Abbas F. Al-Jamali CV

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Faculty of Agriculture
JordanUniversity of Science & Technology (JUST)
P.O. Box : 3030 IRBID, 22110 JORDAN


Name / Abbas Fadhil Al-Jamali
Birth / April 21, 1943.
Nationality / Jordanian
1972 / Ph.D. in Plant Physiology (Post - Harvest Physiology)
Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture
PurdueUniversity, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
1966 / M.Sc. in Crop Production and Protection (Horticulture / Plant Pathology)
American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
1964 / B.Sc. in Agriculture (Crop Production and Protection)
American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
+ Diplôme d’Ingénieur Agricole
Languages / Arabic, English, French and German


Professorof Plant Biology& Horticulture.At JordanUniversity of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan since 1994.

The opening of a Master of Science program in Horticulture in 1996 has entailed advising and supervising the research of graduate students as well as teaching postgraduate courses in Advanced Vegetable Production, Advanced Plant Physiology and Post Harvest Physiology.

This post has included teaching courses in vegetable production, evergreen fruit production, deciduous fruit production, both laboratory and lectures, to undergraduate students.

1985 – 1994, Professor of Cytology, Plant Biology and Advanced Plant Physiology at the EcoleNormaleSupérieure, Algiers.

The post involvedInitiating and being scientific head of the Plant Biology Masters Program. It also involved establishing the Advanced Plant Physiology graduate course, both laboratory and lectures; in addition to acting as Chairman of the Natural Sciences Department in my capacity as Head of the Scientific Committee.

1973 – 1985, Assistant Professor and Associate Professor of Plant Biology at the University of Algiers and Houari Boumediene University of Sciences and Technology, Algiers, ALGERIA.

This work included the Arabisation of the university courses in Plant Biology and Plant Physiology for third and fourth year (senior) students. It also included lectures in Phytotechnology to the students in Rural Development and teaching the Organic and Biochemistry courses to students in Education and Psychology.

1969 – 1972, Graduate assistant at PurdueUniversity

1967 – 1969, Graduate assistant at MichiganStateUniversity

1964 – 1966, Graduate assistant at the AmericanUniversity of Beirut

Membership in Scientific and Professional Societies

  1. The American Society of Plant Biologists (Formerly:The American Society of Plant Physiologists)
  2. The International Society for Horticultural Science
  3. The American Society for Horticultural Science
  4. The American Association for the Advancement of Science
  5. The Institute of Food Technology (USA)
  6. The New YorkAcademy of Science
  7. The International Growth Substances Association
  8. Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord
  9. Jordan Environment Society
  10. Arab Society for Plant Protection
  11. Jordanian Society for Scientific Research
  12. National Geographic Society
  13. Registered Reader in the British Library (UK), the Library of Congress (USA) and AH Shuman Library (Jordan)

Courses Taught

Graduate Courses, Jordan University Of Science & Technology
1 / Postharvest Physiology
2 / Advanced Plant Physiology
3 / Graduate Seminar
4 / Advanced Vegetable Production
5 / Advanced Plant Physiology Lectures & Laboratory (ENS – Algeria)
6 / Scientific English (ENS – Algeria)
7 / Graduate Student/ Thesis Research Advising (JUST/ ENS)
Undergraduate Courses, Jordan University Of Science & Technology
8 / Principles of Plant Science Lectures
9 / Principles of Plant Science Laboratory
10 / Plant Physiology Lectures
11 / Plant Physiology Laboratory
12 / Seed Technology Lectures
13 / Seed Technology Laboratory
14 / Evergreen Fruit Production Lectures
15 / Evergreen Fruit Production Laboratory
16 / Deciduous Fruit Production
17 / Undergraduate Seminar
18 / Field Training
19 / Subtropical Horticulture (TVT students – AUB, Lebanon)
Undergraduate Courses (Algeria: University Of Algiers, HB University Of Science & Technology / ENS )
20 / Plant Biology Lectures
21 / Plant Biology Laboratory
22 / Plant Physiology Lectures
23 / Plant Physiology Laboratory
24 / Seed Plant Taxonomy
25 / Cytology
26 / Biochemistry
27 / Phytotechnology

Services rendered to college, university and society (committee membership etc.).

Plant Production Departmental Committees:

  1. Member & chairman of the Scientific Research Committee
  2. Member of the Post Graduate Studies Committee
  3. Member of the University Farm Planning Committee
  4. Member of the Curriculum & Syllabus Committee

Faculty of Agriculture Committees:

  1. College Council member for the Department of Plant Production
  2. Chairman of the Scientific Research Committee
  3. Member & chairman of the Scientific and Educational Committee
  4. Founder of the Faculty of Agriculture Newsletter: JUST-Ag News
  5. Member of the Student Affairs Committee
  6. Member & chairman of the Library Committee

University level activities:

  1. Member of the University Council for the Faculty of Agriculture
  2. Representing the university at several conferences, workshops and advisory meetings (e.g. establishing horticultural produce standards; consumer protection; waste water treatment workshop; improving quality of Jordanian olive products).

Seminars, Scientific Lectures, Media presentations

  • Presenting lectures on organic fertilizers and biogas production in regional training courses for the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development.
  • Publishing an article on olive tree intercropping to increase revenue from both old and young orchards in “The Agricultural Engineer” magazine (Arabic, Jordan).
  • Publishing an article introducing cardoon, Cynara cardunculus, a drought tolerant vegetable/ forage crop that was found to suit the local conditions & taste.
  • Presenting two programs of “With The Farmer” on Radio Jordan on measures to protect tomato seedlings from frost damage based on university research.
  • Posting an educational video clip on YouTube on the use of green tomatoes (including fried green tomatoes and green tomato pie filling):
  • Publishing sites on the internet showing applications of plant biotechnology and post harvest physiology. Also posted were microphotographs, made with Arabic captions using mobile phone cameras, showing anatomical adaptations to drought of the main plant groups:

Thesis, Publications, and Dissertation

  1. Al-Jamali, Abbas F. and Saeed S. Al-Wardi. Ethephon and Croplife-B Can Extend Strawberry Shelf Life and Increase Yield. Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 7(3): 436-447, 2011.
  2. Al-Jamali, Abbas F. and Saeed S. Al-Wardi. Croplife-B and ethephon: candidates for use in strawberry sustainable organic horticulture. Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment. 8 (3&4): 683-688, 2010.
  3. Abbas F. Al-Jamali. Date Floating Ability: Adaptation to Regions with Floods. Acta Horticulturae, 882:293-296, 2010.
  4. Al-Jamali Abbas F. and Majde T. Bani Hani. Croplife-B with nitrous oxide or carbon dioxide extends shelf life of green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) at ambient temperatures. Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment. 7 (1): 38-43.2009.
  5. Hameed, K.M., H. Z. Ghoshe, A. Al-Jamali, H.K. Shannag and Zainab Al-Shyab. Parasitic fungi and seed plants associated with the natural vegetation in the Jordan Badia. Pp. 175-190. In:Jordan's Arid Badia: Deepening our Understanding. Foreword by HRH Prince El-Hassan bin Talal of Jordan, Editors Roderic W. Dutton and Mohammed I. Shahbaz, Gordon-Smith, UK, Enfield Publishing and Distribution Co., 2008.
  6. Al-Jamali, A.F. and Bani Hani, M.T. Improving postharvest strawberry fruit quality with carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide at high ambient temperatures. Acta Horticulturae. 741: 181-187.2007.
  7. Al-Jamali, Abbas F. Laboratory Outlines In Applied Agricultural Plant Science: Principles of Plant Science Laboratory Manual, Dept. of Plant Production, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, JORDAN, 2003 & revised 2004, 2007.
  8. Al-Wardi, S.S. and A. F. Al-Jamali. A postharvest disease of strawberries: Botrytis rot. Proc. Int. Conf. Postharvest Technology and Quality Management in Arid Tropics.SultanQabusUniversity, Sultanate of Oman. Pp. 205-206.2005.
  9. Al-Haddad, Jameel M. and Abbas F. Al-Jamali.Effect of H2O2 and ethephon on seedling chilling tolerance in three tomato cultivars.Food, Agriculture and Environment 1(3&4): 219-221. 2003.
  10. Turk, M.A., A.F. Al-Jamaliand A.M. Tawaha. Effect of seeding rate and ethrel spray on the morphology and yield traits of irrigated faba bean (Vicia faba (L.) major). Crop Research. 23(2): 305-307.2002.
  11. Al-Jamali, A.F., M.A. Turk and A.R.M. Tawaha. Effect of ethephon spraying at three developmental stages of barley planted in arid and semiarid Mediterranean locations. J. Agronomy & Crop Science 188: 254-259.2002.
  12. Al-Jamali, A.F.,Trial of vegetables adapted to arid environments at the university: Cardoon, Cynara cardunculus L. a plant that suits the Jordanian environment and taste. Mir'at Altechnologia, No.4: 86-87, JordanUniversity of Science and Technology, (in Arabic), 1999.
  13. Ghoshe, Hani Z., Khalid M. Hameed, Munir A. Turk and Abbas F. Al-Jamali. Olive (Olea europea) jift suppresses broomrape (Orobanche spp.) infection in faba bean (Vicia faba), pea (Pisum sativum), and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Weed Technology, 13:475-460.(USA) 1999.
  14. Turk, M. A. and Abbas F. Al-Jamali. Effect of varying nitrogen supply on yield and yield components of barley in semi arid conditions. Crop Research.15(1): 11-20.1998.
  1. Abbas F. Al-Jamali.The Palestine - Sarih and Iraqi - Oasis systems of vegetable production. Al-Muhandis Al-Zirai Magazine, January (59): 56-57. Agricultural Engineer's Union, Amman, Jordan, 1996. ( in Arabic )
  2. The Al-Jamali Molecular Model for Three Dimensional Protein Structure, Journal No. 2, Advanced Plant Physiology Laboratory, Dept. of Natural Sciences, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Vieux Kouba, Algiers, ALGERIA, 1993.
  3. The Feekes scale for defining growth stages in wheat . (Arabic) Journal no. l, Advanced Plant Physiology Laboratory, Dept. of Natural Sciences , Ecole Normale Supérieure, Vieux Kouba, Algiers , ALGERIA , 1990.
  4. Al-Jamali, Abbas F. , Mohamed Laidi, Aissa Bourouina. Protein bodies in the edible seeds of watermelon Citrullus vulgaris (Schrad.). Memoires de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord, Nouvelle Série, No. 13:167-182.1983.
  5. Al-Jamali, AbbasF. and Herbert C. Dostal.Changes in polygalacturonase activity in consecutively excised strawberry fruit quadrants.Bul.Nat.Hist.Res.Center. 7: 127-133. 1976.
  6. Cell wall enzymes and senescence in strawberry fruits. Doctor of Philosophy Dissertation, PurdueUniversity, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, 1972.
  7. Causes of the Peteca disease of lemons as occurring in Lebanon.Proceedings of the First International Citrus Symposium 3 : 1253-1261. H.D. Chapman, ed., University of California, Riverside, USA, 1969.
  8. The effect of Boron on the inorganic composition of Eureka lemons. (Arabic) Journal no. 181, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon, 1967.
  9. Boron deficiency as a possible cause of Peteca in citrus.Master of Science thesis, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon, 1966.

Theses of Students under Direct Supervision

  1. Boutaraa, Tahar. 1991. Effect of drought and Ethrel on ultrastructure and some yield components of wheat varieties cultivated in Algeria. M.Sc. Thesis, E.N.S., V. Kouba, Algiers, Algeria.
  2. Drihem, Khaled. 1991. The effect of ethylene on middle lamella hydrolizing polygalacturonase activity in the distal abscission zone in bean leaves. M.Sc. Thesis , E.N.S., V.Kouba, Algiers, Algeria.
  1. Aichatene, Mohamed. 1992. Production of ethylene and use of tetrazolium test during germination as indicators of salinity stress tolerance in wheat, Triticum sp. M.Sc. Thesis, E.N.S., V. Kouba, Algiers, Algeria.
  2. Yousef, Eman A. 1999. Evaluation of Enzymic, Ripening, Keeping, and Other Horticultural Qualities of Long Shelf Life and Regular Tomato Cultivars. M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Agriculture, JordanUniversity of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan.
  3. Tawalbeh, Rewa 'Mohammad Sai'd'. 2001. Polygalacturonase in ripe and overripe tomatoes with a view to its use in increasing extracted olive oil. M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Agriculture, JordanUniversity of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan.
  4. Al-Haddad, Jameel Mue'in. 2002. Effect of H2O2 and ethephon on seedling chilling tolerance, fruit yield, and post harvest qualities in tomato. M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Agriculture, JordanUniversity of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan.
  5. Alwardi, Saeed Saif. 2005. Improving Strawberry Fruit Quality with Ethephon and Croplife - B. M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Agriculture, JordanUniversity of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan.
  6. Bani Hani, Majde Turki. 2006. Croplife-B, Nitrous Oxide and Carbon Dioxide Treatment as a Means of Increasing Shelf Life of Green Beans. M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Agriculture, JordanUniversity of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan.

Theses of Students Not Under Direct Supervision

  1. Benkhalifa, Abderrahman. 1989. Ressources génétiques du palmier dattier ( Phoenix dactylifera L.) et lutte contre la fusariose. Organisation de la variabilité des cultivars du dattier des palmeraies du sud-ouestAlgérien. M.Sc. Thesis, E.N.S., V. Kouba, Algiers, ALGERIA.
  2. Laouedj, Abd-el-Krim. 1990. La culture in vitro du carthame ( Carthamus tinctorius L.) Perspectives de production de metabolites secondaires par voies biotechnologiques . M.Sc. Thesis. E.N.S., V . Kouba, Algiers, ALGERIA.
  3. Dehmani, Hassen-Reda. 1992. Isolement et caractérisation des peroxydases de blé. M.Sc.Thesis, E.N.S., V.Kouba, Algiers, ALGERIA.
  1. Safar, Malika née Hamiti. 1993. Contribution àl’étude des modifications physico-chimiques des protéines des pates alimentairessupplémentées ou non supplémentées par de la farine de pois chiche sous l’influence de la temperature de séchage. M.Sc. Thesis, E.N.S., V. Kouba, Algiers, ALGERIA.
  2. Mostefai, Karima. 1994. Les ressources génétiques du palmier dattier ( Phoenix dactylifera L.) Etude de la variabilité des caractères végétatifs dans des conditions culturales et écologiques différentes. M.Sc. Thesis , E.N.S., V.Kouba, Algiers, ALGERIA.

Membership of Doctoral and Masters Examination Committees in Jordan

  1. Qattash, Bayader Musa. 2000. Control of superficial scald in two apple cultivars during storage in Jordan. M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Jordan.
  2. Qaryouti, Muien M. 2001. Agronomical and Physiological Characteristics of Two Tomato Cultivars in Response to Salt Stress. Ph.D. Dissertation, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Jordan.
  3. El-Kilany, Lama Abd El-Rahman. 2001. Comparison of two pre-cooling methods on post harvest quality of cut roses. M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Jordan.
  4. Al-Sabylah, Huwaimel Mohamed. 2007. Reducing bitter pit incidence by calcium chloride in two apple cultivars during cold storage. Deanship of the Graduate Studies, MutaUniversity.

Participation in Conferences in the last ten years +

  1. PG macerating activity of Long Shelf Life and regular tomatoes. Eman A. Yousef, Abbas F. Al-Jamali and Khalil I. Ereifej,American Society of Plant Physiologists Annual Meeting: Plant Biology 2000. Abstract #0611-H13, (USA),2000.
  2. Anagalys arvensis L. Epidermal Hairs: the Crown Jewels of the Plant Kingdom. Abbas F. Al-Jamali and Rana Telfah. Abstracts, Scientific Day, Faculty of Agriculture, JordanUniversity of Science & Technology, 2000.
  3. A postharvest disease of strawberries: Botrytis Rot. Saeed Saif Al-Wardi and Abbas F. Al-Jamali. Research Abstracts, Sixth Scientific Day, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, JORDAN, 2002.
  4. Thicker stem diameter is positively correlated with seedling chilling tolerance in three tomato cultivars. Abbas F. Al-Jamali and Jameel M. Al-Haddad. Plant Biology 2002, Abstracts, American Society of Plant Biologists Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA. 2002.
  5. Increased chilling injury in ethephon treated tomato seedlings placed in a horizontal position.Abbas F. Al-Jamali and Jameel M. Al-Haddad.Plant Biology 2002, Abstracts, American Society of Plant Biologists Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA. 2002.
  6. Effect of H2O2 and ethephon on seedling chilling tolerance, Fruit yield, and postharvest qualities in tomatoes. Jameel M. Al-Haddadand Abbas F. Al-Jamali. Plant Biology 2002, Abstracts, American Society of Plant Biologists Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA. 2002.
  7. A Free Hand Section Double Staining Technique for Teaching and Research. Abbas F. Al-Jamali.First Conference on Problems of the Environment,Muta University, Jordan, 1998.
  8. The structure / function relationship of cardoon, a drought tolerant phytocolonialist. Abbas F. Al-Jamali.(Abstracts), Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Orlando, Florida. 2004.
  9. Anagalys arvensis L. Epidermal hairs: Microscopic jewels help teach about anthocyanins and vacuoles. Abbas F. Al-Jamali.Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Seattle, Washington, 2005 (published abstract).
  10. For light, grapevine tendrils can also close the leaves of Ficus elastica, Mr. Darwin. Abbas F. Al-Jamali. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Seattle, Washington, 2005 (published abstract).
  11. Modified atmosphere packaging as means of increasing shelf life of green beans.Majde T. Bani Hani and Abbas F. Al-Jamali. 5th Agricultural Scientific Conference, Al-Balqa Applied University, Salt, Jordan, 2005.
  12. Improving postharvest strawberry fruit quality with carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide at high ambient temperatures.Abbas F. Al-Jamali and Majde T. Bani Hani. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Boston, Massachusetts, 2006.
  13. Conditions for the successful use of enzymes to increase extractable olive oil. Al-Jamali, Abbas F. Abstracts, 6th Jordanian Agricultural Conference, Faculty of Agriculture, University Jordan. 2006.
  14. Mobiles for Studying Plant Adaptations to Water Stress. Abbas F. Al-Jamali. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Chicago, Illinois. 2007.
  15. With Plants Darwin Was Wrong and Darwin Was Right. Abbas F. Al-Jamali. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2009.
  16. Croplife-B Increases the extension of green beans shelf life by nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide. Abbas F. Al-Jamali. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2009.
  17. Darwin and the phytocolonialist cardoon. Abbas F. Al-Jamali. Darwin's Living Legacy: An International Conference on Evolution & Society. British Council & Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt, 2009.
  18. Date floating ability: Adaptation to regions with floods. Abbas F. Al-Jamali. 4th International Date Palm Conference, International Society for Horticultural Sciences, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2010.
  19. Croplife-B and ethephon, candidates for strawberry organic and sustainable agriculture. Abbas F. Al-Jamali and Saeed Saif Al-Wardi. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Montreal, Canada, 2010.
  20. Jerusalem Artichokes for Jordan.Abbas F. Al-Jamali, Ghazi N. Al-Karaki and Tajaldeen Manasra, 7th International Scientific Agricultural Conference, Jordan University of Science & Technology, Irbid, Jordan, 2012.
  21. The Food Waste Reduction Revolution:Turning Science into Technology in Agriculture.Abbas F. Al-Jamali. 7th International Scientific Agricultural Conference, Jordan University of Science & Technology, Irbid, Jordan, 2012.