Thank you for your interest in becoming a YMCA volunteer @ Culture Fusion.

Culture Fusion is a world class state of the art centre providing accessible, non-territorial safe space to meet the needs of young people of Bradford, through a partnership of organisations and driven by the young people’s steering group; Culture Fusion Advisors (CFA’s)

Their agreed aim is: ‘The Children and young people of Bradford to have a positive impact on inclusion and cohesion across their city by working together and with partners, and communities to address underlying issues and causes’

Culture Fusion relies upon volunteers to work along side paid members of staff to achieve the aims of Culture Fusion. Without the valuable contribution and fresh approach that volunteers bring, Culture Fusion wouldn’t be able to support the young people to achieve their full potential.

The City of Bradford YMCA is the lead partner in Culture Fusion and as such will effectively be the volunteering co-ordinating organisation. The YMCA is part of a worldwide inclusive Christian Movement, working with people of other religious faiths and those of none to transform communities so that all young people truly belong contribute and thrive.

The City of Bradford YMCA is part of a worldwide YMCA Christian Movement and our guiding values are –

  • Valuing each person, and especially young people, with respect and understanding
  • Being inclusive and welcoming to all people of all religious faiths and none irrespective of sex, marital status, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, disability, age or sexual orientation
  • Working for tolerance and understanding
  • Demonstrating openness, fairness, integrity & accountability
  • Committed to learning from experience
  • Being flexible and open to change

We believe volunteering should be a process of mutual benefit. Not only should a volunteer contribute to the organisation, but they should personally grow and develop in skills and knowledge.

We hope that volunteers feel they are treated respectfully and professionally as valued members of the team.

Volunteer Application Form

Please complete as fully as possible in legible

handwriting or typed

Role applied for (if applicable):




Home Telephone

Work Telephone

Mobile number:

Email address:

Date of birth:

Do you have a full UK driving licence?YesNo

Are you currently in work or education? ______

If so, where do you work and what is your role? Please give the name and address of your employer, college or other organisation. If you are not currently in work or education, please tell us about any work or training you have done previously.

What would you like to gain from volunteering and what kind of volunteering would you like to do?

What skills and experiences have you got that would be helpful in volunteering?

What skills and experiences have you got that would be helpful in volunteering?

Do you have any disability or health problems, which affect your application?Yes

(We ask this question to enable us to consider any adjustments that we can No

make to assist you in the recruitment process and, if selected, in your role as a volunteer.)

If yes please give details


Please give the name and address of three referees who can comment on your suitability for this position. These should include, if possible your current or most recent employer (or tutor/supervisor if you are a student), your employer prior to that and a personal reference. If you were known by a different name, please also state this.

No reference will be sought without your consent.

Name of Applicant


I declare that the information I have given on this form is correct and complete. False or misleading statements may be sufficient grounds for cancelling any arrangements made or for disciplinary action to be commenced.

Signed…………………………………………. Date//


The YMCA is committed to the active promotion of equal opportunity & diversity, both in the provision of services and in the treatment of paid staff, Board Members and volunteers.

To help us monitor our equal opportunity and diversity policy in recruitment and selection procedures, you are requested to complete the following questionnaire.

The information you provide does not form part of the selection procedure, it is used only for monitoring purposes. This sheet will be separated from your application form before shortlisting.

Role applied for (if applicable):

Please tick the appropriate box


Age range:Up to 25 26-3536-4546-5556 and over

Marital Status:

Number of Dependents:

Would you describe yourself as having a disability? YesNo

Where did you see this vacancy advertised?

What is your ethnic group?

White / Mixed / Asian / Black / Chinese
British / White and Black British Caribbean / Indian / Caribbean / Chinese
English / White and Black African / Pakistani / African
Scottish / White and Asian / Bangladeshi / Any other Black background
Welsh / Any other mixed background / Any other Asian background
Any other White background

Signature: ………………………….. Date: / /


Please read the ‘guidelines for applicants for volunteer positions’ before completing this form.

The completed form should be placed in an envelope marked “Private and Confidential”, addressed to the Interview Panel with your name clearly stated on the front and brought with you to the interview together with forms of official identification. Ideally we require one form of photographic evidence (e.g. a passport or the new form of driving licence) and two addressed items such as a recent utility bill; recent bank statement or current council tax bill. If you have difficulty in providing such means of identification contact us for further guidance.

If you wish to discuss the information you have given above at your interview, please ensure that you mention this to the interviewer.


The following notes are designed to assist you in completing the application form to provide information about the reason for asking certain questions, and to tell you what will be required from you if your application is successful.


Delete as appropriate. Some of our projects sometimes involve driving a minibus and if you have a qualification permitting you to drive a minibus please state this.

We ask this question to enable us to consider any adjustments that we can make either to the recruitment process itself, or in the volunteering, in order to assist you.


The YMCA is committed to equal opportunities and diversity. To help us monitor our policy, we would be grateful if you would complete the details on this monitoring form. The information you give on this form does not form part of the selection procedure. The form is separated from the application form and is only used to help us monitor effectively.


Personal data obtained from volunteers during the recruitment process will be held securely by the YMCA. Information provided will be used solely for the purposes of selection for the post advertised/ requested, unless express permission for additional use is sought from the applicant (e.g. if the applicant might be considered for other vacancies). Other than the successful applicant, no personal data provided in the course of the application other than that stored and processed as part of the YMCA’s monitoring of equal opportunities will be retained beyond six months from the date from which the applicants are informed of the outcome of their application.


We actively promote equality of opportunity for all with the right mix of talent, skills and potential and welcome applications from a wide range of candidates.

The YMCA undertakes not to discriminate unfairly against any applicants on basis of a criminal record or other information revealed. Criminal records and other information will be taken into account for recruitment purposes only when they are relevant.

We select all candidates for interview based on their skills, qualifications and experience.

We ask all applicants called for interview to provide details of their criminal record. Depending on the nature of the position applied for, the YMCA may request details of your entire criminal record or only of ‘unspent’ convictions as defined in the Rehabilitation of the Offenders Act 1974.

We request that this information is sent under a separate, confidential cover to a designated person within the YMCA and we guarantee that this information is only seen by those who need to see it as part of the recruitment process. We would point out that, for the successful candidate, this information will be verified by requesting a Disclosure statement* from the Criminal Records Bureau before the appointment is confirmed.

Failure to reveal information that is relevant to the position sought could lead to withdrawal of an offer of appointment or subsequent dismissal.

We ensure that all those in the YMCA who are involved in the recruitment process have been suitably trained to identify and assess the relevance and circumstances of offences. We also ensure that they have received appropriate guidance and training in the relevant legislation relating to the appointment of ex offenders e.g. the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.

At interview, or in a separate discussion, we ensure that an open and measured discussion takes place on the subject of any offences or other matters that might be relevant to the position.

For those positions where a Disclosure* is required, application forms and guidance notes will contain a statement that a Disclosure will be requested in the event of the candidate being made a conditional offer of appointment.

We undertake to discuss any matter revealed in a Disclosure with the person seeking the position before withdrawing a conditional offer.

Having a criminal record will not necessarily bar you from working with us. This will depend on the nature of the position and the circumstances and background of any offences. However, we should make it clear that as the nature of the YMCA’s work brings its people into contact with children, young people** and/or vulnerable adults a criminal record or other information which makes the application unacceptable for the position of trust will render the applicant unsuitable.

As an organisation using the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) Disclosure service* to assess applicants’ suitability for positions of trust, this policy complies with the CRB Code of Practice.

* Applicants who are made a conditional offer of appointment will be subject to a criminal record check - known as Disclosure - from the Criminal Records Bureau before the appointment is confirmed. This will include details of caution, reprimands or final warnings, as well as convictions.

** Young people are those under 18 years of age


City of Bradford YMCA is a Christian based charitable organisation with a caring ethos that welcomes service users with complex needs. Our primary aim is to make a difference to the lives of those who need us most and it is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all vulnerable adults, children, and young people. It recognises its responsibility to take all reasonable steps to promote safe practice and to protect vulnerable adults, children and young people from harm, abuse and exploitation. Bradford YMCA acknowledges its duty to act appropriately to any allegations, reports or suspicions of abuse. Bradford YMCA also acknowledges its duty of care to staff and volunteers and to protect them from malicious allegations as far as is reasonably practical and to provide them with appropriate support.

Paid staff and volunteers will endeavour to work together to encourage the development of an ethos which embraces difference and diversity and respects the rights of children, young people and adults.

In implementing this Safeguarding policyBradford YMCAwill:

  • Ensure that all workers understand their legal and moral responsibility to protect vulnerable adults, children and young people from harm, abuse and exploitation;
  • Ensure that all workers understand their responsibility to work to the standards that are detailed in the organisation’s Safeguarding Proceduresand work at all times towards maintaining high standards of practice;
  • Ensure that all workers understand their duty to report concerns that arise about a vulnerable adult, child, young person, or a worker’s conduct towards a vulnerable adult, child or young person, to the organisation’s named person for child protection;
  • Ensure that the named person understands his/her responsibility to refer any Safeguarding concerns to the statutory protection agencies (i.e. Police and/or Social Services Adult Protection services);
  • Ensure that any procedures relating to the conduct of workers are implemented in a consistent and equitable manner;
  • Provide opportunities for all workers to develop their skills and knowledge particularly in relation to the welfare and protection of vulnerable adults, children and young people
  • Ensure that vulnerable adults, children and young people are enabled to express their ideas and views on a wide range of issues and will have access to the organisation’s Complaints Procedure;
  • Ensure that parents/carers are encouraged to be involved in the work of the organisation and, when requested, have access to all guidelines and procedures;
  • Endeavour to keep up-to-date with national developments relating to the welfare and protection of vulnerable adults, children and young people.



Jackie Vicars

Volunteer Co-ordinator

City of Bradford YMCA

Culture Fusion

125 Thornton Road



You may also drop off your application form at Reception at the above address or return by email to


you will be required to:

  • give consent to references being taken up
  • if the post for which you are applying involves working with young people* and/or vulnerable adults, you will be required to apply for a higher level Disclosure. Please refer to the Additional Guidelines for Volunteers for Positions which involve Working with Children, Young People* and/or Vulnerable Adults included in this application pack.