May 8, 2012



PRESENT:Tim Bottari, Joan Holland, Angie Chappell, Aaron Chappell, John Daniels, Jessica Johnson, Jim Hill, John Bottari, Mac Tilley, Kerry Thompson, Doris Kellogg, Jim Kellogg, Les Theonnes, Jim Santhuff, Eric Wiesmann, Jayna Wiesmann, Brent Caber, Brett Caber, Barbara Kightlinger, Alan Kightlinger, Jerry Swisher, Rita Swisher, Pat Bottari

TREASURERS REPORT: Checking: $4600.81Savings: $12,479.16Cash Box: $120.00Total: $17,199.97

$328.00 was made at the Cancer Shoot. Food money: $174.00 Pink Arrows: $40.00

CLASSIC:Tim had to reorder the 25thAnniversary Commemorative Buckles. They were ordered through IFA on April 17th. IFA called the morning of May 2nd and said the ordered was not placed at that time (IFA made the mistake) and the buckles would not arrive until June 10th. Tim got in contact with Tres Rios Silver and ordered through them. We will have the buckles in time.

At the Board Meeting on May 1st it was decided to give one of the commemorative buckles to the youth division Novelty shoot winner and a zinc buckle to the winner of the 12 & under kids.

Fees & Awards are as follows for the Novelty Shoot – “the floating goat”

Adults=$5.00 (one of the fancy buckles) – amended to 2 for $5 or 6 for $10

Youth=$2.00 (one of the fancy buckles) – amended to 3 for $5 or 7 for $10

Kiddies= $1.00 (one of the zinc buckles) – 1 shot for $1

John motioned, Angie seconded – motion passed for the new prices.

Jerry wants cut out plywood trees for decoration and cover for his hiding goat. Alan Kightlinger said he could/would do this.

John and Jerry will shoot ½ course Friday evening and ½ course Saturday morning so they can start their novelty shoot early in the afternoon.

Alan & Barbar Kightlinger will be manning our Raffle. Jim Kellogg will help organize and get the Kightlingers settled. Tim will call Wes Donovan for additional help.

DONATIONS, DONATIONS, DONATIONS! Donation letters: It never hurts to ask! Please get out there!

Signs for score cards & must declare desire to be in Top Flight. Joan will get these to Print-n-Copy this week.

“It is the Shooters responsibility to total their score cards”

“Shooters must declare whether they want to shoot in Top Flight”

“Seven pins are open class”

Joan asked Scott Laity, from Ely, to assist with Top Flighting. He generously accepted the challenge!

Tim has ordered the potties and is working on getting potty paper and paper towels donated (we may have to purchase!) Potties are ordered (6 for $360). Tim will check to make sure the potties have hand sanitizer.

One hand wash station at the lower end if there is not hand sanitizer.

Registration Duties: Joan, Jessica, Angie, Lori Byers and John Daniels will work the inside and Mac & Tim will work crowd control outside. Jessica will take cards from shooters and enter them on spread sheet and/or computer. Check with Scott for compatibility of our programs for ease of transition.

Signs to sponsor targets: we have some from last year and Joan will make new ones for new sponsors. Please get business cards or logos of the businesses so Joan can scan and make signs. (Mac will laminate!)

Trailers to haul targets and equipment:

Jim Hill will haul bow stands, target butts. He will drop trailer at range to be loaded. Jim Kellogg has his trailer. Mike Moschetti will bring a trailer. John will pull Tim’s horse trailer with targets. Jim Santhuff has a 6x10 double side load.

4-wheelers: Mac, Tim, Aaron and Jim Santhuff will bring theirs for hauling targets and equipment along the course.

What time? Thursday, May 31st at 4:00- ish pm at the Range to start loading stuff.

T-shirts: Shall we order a few more? Code 3 still has a few of the iron on logos. We currently have nine in various colors and sizes. Joan will check on numbers of logos and will order them. Doris wants an itty bitty one.

Brian Bennett from Ely will be there with a fix it shop trailer. Needful Things…things we all forget or lose along the way!

Set-up Crews: John & Jerry will be designing the course they will be making the maps. Jim Santhuff will print 300 maps. Joan will send an email to solicit help from club members (remind people they are the labor force! Friday set up crew start at 8:00am. Lunch: Hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, pop and beer. Eric & Jayna will hit Costco for all condiments and burgers and weenies, plates, towels, cups, utensils, powdered lemon-aid.

There will be no bonus targets this year. We will need extra targets for small setups and close shots.

Jim Santhuff, Brian Johnson, Sam Cook will help reset the course on Saturday night.

Clean-up Crew! This means walking the course after shoot, picking up targets, picking up stakes, pins, trash, all signs of 300 archers being present! Bathrooms and club house too!

OTHER BUSINESS:Outdoor Expo – August 25th at the Elko Convention Center. Do we want to participate? Do we want to have NBHA participate? We need volunteers to man the booth. John said he would. Anyone else?

Jerry motioned, Jessica seconded – to put together a committee of 3 or 4 people to hash out all the details. John Bottari, Tim, Jerry, Jessica, Jayna, Rita, John Daniels are the committee. Check will go in the mail tomorrow (this has been done). We will ask NBHA if they want to participate.

Blemished Targets: Mac has ordered a mountain grizzly, mule deer, green cobra and standing stone sheep.

Plaques for other animals killed: Board agreed to have these for our year end awards.

NEW BUSINESS:Gate combo has changed to 2012. Joan will send an email to all Club members (this has been done)

NBHA/NFAA:Team Challenge. Are we participating? Yes, the rules are less stringent now. Joan motioned, Doris seconded – motion passed.

NBHA elections are coming up so members need to be aware of up and coming positions. Thinking ahead for the future of NBHA, one and two year positions, etc.


NEXT CLUB MEETING:June 12,2012 – Hospital class room