No. 259


Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Thursday May 8, 2014, at 7.30pm

Couns. Sam Rabjohn (Chairman)

Sue Dyer Lisa Smith

Peter ClarkJim Archer

Sue Sterling Simon Eccleston (A)

Also present: The Clerk Mike Elliott, Notts County Councillor Sue Saddington and Newark and Sherwood District Councillor Ivor Walker.

1.Election of chairman for 2014/2015 Coun. Sam Rabjohn was re-elected

2.Election of vice chairman for 2014/2015 Coun. Peter Clark was re-elected

3.Apologies for absence,with reasons to be approved by the council Coun. Simon Eccleston (work)

4.Minutes of the previous meeting held on March 27, 2014 were accepted as presented and signed by the chairman after it was pointed out that the decision to make a second grant to the village Action Group against the wind turbine had been on a 6-1 vote and not unanimously as stated in the minutes.

5.Declarations of interest There were none


Newark and SherwoodDC applications

13/01504/FUL Lane off Brecks Lane. Erection of a single 500kw wind turbine with a hub height of 75 metres and a height to tip of 102 metres, plus ancillary equipment and access.. Object.

14/00405, 1 The Paddocks. Householder application for alterations and erection of single storey rear extension to house. Support.

14/00675/ful. Chestnut Cottage, Low S6treet. Householder application for single storey extension to rear and demolition of outbuilding. Object.

Newark and SherwoodDC decisions

14/00405ful. Mr C E E Wright Householder application for alterations and erection of single storey rear extension to house. Permit .

7.Public question time There were no questions.

8.Neighbourhood Watch There was no report.

10Update on items from previous meetings

The dishwasher for the village hall will be delivered Monday or Tuesday the following week.

11 Chairman's report

The Chairman spoke on the subject of the proposed seat for the Toad Lane junction, being provided as a memorial to the centenary of the start of the First War War in 1914. It was agreed that Couns. Clark and Eccleston should investigate prices etc for the bench. It would have a plaque listiing the names of those Elston people who are on the war memorial in the parish church. The council agreed to accept expenditure up to £1000 for the bench.

12.Playing Field There was nothing to report

13.Village Hall There was nothing to report


NJN Joinery. Quote for replacing two benches on main approach roads into village, in same style as existing and made from green oak in the sum of £410. The council agreed to accept the figure.

Nigel Newcombe Joinery. Bench for Toad Lane corner. He suggests to buy a seat from a garden centre which would be cheaper than if he makes one.

Grant Thornton re Audit, saying the Elston accounts needed to be submitted to them on June 23. The clerk said they were ready now. A letter from Joel Mehaffey, from Florida in the USA was reported by the clerk, saying the writer was seeking information on his family connection to the village.

15.Environmental items Nothing further was raised.

No. 260

16. Finance

Authorisation of cheques for payment as per the schedule were approved as per the circulated list.

Confirmation of accounts for 2013-4 was agreed after the clerk presented a report showing the accounts which had been approved by the internal auditor.

17. Items for discussion

a] For placing on the agenda for the next meeting July 3. The new seat was to be discussed again.

b) Items of report that do not require a decision Nothing was raised.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.25pm.

Consecutive Page No……..Chairman's initials………

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting for Elston held in the MethodistChurch on Thursday May 8, 2014 at 7.00pm

Coun. Sam Rabjohn as chairman of the parish council took the chair and welcomed six parishioners.

1.Apologies for absence were received from Coun. Simon Eccleston.

2.Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous Annual Parish Meeting, held on May 12, 2013, were approved as presented and signed.

3.Chairman’s report

The chairman presented his report to those present and which is appended to the minutes.

  1. Clerk’s Financial Report

The clerk Mike Elliott said the parish council had experienced a varied 12 months with numerous aspects of its work being highlighted from time to time. Members worked hard ensureto that its work on behalf of the parish, has been carried out in the most efficient manner possible, and is happy that it has been able to keep a tight rein on the expenditure it faces – much of which it has to meet in order it ensure it fulfils its legal obligations.

The year 2013/2014 began with a balance in hand of £10.851, a figure just about meeting the needs of the Audit Commission which suggests that this figure should be at least that of what is normally spent by a council in a 12-month period.

It ended the year on March 31 with a slightly lower balance than the starting figure, at £10,830, showing there a loss on the year of £21.

The council has set a precept for this current year of £14,000, which is £1000 higher than in the previous year, and that should help with the meeting increased expenditure, including the repayment of the loan for the village hall grant.

A breakdown of the expenditure in the past 12 months shows a figure of £559 for insurance, virtually the same as for 2012-3. Grass cutting and maintenance costs were £1700 and £234 was spent on subscriptions, whilst audit fees were £177, a drop of about £80 due to the fact the turnover of the council was much lower due to the village hall grant it took out in the previous 12 months and the grant it received in connection with the sports field project. Waste bin collection cost the council £257. The first of two payments of just over £1000 for professional advice in connection with the proposed wind turbine for the village was paid in the 12 month period in question.

The total amount spent during the 2013/2014 financial year was £14,937.

Income during the year totalled £14,916, £13,000 coming from precept, £1,149 from VAT recovered on services and goods from the 2012/2013 financial year and £205 from land lettings.

5.Village reports

Coun. Ivor Walkersaid he was proud to be attending his 44th parish meeting for Elston. The chairman said that Coun. Walker had given service second to none and the whole village had good reasons to be very thankful to him for his interest in its well-being.

The meeting closed at 7.25pm.