Ellington Volunteer Ambulance Corp
General Meeting
Monday July 17, 2017
Chief Peter Hany called the meeting to order at 1902 hours
Citizens Forum : First Selectwoman Lori Spielman received the Heart Safe Recertification from the State of Connecticut Public Health and presented it to the community.
Andrew did a CPR Class
Board of Selectman Liaison: NTR
Committee Reports:
ERP Liaison: July 25 training at 7:00 p.m. August 1, General Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
August 10 General Meeting, August 17, Training at 7:00
Training: EMT class to start on Wednesday, Sept 6, will meet every Wednesday from 6-10 p.m.
Technology: NTR
Membership: We are in need of preceptors
- A motion was made to accept Brendan Clark as a member, motion passed.
- Heather How is an EMT, a motion was made to make Heather a probationary member, motion passed
- A motion was made to make Jennifer Rice a probationary member, motion passed.
New Ambulance Suburban: NTR
Driver Training: driver training checklist and procedure to be completed soon for use in the near future.
Advisory Board: NTR
Old Business:
-If you want to borrow tables and chairs, please get a hold of Peter
-Uniforms: No T-Shirts on call for the duty crew
- Re-tones are still being done even after we call TN to let them know we are responding, Pete will discuss this with TN.
New Business:
-Reminder, no vulgar language this is a town building
- When responding to San Juan Ranch at Crystal Lake, no lights or sirens so we do not scare the horses.
-Deer Valley North Maps are now in both Ambulances
-If not working in the ambulance bays the overhead doors should be closed for security reasons.
- “ I am Responding”- is $800 per year-the Corps should consider doing a one year trial.
-Tolland Windham County: Discussion regarding the EMT and MRT tests, lots of people are failing- it seems the tests are not accurate with what is being taught
- August 1st- Change of the Med Channels
-Refrigerator is cleaned on Mondays, if something is left, it will be thrown out.
-Working on the key fob system
-There will be a meeting with Mark for the incentives
- Fall Victims: #1 Call (lift assist)
-County Meeting: Meet at the ambulance building for 6:00 if interested in going.
Officers Reports:
-In September Peter is being interviewed by Lori Spielman in September.
- There was an article in Friday’s Journal Inquirer about EVAC.
-Our Future in in our hands Do your time, and make sure we are covered.
Vice President:
-Bay side door does not latch. Make sure front door is locked.
-Questions written down and put in box. EOC training
Jean-Marie Currier is the new Secretary
- Account balances read. Please attach receipts for expenses.
-Great job for signing up for shifts. There are still open shifts available. Make sure you check in with your crew.
-Brendan is the new supply officer
-Peter will be handling maintenance
Public Relations:
There will be an article in the next Ellington Town Events magazine about EVAC
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made, and seconded. Motion passed unanimously
The meeting was adjourned at 19:53
Respectfully Submitted,
Krista Schultz on behalf of Jean-Marie Currier
EVAC Secretary