Ellen Foster Chapters 1-15 Study Guide Short Answer Questions
Short Answer Questions - Chapter 1
1. Who does Ellen consider killing?
2. What method does Ellen consider using to kill someone?
3. Who is the main character in the story?
4. How does Ellen's father die?
5. Who visits Ellen at school after she is a ward of the state?
6. One day Ellen is given an inkblot test. What does Ellen call the inkblots?
7. What type of sickness does Ellen say weakens her mother's heart?
8. Why does Ellen feel that her mother is better off in the hospital than at home?
9. What does Ellen think her father is?
10. What has Ellen's mother's absence forced Ellen to obtain for herself?
11. What writing tense does the author use to tell Ellen's story?
12. Where does Ellen tell her father to sleep when he passes out in the bathroom?
Short Answer Questions - Chapter 2
1. What item spills out of Ellen's mother's purse?
2. What does Ellen's father stroke while he is yelling at Ellen and her mother?
3. In Ellen's new life with her new mama, what runs smoothly?
4. What luxuries does Ellen have in her new life that did not exist in her old life?
5. What does Ellen use reading for?
6. Why does Ellen's mother's heart stop beating?
7. Who does Ellen blame for her mother's death?
8. What does Ellen do when her mother goes to bed?
9. How does Ellen feel about her aunt?
10. What is Ellen's father's name?
11. What make-up item does Ellen contemplate wearing to her mother’s funeral?
12. From what room does Ellen observe her family from?
Short Answer Questions - Chapter 3
1. What is the pony's name that Ellen wants to ride?
2. Whom must Ellen share the pony with?
3. How does Ellen describe her family before the funeral?
4. Ellen's family attends a funeral for what character?
5. What color is the outfit Ellen wears to the funeral?
6. Which character gives Ellen the outfit to wear to the funeral?
7. Who is Dora?
8. What does Ellen contemplate before leaving the bathroom to give everyone something to talk about?
9. What food item does Ellen take with her on her pony ride?
10. What season does the funeral take place in?
11. What occupation does Aunt Nadine have?
12. What bad habit does Dora have?
Short Answer Questions - Chapter 4
1.A drive through what part of town is necessary to reach the place where the funeral is being held?
2.What is Aunt Nadine's response to the drive through there?
3.What object does Ellen spy in one yard that she would like to have?
4.At the grave site, who does Ellen avoid looking at?
5.Who is Ellen's friend that attends the funeral?
6.What does Ellen's friend's family sometimes eat?
7.What happens to Ellen when she eats that same thing?
8.What well-to-do relative of Ellen's attends the funeral?
9.What name does the well-to-do relative call Ellen's father?
10.Before the end of the service, but after the fight with Ellen's father, what does this well-to-do relative do?
11.What is the weather like at the funeral service?
12.What animal does Ellen hope her pony will scare away?
Short Answer Questions - Chapter 5
1. How long is Ellen's father gone the day after the funeral?
2. The day after the funeral, where does Ellen prepare to go?
3. How does Ellen honor her mother?
4. How does Ellen refer to her large head?
5. When Ellen returns to school after the funeral, what does a teacher bluntly ask?
6. How does Ellen respond to the blunt question asked by a teacher?
7. Who does Ellen stop speaking to?
8. Who are Rudolph and Ellis?
9. What does Ellen's father sign over to his relatives?
10. What is left in Ellen's mailbox each month?
11. Who takes Ellen into town for a new coat?
12. What organization does Ellen join to curb her boredom in the winter?
Short Answer Questions - Chapter 6
1. Where does Ellen celebrate her first Christmas after her mother's death?
2. What type of employment does Starletta's parents do?
3. Who is the only member of Starletta's family who can read?
4. Why does Ellen refuse to play with Starletta's toys?
5. What present does Ellen receive from Starletta's family?
6. What present does Ellen give to Starletta's family?
7. What happens to Ellen's mother's clothes?
8. What activity has become an escape for Ellen?
9. How many siblings does Ellen have at her new mother's house?
10. What hygiene task does Ellen let her new mama perform on her?
11. What activity does Ellen's father entertain his guests with on New Year's Eve?
12. What does Bill do to Ellen on New Year's Eve?
Short Answer Questions - Chapter 7
1. How much money does Ellen offer Starletta's family to let her stay with them?
2. In order to stay the night at Starletta's house, what lie does Ellen tell Starletta's parents?
3. Why does Ellen wear her coat to bed?
4. Where does Ellen hide on New Year's Day while she waits for her father and his friends to leave her house?
5. Who does Ellen plan on living with after her stay at Starletta's?
6. How long does Ellen's new roommate let her stay when Ellen runs away from her father's home?
7. What errand does Ellen enjoy partaking in with her new mama?
8. What item does Ellen's new mama never seem to run out of?
9. What on Ellen's arm draws attention from her teachers?
10. How does Ellen explain the item on her arm?
11. Who does Ellen tell the teacher she wants to live with when the teacher asks Ellen to call someone to pick her up?
12. Why doesn't Ellen tell anyone about her problems with her father?
Short Answer Questions - Chapter 8
1. Who agrees to let Ellen live with them temporarily?
2. Who is Julia's husband?
3. In what room does Ellen stay at her first temporary home?
4. Who is Julia?
5. What does Julia encourage Ellen to do?
6. Where are Julia and Roy originally from?
7. What is Julia as a child?
8. What hobby does Ellen remember helping her mother with?
9. What does Ellen almost forget?
10. How many guests does Ellen invite to her birthday party?
11. What is Starletta fascinated with at Ellen's new home?
12. What gift do Julia and Roy give Ellen for her birthday?
Short Answer Questions - Chapter 9
1. Who comes looking for Ellen with money in hand asking her to come back to live with them?
2. Where does someone show up looking for Ellen?
3. What incentive does someone offer Ellen when they show up looking for her?
4. Who shows up and stops the person with the money from harassing Ellen?
5. Who decides that Ellen must move in with a family member?
6. Who is Ellen placed to live with?
7. What is mandatory every Sunday in Ellen's new home?
8. When do Dora and Nadine attend church?
9. Who are Stella, Frances, and Jo Jo?
10. What activity always happens after church?
11. Why doesn't Jo Jo have to participate in the after-church activity?
12. What other activities must Ellen do on Sundays in her new home?
Short Answer Questions - Chapter 10
1. Who is fired from her job as a teacher?
2. What one materialistic possession is the only thing Ellen really cares about?
3. What is the only question Ellen's grandmother asks Ellen on the drive to her house?
4. What nickname does Ellen give her grandmother?
5. What room does Ellen stay in at her grandmother's house?
6. Why does Ellen's grandmother threaten to break Ellen's hands?
7. Where does Ellen's grandmother make Ellen work?
8. Who helps Ellen with her work in the fields?
9. What happens to Ellen from working so hard in the fields?
10. Whose behavior is worse since the death of Ellen's mother?
11. Who does Ellen spy on during her free time?
12. When Ellen's father dies, what item does Ellen's grandmother burn?
Short Answer Questions - Chapter 11
1. In Chapter 11, what truths does Ellen begin to figure out?
2. Who is keeping tabs on Ellen and her father for Ellen's grandmother?
3. Who leaves envelopes of money in Ellen's mailbox?
4. What health care options does Ellen's grandmother shun?
5. How does Ellen say her father dies?
6. What truth does Ellen's grandmother constantly remind Ellen of?
7. What does Ellen vow to do if her grandmother starts to die?
8. What is Ellen's grandmother's response when Ellen asks her grandmother why she hates her?
9. How does Ellen respond to her grandmother's reply as to why her grandmother hates her?
10. What one thing does Ellen not do for her mother?
11. What does Ellen's grandmother vow to Ellen?
12. Which character dies at the end of Chapter 11?
Short Answer Questions - Chapter 12
1. In Ellen's new life in Chapter 12, who wakes her up every day for school?
2. What grade is Stella in?
3. Who is Roger's mother?
4. What does Stella do in the back of the bus?
5. Whose classroom does Ellen pass on her way to music class?
6. Who has a crush on Tom?
7. Why does Ellen think Starletta likes white boys?
8. What do Ellen and Starletta keep a list of?
9. What day does Ellen dread?
10. What request does Ellen consider asking her new mama?
11. On what day of the week does Ellen see the school counselor?
12. What does Ellen change her last name to?
Short Answer Questions - Chapter 13
1. Who does Ellen call to report her grandmother's death?
2. What irks Nadine and Betsy about their mother's death?
3. Who comes over right away when Ellen tells them her grandmother died?
4. Why do Betsy and Nadine start fighting over their mother's death?
5. After her grandmother's death, who must Ellen live with?
6. What will Ellen miss the most about her grandmother's house?
7. After her grandmothers death, how does Ellen decide to treat her new residence?
8. When Ellen does not go to her grandmother's funeral, what does Dora tell her?
9. What does Ellen discover in Dora's underwear drawer?
10. After her grandmother's death, whose room does Ellen have to stay in at her new residence?
11. Ellen has to go shopping for new clothes. What new item does she treasure the most?
12. Who does Ellen spy on upon her first visit to church?
Short Answer Questions - Chapter 14
1. What does Ellen do a lot of while at her new temporary residence after her grandmother's death?
2. What does Ellen tell her hostess she is doing while at her residence after her grandmother's death?
3. What is Ellen's favorite thing to do while at her new residence after her grandmother's death?
4. What is Ellen's favorite slide to view on her microscope?
5. What does Ellen tell her Aunt Nadine she would like for Christmas?
6. Why doesn't Ellen buy Nadine and Dora gifts for Christmas?
7. What does Ellen end up giving Nadine and Dora for Christmas?
8. What does Dora still believe in?
9. What is Dora and Nadine's response to Ellen's Christmas gift?
10. What item(s) does Ellen receive for Christmas?
11. What is the only thing that Dora doesn't have?
12. Who is Ellen's imaginary boyfriend?
Short Answer Questions - Chapter 15
1. Whose house does Ellen go to on Christmas day?
2. How much money does Ellen offer her new mama to let her stay at her new mama's house?
3. What compliment does Ellen's new mama giver her when they first meet?
4. What does Ellen's new mama bombard her with when they first meet?
5. Who must Ellen's new mama receive permission from to see if Ellen can stay with her?
6. Before Ellen unpacks, what does Ellen do to her new mama?
7. At the end of the book, what is Ellen most grateful for in her new life with her new mama?
8. At the end of the book, what does Ellen's new mama do with the money Ellen offers to her?
9. After her move to her new mama's house at the end of the novel, what is Ellen's only worry?
10. Who does Ellen invite over to spend the night at her new mama's house at the end of the novel?
11. How does Ellen's new mama treat Ellen's house guest?
12. What does Ellen confide to her house guest at the end of the novel?