EllingtonHigh School

Business Education Department

Business Department Expectations

The EllingtonHigh School student will:

Use educational, business and industrial technology to create products

Utilize resources including media, computers and other technology for research

Demonstrate skills and competencies for lifelong learning

Reason effectively, think critically, and solve problems

Listen, view and read with understanding


Course Objectives Every student shall:

1.Develop an understanding of the double-entry accounting system.

2.Acquire a comprehensive vocabulary of accounting terms.

3.Demonstrate accounting procedures used in the preparation and interpretation of accounting journals, ledgers, statements, and other business forms and records.

4.Understand accounting concepts and demonstrate accounting practices related to an accounting system for a service business organized as a proprietorship and a merchandising business organized as a corporation.

5.Acquire the fundamental concepts of accounting for a merchandising business organized as a partnership.

6.Demonstrate proficiency in using the automated accounting software.


Principles that are presented by the teacher are reinforced primarily through the use of practice problems, chapter questions, and chapter tests. Grading for Accounting I is based on Class Work, Homework, Tests, and Student Productivity. In addition, one or more simulation projects may be used during the course and will be graded according to the teacher’s discretion.

Student Expectations

1.Every student is required to bring to class the following items:

textbook, pencil, calculator (cannot be cell phone)

2.Every student will complete homework, class work, and computerized problems as assigned by the teacher.

3.Every student will be responsible for work assigned during an absence.

4.Every student must sign the Letter of Agreement regarding the Computer/Network/Internet Use Policy in order to have access to computers throughout the course.

5.Textbooks must be covered at all times.

EllingtonHigh School

Business Education Department


EllingtonHigh School prepares students to become knowledgeable, respectful citizens who value learning, integrity, personal well being, equity and diversity.



EHS students will:

  • Listen and view with understanding.
  • Read and write effectively.
  • Reason effectively, think critically, and solve problems.
  • Utilize resources including media, computers, and other technologies.


EHS Students will:

  • Meet the responsibilities of citizenship.
  • Demonstrate leadership and service to the community.


EHS Students will:

  • Practice moral and ethical conduct.
  • Affirm diversity and practice respect.
  • Demonstrate skills and competencies for personal well being and growth.

Revised Oct-18