Aerosol Art
Is graffiti art? It’s often seen as vandalising public property but the Aerosol Art project in South Australia is changing the way people see it.
Focus Questions
1] What is graffiti?
2] Why is graffiti against the law?
3] How has some graffiti become an art form?
4] Why are some authorities starting to work with graffiti artists?
5] Describe the Aerosol Art project.
6] How is the art being created different to the `tags’ that were on the bridge before the project began?
7] How is the council saving money with this project?
8] How do you think projects like these affect people’s opinions about graffiti?
9] Do you think graffiti is art or vandalism? Explain your answer.
10] How has your thinking about graffiti changed after watching the BtN story?
Graffiti – Public art or nuisance?
Begin the lesson by showing students examples of graffiti. The web links at the end of this activity sheet have a range of images to choose from. Ask students to record their impressions and whether they believe it is art or not. Discuss with the class similarities and differences between public art such as sculptures and murals, and graffiti. Students can then find out more about graffiti art by exploring one or more of the following questions:
§ Why did graffiti culture develop?
§ What are the historical, social and political factors that influence graffiti artists?
§ What are the links between Hip Hop culture and graffiti art?
§ How do music, graffiti, dance and fashion interact?
§ How has graffiti art in Australia developed?
Ask students to share what they have learnt with the rest of the class. How have their understanding and perceptions of graffiti changed? Why did they change?
Students can have a go at creating graffiti art online at one of the following websites: or Alternatively, students can use a stretched canvas to create a graffiti style artwork. Display artwork around the classroom or school.
Further investigations
Create a class mural in the school with the visual arts teacher or artist in residence. Encourage students to create artwork that reflects their own identity.
Find out more about subway artist Keith Haring at the following website
Make up a role play based on the topic `Graffiti – art or vandalism?’ Different points of view could include graffiti artist, community member and police officer.
8 Related Research Links
ABC News – Police hand out spray cans to curb graffiti
ABC Stateline – How to beat graffiti
CBBC – Graffiti facts
CBBC – Kids taught graffiti to stop street crime
Keith Haring website for kids
Online graffiti creator
Graffiti gallery from Kiev
© ABC 2008