September 4, 2014
The meeting of the Hudson Essex Passaic Soil Conservation District was held in accordance with the Open Public Meeting Act; advance notice was given to the press (Star Ledger Newspaper and The Progress Newspaper) and posted. The meeting was also advertised on HEP’s website.
Members and public present were as follows: Supervisors Carl Quazza, John Sarnas, Mario Tridente, and Gray Russell; Glen Van Olden, Director; staff members Fran Aguirre and Janet Rekesius; Dr. Amy Rowe, Environmental and Resource Management Agent for Essex and Passaic Counties; Ferdows Ali, SSCC/NJDA; and James E. Fucci, & Robert D. Kovic, both of Hamilton York Development Group.
The public meeting was called to order by Carl Quazza at 7:05 p.m.
Carl announced that the district received 11 proposals for the improvements to the building at 80 Orchard Street in Bloomfield. Given the fact that the district meeting agenda was quite long, and as a courtesy to Mr. Fucci & Mr. Kovic of Hamilton York Development Group who had submitted a proposal, a short question and answer session took place after which Mr. Fucci & Mr. Kovic departed.
Reorganization of Officers
Carl Quazza remains the Chairman. Matt Ward remains the Vice-Chairman. John Sarnas will be the new Secretary/Treasurer.
The minutes from the June 12, 2014 meeting were reviewed. M/M Mario Tridente, M/S Gray Russell and passed unanimously to accept the minutes.
The minutes from the Executive Session held on June 12, 2014 were reviewed. M/M Mario Tridente, M/S Gray Russell and passed unanimously to accept the minutes.
Glen reviewed HEP’s Treasurer’s Reports and banking accounts for the months of June, July, and August 2014. M/M Gray Russell, M/S Mario Tridente and passed unanimously to accept the Treasurer’s Reports for the months of June, July, and August 2014.
The proposed budget for fiscal year ending 6/30/15 was reviewed. M/M John Sarnas, M/S Gray Russell and passed unanimously.
Glen Van Olden reviewed the Soil Erosion & Sediment Control Plans certified in June, July, and August 2014. M/M Mario Tridente, M/S John Sarnas and passed unanimously to accept all actions taken on Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plans certified in the months of June, July, and August 2014.
Confirmation of Mario Tridente and Gray Russell as Supervisors
Gray Russell was appointed as a Supervisor and Mario Tridente was reappointed by Douglas H. Fisher, NJ Secretary of Agriculture, each to serve a three-year term from 7/1/14 through 6/30/17. Fran Aguirre will contact Rich Belcher to procure an ID badge for Gray Russell.
NJACD 2014 Conservation Conference
The 2014 NJ Conservation Conference will be held on Monday, 11/24/2014, at the Rutgers Eco-Complex in Bordentown, NJ. This year’s theme is “Engaging Partners in the NJ Conservation Program”.
NACD Northeast Regional Meeting, Newport, RI, August 24th-26
This year’s National Association of Conservation Districts Northeast Regional Meeting was held in Newport, Rhode Island, from 8/24 – 8/26/2014. Glen Van Olden attended and reported that there were approximately 160 attendees. The seminars were very informative as was the tour at the oyster farm.
Reimbursement for Re-entering Lost H & H data
The District received $123.20 to re-enter basin data which had been entered after September 2012 but lost due to a power and back-up failure at Rutgers.
Camp Glen Gray Thank-You
The district received a letter dated 7/2/14 from Friends of Glen Gray thanking the district for its $500 donation in honor of Bob Prout. The donation will be earmarked to Glen Gray’s Capital Campaign for their new sanitation units project.
Farms View Farms, Wayne, NJ Drainage
Todd Kuehm of Farms View Farms experienced flooding for the first time. Glen Van Olden investigated and discovered that some nearby properties had clogged storm drainage pipes and channels. Glen contacted the owners and proper authorities of these properties who de-snagged and opened both of the drainage easements and storm conduits. This should correct the acute flooding Mr. Kuehm experienced.
Cape Atlantic SCD Site Inspection Concerns
The district received a copy of a letter dated 8/6/14 from the Cape Atlantic SCD to the NJ SSCC regarding lack of notification to SCD of NJDA visits to active projects. Cape Atlantic would like the SSCC to adopt a protocol requiring a cooperative process to occur between the Districts and the NJDA staff involving any inspections of sites that have a 251 plan certification.
New West Developers, Blue Ribbon Square, Irvington/Newark - HEP File #207-E-3000
The District’s lawsuit was successful. On June 9th, 2014 the Court issued an order in favor of the District, awarding a monetary judgment of $94,000. The Court Order also awarded HEP attorney’s fees in the amount of $10,687.36 although the judge questioned why there was no DAG representation and why HEP needed to secure the services of a private attorney. Mr. Cohen, HEP’s attorney, put liens on the defendants’ properties, including their homes. This lawsuit has cost the District approximately $13,000 of which HEP will recover only the attorney’s fee. The $94,000 fine will go to the State of NJ.
47-69 Whitney St. & 494-498 South Orange Ave, Newark
On 4/24/14 Glen wrote a letter to Mehdi Mohammadish, Newark’s Director of Engineering, advising that these City-owned properties exhibited substantial soil stockpiling and excessive erosion and that the construction debris and soil that were previously imported to these locations needed to be removed and the lots stabilized and secured to prevent further unlawful dumping. These lots were originally part of the New West/Pabst site but the City of Newark is now the sole owner through foreclosure. Mehdi subsequently advised Glen that the Neighborhood Services Department would take care of this issue. Although Glen did follow-up with an e-mail, he has received no response to date.
Irvington Construction Department Concerns
The DCA met with Rudy Ince, the Irvington Construction Official, for failing to coordinate with HEP prior to issuing building permits and Certificates of Occupancy.
Keegan Landfill Expansion – NJ Meadowlands Commission
The District submitted its comments addressing the proposed increased capacity at the NJMC Keegan Landfill in Kearny. The NJ DEP must now respond.
Newark Exempt Municipality - Update
Frank Minch set up a meeting in Newark on 6/23/14. Attendees included Glen, Frank, Mehdi Mohammadish, and Jack Nata. There was a subsequent meeting on 8/14/14 which was also attended by Neil Midtgard, Newark’s Construction Official, and Michael E. Greene, Esq., Newark’s Assistant Business Administrator/CIO, in addition to the previous attendees. The City of Newark wants to retain its Exemption. Newark is going to hire an SESC inspector and plans to re-vamp its entire SESC program. There seemed to be a better understanding on Newark’s part of what is required to maintain the City’s exempt municipality status, including internal processes, interdepartmental coordination, and recordkeeping.
Chapter 251 Program Activity
Glen reviewed the Chapter 251 Program Activity for the period of 4/1/2014 through 6/30/2014.
Auditing Services Fiscal Year Ending 6/30/14
Fran Aguirre had contacted Tom Ferry, CPA, of Ferraioli, Wielkotz, Cerullo, Cuva P.A. to request a quote for performing HEP’s audit for fiscal year ending 6/30/14. The firm proposed $5,610, a 2% increase. After a short discussion, M/M John Sarnas, M/S Mario Tridente and passed unanimously to contract with Ferraioli, Wielkotz, Cerullo, Cuva P.A. to perform the audit for fiscal year ending 6/30/14. Fran will advise Tom Ferry to prepare the engagement letter.
Intern Proposal
Glen Van Olden asked Janet to present the proposal to hire a part-time District Intern to do basic field inspections, errands, scanning of archived applications for electronic data storage, and general office help at a $10-$12 hourly rate. The hiring would require the district to purchase a laptop and wireless router. Carl Quazza opined that he would like to wait until after the move to Orchard Street before hiring. Mario Tridente recommended hiring an outside firm to scan district records. No action taken.
Drainage Corrections – 15 Bloomfield Ave.
Glen Van Olden advised that the drainage corrections which had caused the sinking of HEP’s driveway entrance were completed.
80 Orchard Street, Bloomfield
Fran Aguirre will make a checklist of all the bids submitted. The supervisors questioned the legality of the addendum process. Glen will check on this.
Future Sale of Present Facility
A short discussion ensued regarding the possible avenues to pursue to sell the current premises in North Caldwell once the District has moved to Bloomfield. It was agreed that the District should get the property appraised.
EXTENSION – Dr. Amy Rowe, Environmental & Resource Management Agent
Rutgers Veterans training program has been running in Newark since May with fifteen veterans participating.
Amy attended the National Association of County Agricultural Agents Annual Conference that was held from 7/21 through 7/24/14 in Mobile, Alabama. She won the National Search for Excellence Award in Landscape Horticulture for Rutgers Organic Land Care program.
The Passaic County search committee for an Agricultural Associate has met and narrowed the search to five viable candidates. Interviews will commence in the coming weeks. There is no Master Gardener class this year.
The Passaic County search committee for a Family Consumer Health Services agent held interviews and an offer will be made to the top candidate.
The Passaic County Fair held 8/14 through 8/17/14 at Garrett Mountain was a success.
Comments on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) remediation plan for the lower Passaic River were due on 8/20/14. The EPA must now compile and consider all comments.
The Essex and Passaic County Boards of Agriculture Dinner Dance will be held Friday, November 7th, 2014 at the Brownstone in Paterson.
USDA/NRCS – Dan Mull, District Conservationist, Absent – No Report
Dave Schaaf, Soil Conservationist, Absent
SSCC/NJDA – Ferdows Ali
There will not be a session on legal issues at the 2014 NJ Conservation Conference. State ethics training may be combined with legal training at a later date.
The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) was found in South Jersey.
There being no further business, M/M John Sarnas, M/S Mario Tridente and passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
John Sarnas
The next meeting will be held on Thursday,
October 1, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
The HEP-SCD District Office
15 Bloomfield Ave.
North Caldwell, NJ 07006