their projects funded.
- We hit the road for outreach – 13 communities to meet with alumni and legislators. While it is expected that the President and other university officials will go to Frankfort to speak on behalf of U of L, it is much more effective when the message comes from alumni and business leaders, so these outreach visits are important! It is going to be long and hard session and the budget will be determined at the very end. The House will create the budget, the Senate will change it…then the two groups will conference together to get a last minute budget. Education is important to Kentucky and U of L will stay on the high road. How about the Arena? We support the arena task force, but we support academics first. Jim Host, chairman of the Louisville Arena Task Force, says that financing can be done without general fund money. Dr. Ramsey has not seen the numbers, but he is interested in seeing them.
- Working on the U of L Budget – Dr Ramsey encouraged Senators to take full advantage of knowing what the administration is doing with the budget. They want our input!! We have to jump in there and move along with the process! The budget will go to the Board of Trustees in late, late April or May, possible as late as early June. The Council for Postsecondary Education is working with a formula that the bigger state appropriation, the lower tuition… There are going to be some tough tradeoffs. Staff Salary market adjustments coming in 06-07. The Administration wants to do things on the benefits side – fund student services, fund diversity initiatives, and many other needs. CPE has responsibility to set tuitions…EKU raised 24% last year. CPE delegated to schools, they don’t want to take the heat of increasing costs.
- Q & A
- Bucks for Brains – $4 million in new money
- Kentucky hosting the International Horse Show…Governor has committed to ask for $35 million for an arena at the horse park. Could that cause the arena here not to be funded? If the arena here does not have general fund money, it should not matter.
- Expanded gaming – Dr. Ramsey is for it…Former Gov. Brereton Jones is promoting extended gaming – it is the only source of additional revenue with the no tax pledge – It is a practical source of money. Best chance to do it is now – 50:50 chance. Debate will be where will they have it? Does it have to be taken to the voters? Trying to stay below the radar screen….University Presidents are cautious to take a stand. A Senator asked about Human Capital – what will the affect be on human life? If passed, legislators will have to earmark money for gambling addiction education programs and treatment programs. Gaming is a very poor form of taxation!! Money is flowing out of the state when Kentuckians leave to gamble and there are people trying to do what it takes to keep the money in state.
Chair’s Report - Bill Forman
- Listening Sessions - Belknap Campus in November. The College of Education brought a big crowd. Carolyn Cochran was there and she is the history of the Senate and discussed it in conjunction with the 30 years presentation. The next session is on the HSC campus in January!!
- Budget – we are going to become more proactive. The Provost has formed a committee which will be an ongoing planning and budget committee. Mike Curtin will present the most current iteration of the budget to the Executive Committee in January.
- Search Committee for AVPHR is named and should be up and running very soon!
- Salary Review – that will be moving ahead in the future – waiting on the funding for the process, but it is in the works.
- Interviews have been conducted for the Benefits Manager in HR.
- Problem last month inviting Senators was due to a computer glitch – Bill sent a message to the Senate, but it did not post to the listserv. Trisha Wolf invited Senators to attend a game throughout December.
- Bowl Planning Committee – met several times. What is the Athletics Department is hoping to accomplish? They want the most people at the bowl possible. Virginia Tech has sold out their allotment of 12,500 tickets. Staff Senators or staff can sell 24 tickets and get two free tickets. Bev was hopeful for better incentives; they just could not come through with a better offer.
Faculty Senate Report - Robert Staat
- Senate opened with a memorial to Dr. Weber. Major responsible person behind the Grawemeyer Awards and McConnellCenter at U of L.
- Academic Programs Committee and the Planning and Budget Committee made a proposal to reestablish the Bachelor’s degree in Middle and Secondary education at the College of Education. The degree was dropped after the change to the 5 year Master’s program. We lost many students. The straight-through masters will be retained. JeffersonCounty hires 700 new teachers every year. They wanted to see the Bachelor’s degree reinstated. There was a discussion of asset reallocation in A&S because they will be teaching more education majors with reinstatement of the Bachelor’s degree program and classes are already filled. Reallocation money was guaranteed from the Provost and the programs will be evaluated in 2 years. Motion passed
- The Redbook Committee had the first reading of personnel policy documents for the College of Education and Human Development as well as the College of Business.
- Provost had her comments and Presidents
- MedicalSchool Dean – Search Firm
- DentalSchool Deans – Airport interviews done
- Reorganization of the GraduateSchool
- School of Urban and Public Affairs has no home. It will probably move under A&S.
- SACS areas - all faculty that present courses have to prove that they are competent to teach. New paperwork efforts required.
- Assessment of the general education
- QEP Quality enhancement program launched in January
- Tuition and the CPE – Hearings on affordability in Kentucky and what is the debt level that student have after they graduate?
Dr. Staat wished everyone a Merry Christmas!!
Vice President for Business Affairs - Larry Owsley
Mr. Owsley reported on the following topics:
- This past week celebrated 28 new UBMs. Marks a milestone and a change of approach working with the Delphi center to approve the program and present it through Delphi.
- Rick Clover and Mr. Owsley are determining how to prepare for a possible avian flu outbreak (or other emerging pathogens)under the current emergency response guidelines. Planning is intensive at all levels! There is little lead-time between when the virus evolves and becomes deadly.
- There has been a rash of crimes around the campus and Old Louisville, involving car break-ins, thefts, and assaults. DPS did receive more money in its budget last year for more security guards and officers, and they are patrolling.There is Security Staff planned for and dedicated to the Library as it opens 24 hours next year.
- There are Security guards around HSC, but not committed to the garage on Chestnut.
- A Senator asked about Security in the Library overnight – did she hear that U of L will add security staff dedicated to this building from Public Safety. Yes! She was pleased to hear it!
- Upcoming legislative session – what projects or hot issues did not get through the last time – any ideas? Contact Mr. Owsley.
- A Senator asked about the break-ins in the Fourth Street Lots – thieves are breaking car windows to steal stereos.
- A Senator said thanks for the yellow line on Brook Streetby the new intramural fields (formerly Parkway Field). The designated walk lane keeps people out of the middle of the street.
- AVPHR Search Committee – Robin Harris will Chair the Committee. Bill Forman will represent Staff Senate. It will be a small search committee with many advisory committees. The plan will be to conduct video interviews then screen the best candidates to bring to campus. John Ralston will be serving as Interim AVPHR starting January 9th. Mr. Owsley, Julien and John are working on a smooth transition. HR Initiatives will continue during the search process! Mr. Owsley will personally work with John on personnel and HR Issues as well in the interim.
- Mr. Owsley expressed his profound thanks to Julien Carter for three and a half years of great work for VPBA and the University.
Associate Vice President for Human Resources - Julien Carter
- Open enrollment went very well! It was extremely quiet overall! Several Senators expressed the thought that it was a much smoother process than passed years.
- HR created customized mailing prior to open enrollment and now we have another mailing coming out confirming choices. Confirmation mailing will have pictures of cards you may receive and have additional information about default rules. The Senate likes the ideas of mailings to home. Defaults occurred very often in this open enrollment!
- Chard Snyder flexible spending cards should arrive in mid-January – in the meantime, keep receipts and submit for reimbursement.
- December 16th you will receive an email that says the same thing as the hard copy mailing. HR will give people until 12/21 to contact if there are any problems with the selections so corrections can be made as quickly as possible. FOR THE BEST AND QUICKEST SERVICE USE THE EMAIL RATHER THAN CALLING.
- There was a problem with the Humana website where people could not log on. It was corrected within hours.
- What were the Senator’s thoughts on the Benefit Fair sites – if there are better locations, let Julien know! Bigelow Hall is always great on Belknap.
- Salary Survey – There is a commitment on funding – HR is ready to get the contract going with Watson Wyatt. This will provide HR with the ongoing ability to update salary information without a new study. It will be a software system that allows HR to update salary lines on a regular basis.
- Can the institution afford to close the gap? U of L is trying to do what it can and more will be known after the software is in place and working. There was a recommendation for an appeal process – this is a great idea and was a part of the salary administration party.
- 2006 evaluation of the Strategic Plan and budget requests for items in the Plan – i.e. a Satellite HR Office at HSC so that the campus has a convenient HR presence.
- Transition issues are going well. He has enjoyed working with the Staff Senate, and he wished it was longer, but thanks for all the hard work making it a great place to work. Julien called John Ralston to the front.
- John introduced himself and would entertain questions. A Senator asked about his background and how that will work in HR. He has been at the LaborManagementCenter since 1997 which works with management and unions to improve workplace performance. Issues crossover in basic HR context. The Senate provides a lot of advice that informs the Administration about things that go on. He is looking forward to the challenge. Is PTO going to go away? We’ll see what happens… He will be on a leave from the LaborManagementCenter for the time he is interim. Give him a call if you have questions.
Student Government Report- Sowmya Srinivasan
No report –
Big Issue is IT computing Center move and students did not have input in that and requested that they be brought in earlier to the process.
Standing Committee Business – Vice Chair, Bev Daly
Credentials & Nominations – Valerie Browning
Committee did not meet.
Results of Call for Nominations
- Two people applied for the one Medicine Seat so there will be an election in January. VPBA has 2 seats open and 2 candidates.
Executive Committee – Bev Daly
No Report
Finance & Economic Welfare – Martyna Warren