IES Ref. no.:C

Confidential Application Form

Appointments will be subject to a report from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) or Disclosure Scotland.

This form should be completed in BLACK and returned to: or posted to
Recruitment, Institute for Employment Studies, City Gate, 185 Dyke Road, Brighton BN3 1TL. Tel. 01273 763400

Post applied for
How did you hear of this vacancy?
Please indicate if you have previously:been employed by IES if so, when:
applied to work at IES if so, when:

Your personal details

Surname / Forenames
Post code:
When would you be available to take up the post?
Tel. no.: (private) / Tel. no.: (business)
Mobile: / May we contact you on the business number?
Nationality / Do you need a UK work permit?


Please give names and addresses of two referees. One should be your present or previous employer. We will not approach your employer without your permission.

Post code: / Email:
Tel. no. / May he/she be contacted immediately?
Post code: / Email:
Tel. no. / May he/she be contacted immediately?


Please give below details of your secondary and higher education, commencing with most recent results. Please state the subjects studied and final grade achieved for all qualifications gained’

Institutions / Dates / Subjects/Results/Qualifications
From / To

Other qualifications and training

Please list any other professional qualifications/further training, including membership of institutes/short courses, etc.

Do you speak any languages other than English? If so, please state your level of competence (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced) for each of the different dimensions, otherwise leave this table blank and proceed to the Skills section of the application form below.

Write in your level of competence (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced) for each dimension
Listening / Reading / Speaking / Writing
Language 1 (NAME)
Language 2 ( NAME) etc


Please indicate which term best describes your familiarity with the following computer packages:

none / familiar / very familiar / proficient
Stata Programming
Other statistical packages (Please state)

Employment history

Start with most recent or current employment, and continue on a separate sheet, if necessary.

Dates of employment (month/year)
Name of employer
Position held
Salary (inc. weighting) / Reason for leaving
Dates of employment (month/year)
Name of employer
Position held
Salary (inc. weighting) / Reason for leaving

Employment history

Dates of employment (month/year)
Name of employer
Position held
Salary (inc. weighting) / Reason for leaving
Dates of employment (month/year)
Name of employer
Position held
Salary (inc. weighting) / Reason for leaving
Dates of employment (month/year)
Name of employer
Position held
Salary (inc. weighting) / Reason for leaving
Dates of employment (month/year)
Name of employer
Position held
Salary (inc. weighting) / Reason for leaving

Research or project experience (research/consultancy applicants)

Please give a description of research/consultancy work which is relevant to the post you are applying for. Please use a continuation sheet if necessary.

Which areas of IES’ work interest you most and why?

Please give examples ofyour experience for each of the types of activities listed below.

You may it helpful to use the STAR framework to structure each response. For each item,

■start by briefly describing the Situation or context (e.g. what the project was about, its size, duration and any funding, and your designated role),

■outline the Task(s) you were required to do including resources used, constraints or deadlines involved,

■then tell us what Action you took (i.e. describe the process of what you did and why you did it),

■lastly state the Results you achieved, being clear what your individual contribution was, and whether results met initial targets or expectations.

1) Your experience in quantitative research projects.

2) Your experience in qualitative research projects

3) Previous project management experience

4) Involvement in developing research proposals, including any seeking external funding

5) Your experience(s) of working in a team, including any challenges you faced and how you dealt with them

6) Experience of giving presentations

7) Your main area of expertise in HR

8) Your experience in internal or external consultancy

9) Your experience and capability in client management

Supporting statement

Please use this space, and a continuation sheet if necessary, to:

■describe how your experience/skills fit this post

■say why you are interested in the post

■provide any other information you feel is relevant to your application. Please do NOT enclose a CV.


The information I have provided is, to the best of my knowledge, a true and accurate record.

Signed: ...... (type, if submitting electronically) Date:

Please note that in the absence of this signature the emailing of this application constitutes your personal certification that the details are correct.

Return this form to: or post to:
Recruitment, IES, City Gate, 185 Dyke Road, BrightonBN3 1TL

We will only acknowledge receipt of completed postal applications where a stamped addressed envelope is enclosed for this purpose.

Data Protection: By providing the information contained within this application form, you are consenting to its use for the purpose of processing your application, assisting in the assessment of your performance in the future (should your application be successful) and monitoring the efficiency of our recruitment and other employment procedures. Should you be unsuccessful in the selection process, records will be kept for up to six months and then destroyed by shredding; electronic copies will be purged from the system.

IES is a recognised Investor in People and seeks to be an equal opportunities employer

©Institute for Employment Studies, City Gate, 185 Dyke Road, BrightonBN3 1TL

IES is a charitable company limited by guarantee. Registered charity no. 258390


Equal Opportunities

We are committed to our equal opportunities policy. The aim of our policy is to ensure that no job applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, (including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin), religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, or is disadvantaged by conditions or requirements which cannot be shown to be justifiable.

Suitability to the job is our sole criterion for selection or promotion in IES. All employees are given opportunity to develop and are encouraged to progress within the organisation. In order to monitor our policy it would be very helpful if you would complete the details below. Completing this page forms no part of our selection procedure.

For the purposes of compliance with the Data protection Act 1998, I hereby confirm that by completing this form I give my consent to IES processing the data supplied on this form for the purposes of equal opportunities monitoring.

Please tick the boxJob applied forDate


What is your ethnic group? Choose ONE section from A to E, then tick the appropriate box to indicate your cultural background.Classification recommended by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)

A. Asian or Asian British




Any other Asian backgroundPlease write in

B. Black or Black British



Any other Black backgroundPlease write in

C. Chinese or other ethnic group


Any otherPlease write in

D. Mixed heritage

White and Black Caribbean

White and Black African

White and Asian

Any other mixed backgroundPlease write in

E. White






Any otherPlease write in

F. Prefer not to say


MaleFemalePrefer not to say

Sexual orientation

BisexualGay manGay woman/lesbianHeterosexual/straightOtherPrefer not to say


Your agePrefer not to say


Do you consider yourself to have a disability or a long term health condition?YesNo Prefer not to say

If yes, what is the effect or impact of your disability or health condition? Prefer not to say

What adjustments, if any, can we make to assist your application?


BuddhistChristianHinduJewMuslimSikhNo religionPrefer not to say

Other religion or belief (please specify)

Your application

Please tick ONE of the following examples: which most influenced your decision to apply to the Institute for Employment Studies (IES)?

Current IES employee

IES Website

Press advertisement (please specify)

Internet (please specify)

Personal contact (please specify)

Other (please specify)


Data protection Act: This information may be held on computer files to enable IES to monitor its policy.
Institute for Employment Studies, City Gate, 185 Dyke Road, BrightonBN3 1TL. Tel. 01273 763400