International Consortium for Blood Safety-EUROPE (ICBS-Europe)Members

FereydounAla, MD, M.R.C.P., F.R.C.P., F.R.C. Path
Director, National Blood Service, West Midlands Region and
WHO Collaborating Centre for
Training and Development in Blood transfusion (retired)
Birmingham, U.K.
Address: 'Hall Farm’, Weatheroak Hill, Near Alvechurch, Birmingham, B48 7EG, U.K.
Tel. and Fax: 44 -156 – 482 2131
Email: / Member
Susan Diaz, MPH
Email: / Member
Mohamed El-Nageh, MD, Ph.D.
International Consortium for Blood Safety (ICBS)
at The New YorkBloodCenter, New York, N.Y., U.S.A.
Address: Room 1-129, The New YorkBloodCenter,
310 East 67th Street, New York, New York10021, USA.
Tel: 212 – 570-3419
Fax: 212 – 570 3320
Email: / Member &
Executive Director of ICBS-Europe
Reiner Hanke, Dr.rer.nat
INSTAND e.V, Ubierstr, 20, D - 40223 Düsseldorf, Germany
Tel.: (+49) (0) 211 - 1592 1315
Fax: (+49) (0) 211 - 1592 1332
Email: / Member
Claus Heuck, Prof. Dr. Dr. med.
Former WHO staff member & Professor at University of Duesseldorf– retired-
INSTAND e.V, Ubierstr, 20, D - 40223 Düsseldorf, Germany
Tel.: (+49) (0) 211 - 1592 1315
Fax: (+49) (0) 211 - 1592 1332
Email: / Member & Executive Secretary of ICBS-Europe
Seidoo Konate, MD
Director, NationalCenter for Blood Transfusion
Abidijan, Ivory Coast
Address: Centre National de Transfusion Sanguine
KM 4 Boulevard de Marseille 18 – BP V 15
Abidijan, Ivory Coast
Tel: (225) 21 35 57 23
Fax: (225) 21 24 66 29
Email: / Member
AlfredPrince, MD
Chairman, Hepatitis Research Foundation
Address: Hepatitis Research Foundation349 Stone Hill Rd, Pound Ridge, NY, 10576, U.S.A.
Tel: 914-764- 8337
Fax: 914-764-1921
Email: /


Hans Reinauer, Prof. Dr. med.
President INSTAND
INSTAND e.V, Ubierstr, 20, D - 40223 Düsseldorf, Germany
Tel.: (+49) (0) 211 - 1592 1320
(+49) (0) 211 - 1592 1315
Fax: 0211 - 1592 1332
Email: /
Patrick Schwarz, Dipl. Ing.
INSTAND e.V, Ubierstr, 20, D - 40223 Düsseldorf, Germany
Tel: (+49) 0211-15921313
Email: / Member
Cees Th. Smit Sibinga, MD, Ph.D., FRCP Edin, F.R.C.P.
Professor of International Development of Transfusion Medicine, Academic Institute IDTM, University of Groningen-NL
Director, Sanquin and AABB Consulting Services,
Director WHO Collaborating Centre Groningen-NL
Address: P.O. Box 11085
9700 CB Groningen, The Netherlands (Retired)
Tel: 31-50-3610060
Fax: 31-50-361 9039
Mobile: 31-6-2223 4325
Email: /


William-G. Wood, Dr.rer.nat
INSTAND e.V, Ubierstr, 20, D - 40223 Düsseldorf, Germany
Tel.: (+49) (0) 211 - 1592 1315
Fax: (+49) (0) 211 - 1592 1332
Email: / Member
Heinz Zeichhardt, Ph.D.
Professor, Virology, Institute for Infectious Diseases Medicine, Department of Virology, UniversityHospital Benjamin Franklin
Free University of Berlin
Address: Charité - Universitaetsmedizin Berlin
Campus Benjamin Franklin
Institut fuer Infektionsmedizin, Abt. Virologie
Hindenburgdamm 27
12203 Berlin - Germany
Tel.: +49-30-8445 3624
Fax: +49-30-8445 3626
Mobile: 011-49-172-394 2588
Email: : / Member
& Current Chairman, ICBS-Europe
Yong Ming ZHU, B. Sc, MBA.
President, ShanghaiBloodCenter
& Vice Chairman, Chinese Society of Blood Transfusion
Address: ShanghaiBloodCenter
1191, Hong Qiao Road, Shanghai 200051, China
Tel: 86 - 21 62956974
Fax: 86 - 21 62958414
/ Member