Ashford Board of Education

FY 16 Budget

April 7, 2015, Public Hearing

Presentation Notes


After several Board of Education meetings with public input, and a meeting with the Board of Finance, the BOE proposed budget represents a 1.85% increase over last year’s budget.

The BOE has worked hard to keep the budget proposal cost to the taxpayers as low as possible while still delivering an exceptional educational experience to the children of Ashford.

To best understand the BOE proposal we will review the major changes by category or Object.

For more detailed information concerning the Ashford Board of Education budget, we recommend that you visit the Ashford School website

you will find a narrative explanation of the significant aspects of the budget and a detailed spreadsheet of the proposal.

Summary of Budget Proposal By Object

Object 111 – Certified Salaries

This object represents the salaries of staff members who hold positions that require a State of Connecticut certification.

There are two significant changes within this object:

  • Restructuring of the administrative team creating a shift of responsibilities and does not add any new administrator positions;
  • The addition of a half-time teaching and instructional coaching position to work with both teachers and students.

Restructuring of the current administration will accommodate needs brought forth by the publicas well as meetstate regulations regarding evaluation and curriculum. The changes are as follows:

Special Education Director/Assistant Principal

Current Assistant Principal becomes a combined position, 50% Assistant Principal and 50% Director of Special Education and remains one full-time position.

Combination of Assistant Principal/Curriculum Coach/Teacher

The remaining half time administrative position is combined with a half time writing teacher/coach to create a new position to cover writing needs and while continuing to fulfill already assigned administrative duties, such as evaluation and curriculum coaching.

Other Contributing Factors Within This Object: $40,000 Reduction

Based on the anticipated retirement of two veteran staff members, it is anticipated that the salaries of newly hired teachers would be less than those retiring.

Object 112 – Non-Certified Salaries

This object represents all hourly workerssuch as custodians, bus drivers, cafeteria workers and paraprofessionals. Also included are administrative and district support staff such as secretaries, bookkeepers, the school nurse and the technology coordinator.

There are two significant changes in this object included in this proposal:

  • Creation of a new After School Program of clubs and activities for students, resulting in $20,000 for program stipends for those who will staff the proposed extended school day activities for all interested students.
  • The elimination of one regular education paraprofessional position resulting in a $30,401 decrease in this object.

Object 200 – Insurances

This object represents health and dental insurance benefit costs, which is a significant decrease of $190,834. This resultsfrom implementing the final phase of the HDHP/HSA conversion.

Two significant contributors to this budget proposal Object 200:

  • Medical/Dental Insurance

Ovation Benefits representative Ron Theriault presented insurance renewal rates to Ashford Board of Education ,as well as the town of Ashford, on February 5th after considerable negotiation with Connecticareresulting in a 7.7% Connecticare renewal rate.

  • The second phase of HSA benefit plans include the administration and support staff, in

addition to a proposal for the MEUI membership. This is still pending the outcome of union negotiations.

Object 205 – Other Insurances

This object represents employer liability portion of Social Security/Medicare, unemployment insurance and employer contributions to 403b, HSA and healthcare waivers.

Non-Certified Other Benefits & Certified Other Benefits

HSA employer contributions, per collective bargaining agreement, is 50% of the plan deductible:

  • AEA plan deductibles - $2,000 & $4,000
  • MEUI and non-union plan proposed deductibles - $1,500 & $3,000
  • These budget lines will show a significant increase in association with the final phase of the HDHP/HSA conversion
  • Total increase for these two budget lines combined is $57,107
  • $18,998 Reduction in Unemployment

No staff layoffs and have satisfied limits of previous claims

  • Cert Retirement Healthcare

$24,335 increase is in anticipation of two teacher retirements

Object 312 – Instructional Improvement

This object represents teaching improvement activities such as professional development workshops and curriculum development.

Includingprofessional development training and supplies to implement effective writing techniques to improve student writing performance.

Object 319 – Professional Services

This object represents non-employee services, or 1099 vendors, such as occupational therapists, psychologists, PT, testing and Evaluations, etc.

Special Education

Changes in student enrollment will necessitate a $16,000 total increase for Special Education Professional Services. Types of services include Occupational Therapy (OT) Outsourced, Evaluations Outsourced, Physical Therapy Outsourced, Behavioral Therapy Outsourced, Assistive Technology and Pre-K screenings.


$30,000 decrease is a result of the completion of collective bargaining negotiations in the prior year.

Object 321 – Utilities

Plant Utilities

Figures based on invoices provided by Eversource (CL&P) for electric delivery services and Constellation NewEnergy Inc. with whom we have shared service with the Town of Ashford, and receive a fixed kilowatt hour rate per contract.

Object 322 – Maintenance


3% increase in annual maintenance and testing and the cost of water treatment.

Object 323 – Equipment Maintenance

No changes in this object.

Object 324 – Liability Insurance

Liability, Auto & Property Insurance (CIRMA)

Shared contract with Town of Ashford, with the allocation of annual premium as 37% to the Town and 63% to the Board of Education.

The Board of Education portionis split between the Plant Insurance budget line and Transportation insurance line. The transportation line is further reduced by payments from Region 19 per agreement to transport Ashford’s high school students.

Object 331 – Transportation

Special Education Transportation

The object covers costs for students who travel within the district or out-of-district through an outplacement. The addition of one van route and anticipated wage increases are the main factors for the increase of this budget line. MEUI negotiations are pending.

Object 340 – Communication


Federal Universal Service Funds have declined in applicable discounts for schools.

Object 370 – Outside Services

Outplacement Tuition

Based on forecasted expenses that will not qualify for Excess Cost reimbursement, this line did not receive the previous $60,000 reduction.

Extended School Year

The district has the responsibility to provide extended school year to special education students; increase in this line is due to wage increases per collective bargaining agreements.

Object 390 – Purchased Services

This object includes mileage reimbursement costs for school related travel, printing, bus parts and outside repair costs for maintenance of our fleet of buses and vans, as well as the cost of our space utilization at the town garage.

Fleet Maintenance

Proactive diagnostic checks, in-house maintenance and repairs, along with body work performed by new mechanic, has helped keep fleet maintenance costs down.

Object 410 – Supplies

This object covers a broad spectrum of consumable supplies in all departments and at all grade levels. Supplies utilized in specific subject areas, technology and special education software all fall under this category. Every teacher receives an allotment for classroom supplies based upon class enrollment and the demands of the subject(s) taught. However there are significant reductions in this object to help maintain funds for staffing in this proposal.

Object 411 – Plant Fuel

Savings to Plant Fuel

As part of a membership with local consortium with other school districts, we receive a savings by locking in a contracted rate for the upcoming year

Object 412 – Fleet Fuel

Savings for Diesel Fuel

Dime Oil contracted with Board of Education however is a shared service with the Town of Ashford; Town reimburses BOE for their usage through meter-readings. Contracted rate is at a discount but any overages are charged at a higher cost.


Separate budget line for special education vans, lawnmower and equipment.

Object 420 – Textbooks

This object includes the costs of all of our school textbooks and classroom periodicals used in instruction of our students. This includes new textbooks, replacement of textbooks, periodicals used in the classroom for every subject at every grade level. We replace textbooks on a cycle determined by the age of our current resources as well as changes that occur at the state level.

We have been purchasing support textbooks over the past few budget cycles to accommodate upgrades in curriculum as well as our transition to Connecticut’s Common Core Curriculum, therefore any single year the costs are kept low.

There were significant reductions in this object to help maintain funds for our current level of staffing in the budget proposal.

Object 430 – Library Books

$166 Decreasefor the maintenance of the library. Increased interest in technology resources has led us to budget more in other areas.

Object 540 – Equipment

This object addresses - Elementary & Middle School Furniture Upgrades,Music Equipment,Physical Education Equipment, Athletic team Equipment, Technology Equipment for Elementary and Middle School.

Object 640 – Dues & Fees

Operation of the schools requires the school district pay certain dues and fees for the ability to participate in events and attend meetings.

Robotic Competition Fees: previously included with Science teacher’s budget but due to the costs associated with multiple events and competitions, it has evolved into its own budget line for more accurate accounting of expenses.

Dues & Fees: school membership to CABE, CAS, URSA, and NELMS (to list a few of the organizations a public school must participate in), which are all agencies in support of educational institutions and their administrative staff. Other expenses in this line include ROPES training, WINGS support and PBIS materials and awards.

Object 700 – Audit Adjustments

$30,500 Decrease: this object was solely used as a place to hold funds earmarked for the restoration of teacher positions that had been reduced in FY14-15. This is not a budget line that receives an initial appropriation.

Thank You!

On behalf of the Ashford School faculty, administration, and board of education,we would like to thank everyone who attended our meetings and assisted us in making the decisions that have resulted in this budget proposal.

Feel free to contact the superintendent’s office by phone or email if you have any questions regarding our school budget.