Ellen Bayuk Rosenman


Department of English

1215 Patterson Office Tower

University of Kentucky

Lexington, Kentucky 40506

Office: 859-257- 7010


Interim Chair, English Department, University of Kentucky, 2010-2011

Chair, English Department, University of Kentucky, 2004-2007.

Professor of English, University of Kentucky, 2004-present

Graduate Faculty, 1988-present

Associate Professor of English, University of Kentucky, 1988 to 2004

Director, Women's Studies Program, University of Kentucky, 1992-1994

Assistant Professor of English, University of Kentucky, 1985-1988

Assistant Professor of English and Director of Writing Program, Dickinson College, 1982-1985

Instructor of English and Director of Writing Program, Dickinson College, 1979-1982


Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1983 (English)

B.A, Bryn Mawr College, 1973, magna cum laude, departmental honors (English)


Provost's Distinguished Service Professor, 2010-13

Teachers Who Made a Difference Award, 2008

American Council of Learned Societies Research Fellowship, 2007-2008

American Philosophical Society/British Academy Research Grant, 2007

Sturgill Award for Contribution to Graduate Education, 2007

Finalist, Provost’s Teaching Award, 2007

Faculty Research Grant, University of Kentucky 2005

Faculty Research Grant, University of Kentucky, 1998

Faculty Research Grant, University of Kentucky, 1993

American Council of Learned Societies Grant-in-Aid, 1991

Kentucky Foundation for Women Grant, 1991

Faculty Stipend for Excellence, University of Kentucky, 1988-91

Outstanding English Teacher (awarded by majors), 1989

Faculty Grant for Curriculum Development, University of Kentucky, 1988

Overseas Travel Grant, University of Kentucky, 1988

Faculty Summer Research Grant, University of Kentucky, 1987

Otis Singletary Summer Faculty Grant for Excellence, University of Kentucky, 1986

American Council of Learned Societies Grant-in-Aid, 1985

National Endowment for the Humanities Travel to Collections Grant, 1985

Dickinson College Research and Development Grant, 1985

National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar, "Ideas and Society in Victorian

Britain," Department of History, Yale University 1985


Co-editor (with Susan Bordo and Christina Alcalde), History of Feminist Thought,

under advance contract, University of California Press, manuscript submitted.

“Penny Fiction,” for Blackwell Companion to Victorian Literature(advance contract:

submission September 2013).

I am engaged in a book-length study of Victorian working class fiction.



Other Mothers: Beyond the Victorian Maternal Ideal, essay collection co-edited with

Claudia Klaver. Ohio State University Press, 2008

Unauthorized Pleasures: Accounts of Victorian Erotic Experience, Cornell University Press, 2003 (Nominated by Cornell UP for Morris D. Forkosch Prize; reviewed in Women's

Review of Books, Victorian Studies, Victorian Institute Journal, English Literature in

Transition 1880-1920, English Studies Forum)

A Room of One's Own: Women Writers and the Politics of Creativity, Twayne/MacMillan, 1995; CD-ROM version June 1996

The Invisible Presence: Virginia Woolf and the Mother-Daughter Relationship, Louisiana State University Press, 1986

Articles and Book Chapters

“Chartist Literature,” Blackwell Companion to Victorian Literature, ed. Dino Felluga, Pamela

Gilbert, Linda Hughes (3500 words, orthcoming 2015)

"Women's Bodies and Sexuality," Cultural History of Women in the Age of Empire,

ed. Teresa Mangum (London: Berg Publishers, 2013); pp. 47-56.

“The Commons and the Enclosure Acts,” BRANCH collective

( (3500 words)

"Fear of Fashion; or, How the Coquette Got Her Bad Name" (revised), in Cultures of Femininity in Modern Fashion, ed. Ilya Parkins and Elizabeth Sheehan("Reading

Fashion" series, University Press of New England, 2011), pp. 89-102.

“Rudeness, Slang, and Obscenity: Working-Class Politics in London Labour and the London Poor,” in Victorian Vulgarity, ed. Elsie Michie and Susan Bernstein (Aldershot: Ashgate 2009), pp. 55-68.

"Mother Love: Edith Simcox, George Eliot, and Lesbian Erotics," for Other Mothers collection


“Introduction,” co-authored with Claudia Klaver, for Other Mothers collection


“The Virtue of Illegitimacy in the Fiction of G. W.M. Reynolds and Malcolm Errym,” G.W.M. Reynolds: Novelist, Editor, Politician, ed. Anne Humpherys and Louis James (Aldershot: Ashgate Press 2008), pp. 211-224.

“Body Doubles: The Spermatorrhea Panic,” Journal of the History of Sexuality 12:3

(2003): 365-399.

"'Mimic Sorrows’: Masochism and the Gendering of Pain in Victorian Melodrama,” Studies in

the Novel 35 (2003): 22-43.

“More Stories about Clothing and Furniture: Realism and Bad Commodities.” The Function of

Victorian Culture at the Present Time. Ed. Christine Krueger. Athens: Ohio State University Press, 2002. 47-62.

"Fear of Fashion; or, How the Coquette Got Her Bad Name," ANQ 15:3 (Summer 2002):12-21.

“Spectacular Women: The Mysteries of London and the Female Body,” Victorian Studies 40 (1997): 31-64.

"'Just Man Enough to Play the Boy’: Theatrical Cross-Dressing in Mid-Victorian England.” Gender and Transgender Issues. Ed. Bonnie Bullough, Vern Bullough, and James Elias. Amherst, NY: Promoetheus Books, 1997. 303-310.

"The House and the Home: Money, Women and the Family in The Banker's Magazine and

Daniel Deronda," Women's Studies 17 (January 1990): 179-192.

"Reading Victorian Heroines: North and South, Daniel Deronda, and Villette," Reader 22(1989):


"Women's Speech and the Roles of the Sexes in Daniel Deronda," Texas Studies in Literature

and Language 31 (1989): 236-56.

"'Secret Economies': Feminist Discourse, Lesbianism and A Room of One's Own," Signs: A Journal of Women in Culture and Society 14:3 (1989): 634-650.

"The Invisible Presence in the Creative Process of Virginia Woolf," American Imago 43

(1986): 133-50


Feeling for the Poor: Bourgeois Compassion, Social Action, and the Victorian Novel, Caroline

Betensky (University of Virginia Press 2010), forthcoming Nineteenth Century Gender

Studies 2011.

Victorian Honeymoons: Journeys to the Conjugal, Helena Michie (Cambridge University Press

2006). Nineteenth Century Contexts 31:4 (2009): 403-5.

Working Fictions: A Genealogy of the Victorian Novel, Carolyn Lesjak (Duke University Press 2006). Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net 51 (2008). (

Between Women: Friendship, Desire, and Marriage in Victorian England, Sharon Marcus (Princeton University Press, 2007). Victorian Institute Journal36 (2008): 303-305.

The Traffic in Obscentiy from Byron to Beardsley: Sexuality and Eroticism in Nineteenth-

Century Print Culture, Collette Colligan (Palgrave Press 2006). Nineteenth Century Gender Studies (2008). (

The Imagination of Class: Masculinity and the Victorian Urban Poor, Dan Bivona and Roger B.

Henkle (The Ohio State University Press, 2006). English Literature in Transition 51

(2008): 337-40.

In Science’s Shadow: Literary Constructions of Late Victorian Women, Patricia Murphy

(University of Missouri Press, 2006). Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 26 (Fall

2007): 346-47.

Pornography, the Theory: What Utilitarianism Did to Action, Frances Ferguson (University of

Chicago Press, 2004). Nineteenth Century Gender Studies 2 (2006)

Slumming: Sexual and Social Politics in Victorian London, Seth Koven (Princeton University

Press, 2004). Victorian Institute Journal 34 (2006): 269-271.

Oxford Companion to the Brontes, ed. Christine Alexander and Margaret Smith (Oxford

Uniersity Press 2003). Victorian Studies 48 (2005):193-95.

Women and Domestic Experience in Victorian Political Fiction, Susan Johnston

(Greenwood 2001). Victorian Studies 45 (2002): 189-91.

The Spectacle of Intimacy: A Public Life for the Victorian Family, Karen Chase and

Michael Levenson (Princeton 2000). Victorians Institute Journal, 29 (2001): 211-213.

Beyond Sensation: Mary Elizabeth Braddon in Context, ed. Marlene Tromp, Pamela K.

Gilbert, and Aeron Haynie (SUNY Press 2000). ANQ 14:2 (Spring 2001): 56-8.

The Selected Letters of Leslie Stephen, ed. John Bicknell (Ohio State 1996). ANQ 12:4 (Fall

1999): 43-45..

Are Girls Necessary? Lesbian Writing and Modern Histories, Julie Abraham (Routledge 1996).

MFS 43 (1997): 1064-7.

Virginia Woolf against Empire, Kathy Phillips (Tennessee 1994). MFS 42 (1996): 176-


Canons and Contexts, by Paul Lauter. ANQ 6:3 (Summer1993): 26-28.

The Difference Within:: Feminism and Critical Theory, Elizabeth Meese and Alice Parker, eds.

South Atlantic Review 55 (1990): 152-3.

Representation and Revelation in Victorian Fiction, John McGowan; The Victorian Short Story, Harold Orgel South Atlantic Review 53 (1988): 135-139.

Female Friendships and Communities: Charlotte Bronte, George Eliot, Elizabeth Gaskell, Pauline Nestor; ANQ 1:1 (January 1988): 39-41.

Other Publications

"Ballet." Encyclopedia of the Victorian Era. 4 vols. James Eli Adams, editor in chief. Danbury:

Grolier Academic Press, 2004.

“Radclyffe Hall.” Reader’s Guide to Gay and Lesbian Studies. ed. Timothy Murphy. Chicago:

Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 2000. pp. 223-6.

"White Male Blindness and Women's Work in a Women's Studies Program," Concerns 24 (Spring 1994): 49-52.


“The Origins of the Circus: from Bleak House to Hard Times,” Interdisciplinary Nineteenth

Century Studies Conference, March 2013.

“Crazy Families and Radical Politics: Utopian Thinking in Penny Fiction,” North American

Victorian Studies Association Conference, September 2012.

“Politics and Plausibility in Victorian Penny Fiction,” Novel Worlds Conference, April 2012.

“Revisioning Dickens: The Politics of Adaptation in G.W.M. Reynolds’s Pickwick Abroad,”

Victorians Institute Conference, October 2011.

"Beyond the Nation: The International Politics of Penny Dreadfuls," MLA, January 2011.

"Scholarly Publishing in the Digital Age," plenary panel, Victorians Institute Conference,

October 2010.

"Who Speaks for the Working Class? The Sibling Rivalry of Charles Dickens and

G.W.M. Reynolds," INCS (Interdisciplinary Nineteenth Century Studies Association), March 2010

"Mobility and Space: Penny Dreadfuls Remap the World," INCS, April 2009.

"Emotion, Imagination, and Social Change: The Political Potential of Penny Dreadfuls," NAVSA (North American Victorian Studies Association), November 2008

"The Gypsy Life: Mobility, Power, and the Land in Penny Dreadfuls," INCS April 2008.

“Objects, Characters, People: George Eliot and Intersubjectivity,” NAVSA, October 2007

“Edith Simcox: Narrating Same Sex Desire,” Keynote address, 18th and 19th Century British

Women Writers Conference, April 2007

“The Virtue of Illegitimacy: Inheritance and Belonging in The Dark Woman and Mary Price,”

NAVSA, August/September 2006

"The Virtue of Illegitimacy: Inheritance and Belonging in The Dark Woman and Mary Price,"

Indiana University, March 2006 (invited talk)

“Serialization and Social Critique: Mayhew, Linton, and Wood,” NAVSA, September 2005

“Indian Love Songs: The English Subjects of Colonial Fiction,” INCS, April 2005

“Eliza Lynn Linton and the Everyday: Reading the Non-Feminist Woman Writer,” 18th and

19th Century Women Writers Conference, April 2005

"The Power of Vulgarity: Class Interaction and Cultural Critique in London Labour and the

London Poor," NAVSA, October 2003

"Rogue Fathers and Proper Inheritors: Failures of Patrilineality in Hard Cash and Armadale,"

Father Figures: Paternity in the Modern Age, Liverpool, July 2003.

"Mother Love: Maternity and Lesbian Erotics,” INCS, March 2003.

"Edith Simcox: Victorian Lesbian," Narrative Conference, East Lansing, April 2002.

“Revisiting the Urban Gaze: Men, Women, and City Space,” Victorian Exhibitions Conference

(The Dickens Project), August 2001.

“More Stories about Clothing and Furniture,” MLA (Modern Language Association), December


“Body Doubles: Surgeons and Their Others,” Victorian Institute Conference, October 2000.

“The Yelverton Marriage Case,” Narrative Conference, April 2000.

“Borderline Texts and Equivocal Women: Gender, Bodies, and Cultural Capital in The Mysteries

of London,” G.W.M. Reynolds Conference, University of Birmingham, July 2000 (paper

presented in absentia).

“Men Against Men: The Spermatorrhea Panic,” Victorian Violence Conference (The Dickens Project), August 1998.

“The Spermatorrhea Panic: The Penis and the Phallus in Victorian Britain,” Narrative

Conference, April 1998

“The Reader’s Body: Sexuality and Subjectivity in Beauty in Women and Adam Bede,” MLA,

December 1997

“G.W.M. Reynolds and the Aesthetics of Heterogeneity,” Research and the Study of Victorian Periodicals Conference, September 1997.

“Sex and Subject Position in My Secret Life.” Narrative Conference, April 1997.

“Teaching vs. Research in Graduate English Education,” SAMLA (South Atlantic Modern

Language Association), November 1996.

“Exhibiting the Female Body: Seduction and Sublimation in Victorian High Art,” Narrative Conference, April 1996

"Women in the City: G.W.M. Reynolds's Heroines and the Gendering of Urban Experience," Cities, Gardens, Wildernesses (BCLA), Edinburgh, Scotland, July 1995

"'Mimic Sorrows': Masochism in Victorian Melodrama," 18th and 19th Century Women Writers Conference, April 1995

"Women in the City: Mysteries of London and the Gendering of Urban Experience," The Nineteenth-Century City: Global Contexts, Local Productions (INCS), April 1995

"'Just Man Enough to Play the Boy': Theatrical Cross-Dressing in Mid-Victorian England,"

Cross-Dressing, Sex, and Gender Conference, February 1995

"Equivocal Women and Borderline Texts," Popular Culture Conference, April 1994

"Mysteries of London and Female Sexuality," University of Michigan Women's Studies

Symposium, 1993 (invited lecture)

"A Fish on the Line: Desire, Repression and A Room of One's Own," Virginia Woolf Conference, June 1993

"Mysteries of London and Female Sexuality," Popular Culture Conference, April 1993.

"A Fish on the Line: Desire, Repression and A Room of One's Own" Post/Modern/Feminism, University of Louisville, 1993 (invited lecture)

"Scrutiny vs. Bloomsbury: A Sociology of Culture," Twentieth-Century Literature Conference,

February 1990

"A Continuum of Difference," MLA, December 1988

"The Angel in the Text: Gender and Genre in North and South and Daniel Deronda, SAMLA

October 1988

"'Secret Economies': Feminist Discourse, Sexual Identity and A Room of One's Own," Second Women and Language Conference, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, June 1988

"The Invisible Presence: Virginia Woolf and the Mother-Daughter Relationship," University of

Louisville Women's Studies Symposium, 1988 (invited lecture)

"Reading Victorian Heroines: North and South, Daniel Deronda and Villette," SAMLA, October


"A Patriarchal Crisis: Two Narratives about Victorian Bank Failure," MLA, December 1986

"'Gone Undeground': The Politics of Anger in A Room of One's Own," SAMLA, October 1986

"Paradoxes of Female Development: Virginia Woolf and the Female Buildungsroman," Pacific Coast Philological Association, November 1985

"George Eliot's Femme Fatale: Demon as Victim," Carolina Symposium on British Studies, October 1985

"Virginia Woolf and the Creative Process," NEMLA (North Eastern Modern Language Association), November 1984


Editor, Victorian Institute Journal, fall 2010- present

Editorial Board, Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, 2009-2012

Editorial Board, Nineteenth Century Gender Studies2005-present


Grant reviewer, APS Franklin Grant, 2013.

Chief organizer, Interdisciplinary Nineteenth Century Studies Conference, University of

Kentucky, March 2012

North American Victorian Studies Association conference program committee,

Vanderbilt University, November 2011

Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies Association, Board member, 2010-13

Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies Association, Prize Committee, 2003-2004

Modern Language Association, Bibliography Committee, Victorian Division, 2001-2005

President, South Atlantic Graduate English Association, 1995-96

President, South Atlantic Modern Language Association Women's Caucus, 1989-91

Vice-President, South Atlantic Modern Language Association Women's Caucus, 1988-89

Reader for Publications of the Modern Language Association, Signs: An Interdisciplinary

Journal of Women and Culture, Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, Victorian Studies,

Victorians Institute Journal, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, Nineteenth Century

Gender Studies, Nineteenth Century Contexts, Novel, University of Massachusetts Press,

University of Virginia Press, University of Michigan Press, Bedford Press, University of

Illinois Press, SUNY Press, University of Delaware Press, Ohio University Press,

Broadview Press, Ohio State University Press. University of Kentucky Press.

Outside evaluator for West Virginia University (tenure), University of Alabama (tenure), University of California-Davis (tenure), Spellman College (promotion), Columbia University (promotion), University of Maryland-Baltimore County (tenure), University of Missouri-Kansas City (promotion),City University of New York (tenure), Lehigh

University (promotion).

Consultant, Prentice Hall Anthology of Literature by Women (2001), Bedford/St. Martin’s

edition of Jane Eyre (2011)

Outside evaluator for Marsden Grant (2011)


Panel co-chair, "Arts and the Working Classes," NAVSA 2008 (with Chris Vanden Bossche,

Notre Dame University)

Moderator, “Gender Studies in the Twenty-First Century: An Interview with Christopher Lane and Alison Booth”Nineteenth Century Gender Studies3 (Spring 2007)

Respondent, “Narrating Historical Fiction,” MMLA, November 1997

Moderator, “Kristeva and Sartre,” Society for the Study of Phenomonology and Existential Philosophy, University of Kentucky, September 1997

"'Was She Beautiful?’ Imaginary Bodies in Alexander Walker’s Beauty in Women,” paper presented at the Social Theory Working Papers Series, University of Kentucky, October 1996

Review, Bearing Witness: Sexual Harassment and Beyond, Celia Morris, Lexington Herald- LeaderSeptember 12, 1994

Review, The Morning After, Katie Roiphe. Lexington Herald-Leader, October 28, 1993

Moderator, "Women Detectives and Victorian Literature," Victorians Institute Conference, 1994

Chair, "Modernism and Gender," Twentieth Century Conference, University of Louisville, 1994

Chair, "Virginia Woolf and the Reader," Twentieth Century Literature Conference, University of Louisville, 1989

Chair, "Literary Creativity in Historical Context," North Eastern Modern Language Association, 1986

Respondent, Feminist Theory Session, North Eastern Modern Language Association, 1985

Post-play discussion leader, Peter Pan, "Classics in Context: The Victorians, Actors Theatre of Louisville, 1991


Modern Language Association, North American Victorian Studies Association, Interdisciplinary Nineteenth Studies Association, Victorian Institute, Society for Novel Studies

TEACHING EXPERIENCE (University of Kentucky)

Undergraduate Courses

Introduction to Women’s Literature

Text and Contexts: Middlemarch

Introduction to Literature

Global Women’s Literature

Texts and Contexts: Jane Eyre

The Nineteenth-Century Novel

Women Writers

Virginia Woolf

Charlotte Bronte

Introduction to Literary Study

The Female Novel of Development

British Literature II

British Literature I

Graduate Courses

Victorian Studies/Cultural Studies

Victorian Gender in the 21st Century

George Eliot

Victorian Things

Under Construction: Social Class and Victorian Narrative

Victorian Bodies

Victorian Popular Fiction

Victorian Women Writers

Nineteenth-Century British Novel

Virginia Woolf

The Bloomsbury Group

Readings in Women’s Studies


Feminist Literary Criticism

The Female Novel of Development

Global Women's Literature

INSTITUTIONAL SERVICE(University of Kentucky)


Faculty Merit Evaluation Review and Salary Committee, 2012-2014

Graduate Committee, 2012-2014

Chair, promotion to full professor for two candidates, fall 2011