June Newsletter Page 9
Box 40
Elm Creek, MB R0G 0N0 ph.204.436.2354
School website: http://thecreek.pbworks.com fax.204.436.2659
June Newsletter Page 9
Canteen Menu
Tues. June 2nd – Perogy Casserole $3.50
Fri. June 5th – Chicken Caesar Salad $3.50
Wed. June 10th – Surprise! “To be announced!”
Fri. June 12th – Pulled Pork Sandwich $3.50
Tues. June 16th – Quesadillas - $3.00
Thurs. June 18th – Baked Mac n Cheese $3.00
Last day for the canteen is June19 th. Closed for remainder of the month.
Graduation Time!
Monday, June 22nd
At the
Elm Creek MB Church
7:30 pm
Tuesday June 9 – am
Pre Calc 40S Provincial
Wed June 10 – am
Essential 40S
Monday June 15 – pm
Chemistry 40S
Tues June 16 – am
French 30S & 40S
Tues June 16– pm
Applied 30S
Wed June 17 – am
Math 10F
Pre Calc 20S
Wed June 17 pm
Bio 30S
Ela 20S
Thurs June18 am
French 10G
Science 20S
Essentials 30S
Thursday June 18 – pm
Friday June 19– am
Lifework Exploration Project & Portfolio Review
Principal’s Message
The final month of the 2014-15 school year has arrived at Elm Creek School (ECS)! June is definitely one of the busiest months of the entire school year!
As a result of available funding through Manitoba Education’s Sustainable Development and Healthy Schools grants (via Prairie Rose School Division) along with the generosity of plant donations from school community members, Elm Creek School is proud to share that it now has a garden project underway! Teachers Mrs. Jackie deVries, Mrs. Colleen Gnidziejko, and Mrs. Nicole Spencer, along with “many helping hands” from K-8 students and staff, have transformed the outdoor south east corner of the elementary wing of the school into miniature garden plots! The K-8 students and staff worked enthusiastically and diligently to create this sustainable project, along with the “green thumb” guidance of Mrs. Janet Scott (PRSD substitute teacher). In order to effectively “sustain” this project, the Elm Creek Stay ‘n Play has agreed to maintain these garden plots over the warm summer months! Come harvest time, the ECS canteen and its customers will be the benefactors of the produce that is ultimately grown as a result!!
Our Grade 4-8 students participated in a track and field day held at ECS on Tuesday, June 2nd. Students from Starbuck School were invited to joined Elm Creek students for this event and competed in a variety of running, throwing and jumping events. It was great to see a number of parents, guardians and family members attend this event and support all of the student athletes! Thanks to Mr. Derek Tyler (ECS Phys. Ed. teacher) and Mr. Tim Morison (Starbuck School Phys. Ed. teacher) for organizing this special event along with the teaching and support staff teams of both schools who assisted!
In other track and field news, a meet was held for our Grade 7 and 8 students in Carman this past May 26th. This meet saw every single one of our students participate! Way to go, boys and girls!
Congratulations goes out to our Grade 9-12 team for capturing the Zone 4 track and field championship! Please see further details on this success further in to this newsletter. Thanks goes out the following Grade 4-12 track and field coaches for giving generously of their time and efforts towards all of our student athletes: Cst. Evan Willcock (Carman RCMP), Mrs. Christine Wolf (ECS Librarian), and Mr. Derek Tyler (ECS Phys. Ed. Teacher).
To round out the track and field season, Elm Creek School has a team of Senior Years students (Grade 9-12) competing in the MB High School Athletic Association’s Track & Field Provincials at the University of Manitoba Stadium Thursday to Saturday (June 4th – 6th) Go Cobras!! Please see further details on this event in this newsletter.
Classroom configurations (both individual and combined grades) for the 2015-16 school year and the assigned teaching staff are outlined further in this newsletter for everyone’s information. As in previous school years, these configurations are based on factors including: student enrolment, grade, teaching staff qualifications, course selections by students in middle and senior grades, as well as
the staffing formula utilized by the Prairie Rose School Division.
On an important staff team note, Mrs. Janice McIntyre, (Educational Assistant /EA), will be retiring from ECS, effective June 30th, 2015! Mrs. McIntyre has been an EA for the past 23 years: 12 years at Wingham Colony School and 11 years at Elm Creek School.
When asked what memories she will take with her from ECS, Janice shared the following: “I’m grateful to have had this opportunity with the students and staff for 23 years. I love the little children in particular. Staff welcomed me here and ECS and I appreciate what I’ve been able to do! Looking back, I can’t believe it’s been that long. When you love what you’re doing, it doesn’t seem like work!”
More immediate plans for Janice in retirement include spending more time with her husband, Bryan, their grandchildren, her parents and the farm. Travel is also planned, including a trip to Tuscany in the not to distant future. ECS thanks Mrs. Janice McIntrye for the many years of dedicated service to our students and the school community! We wish Janice the very best in this “next phase” of her life!!
Mrs. Jackie deVries will be taking maternity leave for the 2015-16 school year. We wish Mrs. deVries a healthy and successful maternity leave as she awaits the birth of her, and husband Bert’s second child (a sibling for son, Cole)!
With June being graduation month for Manitoba high school students, Elm Creek School will have ten of its own graduates celebrating their accomplishments along with thousands of their counterparts throughout the
province! This year’s ECS graduation ceremonies take place on Monday, June 22nd at 7:30 p.m. at the Elm Creek Mennonite Brethren Church. Best wishes and many blessings go out to our 2015 graduates!
Elm Creek School community members are invited to participate in two other school year ending events in June! Our annual Awards Day for our Grade 7-12 students will take place on Wednesday, June 24th at 10:00 a.m. in the school gym. The Kindergarten to Grade 6 Closing Ceremonies will take place on Tuesday, June 30th at 10:00 a.m., also in the school gym. Parents, guardians and family members are welcome to attend! We are very proud of the accomplishments of all of our ECS students, including those receiving awards and recognition at these events!
Our Elm Creek School Parent Advisory Council (PAC) accomplished a lot of wonderful work and fundraising throughout the school year on behalf of our school community! A list of some of the PAC’s efforts this past school year included:
· financial support towards classroom field trips
· covering the costs for a guest author through the Canadian Children’s Book Centre
· sponsorship of an annual PAC scholarship award for a worthy Grade 12 graduate
· hosting staff appreciation suppers
· funding special project requests by the school
Athletes In Action (AIA) Summer Sports Camps return once again to Elm Creek School! Back by popular demand, ECS will be hosting an AIA volleyball camp this coming August.
Look for all of the details on this camp further into this newsletter.
Elm Creek School is in the process of applying as a candidate school member of the UNESCO MB Schools Network. Please see more information about what UNESCOLE is and the process further in this newsletter
A grateful thank you to the Elm Creek School staff, parents and guardians of our students, our Parent Advisory Council (PAC), and the Prairie Rose School Division staff and trustees for their efforts and support towards our students throughout this past school year!
Happy Father’s Day on Sunday, June 15th to all of the fathers and in our school community!
“It is not the flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and son.” - Johann Friedrich Von Schiller
A safe and enjoyable summer to everyone!
-Bill Yaworsky
High School Student Council Report
In May, the high school participated in Stop, Drop and Dance. When the music played, students had to sop everything and show off their dance moves!
In our final school month of June, Grades 7-12 will go to the Carman Pool after the Awards Day Ceremony.
Good luck to all students in their exams and have a great summer vacation!
Rocky Van de Velde
Interm Student Council President
2015-2016 Classrooms
and Teachers
Grade / Teachers / NotesK / Colleen Gnidziejko / Individual class
1 / Leanne Bartley / Individual class
2 / Lisa Salazar / Individual class
3 / Crystal Martens / Individual class
4 / Nicole Spencer / Individual class
5 / Lillian Middleton / Combining class with Gr. 6 – individual class for part of the day
6 / Lillian Middleton / Combining class with Gr. 5 – individual class for part of the day
7 / To be announced / Individual class
8 / Suzanne Godard / Individual class
9 / *
10 / *
11 / *
12 / *
*Senior Years Teachers: Val Esau, Lisa Carlson,
Ashley Cook, Leslie Howard
Specialist Teachers:
Elementary Music: Gloria Froese
Phys Ed: Derek Tyler
Resource: Sigrid McLeod
Athletes In Action summer sports camps will be hosting a one week session at Elm Creek School this August 4th – 7th. “AIA Camps are the best environment for learning the essential skills, techniques and tactics of the respective sports, as well as encouraging the spiritual, physical and mental growth of each player!”
All camp instructors are college-level student athletes from the University of Manitoba, University of Winnipeg and the Canadian Mennonite University.
The camps are open to boys and girls 9 – 17 years of age.
Volleyball Camp
Tuesday, August 4th to Friday, August 7th
The camp will be run from 9am – 3:30 pm each day.
The cost for the camp is $150.00
**Fee will be reduced to $100 if 5 or more athletes sign up. Registration forms can be picked up at the office. Registration forms must be returned to the office by Monday, June 15th!
From the Library
Another year is almost done. In order for the library to do a proper inventory, please have library books back by June 12. High school students will be able to sign out a couple books for over the summer, if they wish, after inventory is complete. We just ask that care is taken so that the books are not damaged or lost.
So for the last of the year tip to get children interested in reading: share your reactions to books you are reading.
“If you are reading a good novel, tell your child how much you’re enjoying it: “I just can’t wait to see what happens,” or “This is such a good book. I just learned that whales sing songs to each other, hundreds of miles away in the ocean.” Paraphrase a particularly good passage from your book for your child. “In my book, the writer says a tree is like a fountain of leaves. I’ve never thought of it that way before.” A colleague of mine still recalls his
fourth-grade class, where the teacher read aloud for a half hour each morning. One day, she was reading from Uncle Tom’s Cabin and she became so absorbed in the story, she read well beyond the allotted time. She was in the midst of reading a particularly upsetting passage when she suddenly began crying. My friend remembers this as his first glimpse of how powerful reading can be; he respected books more from that moment on.”
Cullinan, Bernice. "Getting Started."Read to Me: Raising Kids Who Love to Read. New York: Scholastic, 1947. 129. Print.p.38.
Everyone, please have a happy, safe and wonderful summer. Remember to read.
Christine Wolf
Library Technician
Elm Creek Daycare and Nursery School would like to THANK YOU to everyone who ordered MUMS for Mother's Day! The fundraiser was a success! Again THANK YOU to everyone in Elm Creek for supporting Elm Creek Stay & Play Centre Inc.
Fundraising opportunity: Mabel’s Labels!
Summer is the time to label all your summer itemsfor camp! Or for back to school in September.
Follow the link below.
Your campaign Elm Creek Stay & Play - mabelsfundraising.com/c/22237
Should you need assistance with your campaign or navigating through the platform please email us at or call us toll free at 1-866-306-2235, option 3.
The Daycare this summer has some spaces open for school age children to come join in the fun!
If you are looking for care for your child(ren) this summer, give us a call!
Nursery School
It is that time of year again to SIGN UP!! Is your child 3yrs old to 5 yrs old??
Did you know there is a program perfect for your child to join?
The Nursery School Program has 20 licensed spaces for children aged 3 to 5 years old. It is located at the Mennonite Brethren Church. It
provides space for children to explore science and art, small manipulative play, dramatic play, quiet space, a general gathering area, and locker space. The Nursery School Program will run 2 days a week from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. September to May. We provide child socialization, integration and early learning to children to prepare them for entrance into Kindergarten.
Come out and meet Jodi the Early Childhood Educator!