March 9, 2015

Ward Philips called the meeting to order at 6:35pm.

Present: Dave Welsh, Marge Gahart, Eric Larson, JoAnne Schafer, Ed Scaro, Shelly Higgins, Ward Phillips,

Secretary’s Report – Renee Wilging not present but minutes were available and reviewed. Need to change in the Athletic Director Reports that the Booster Club would help pay for coaches clinics for the middle school from funds set aside for the “high” school. The Motion should read “…approved funds of $2200 to the high school.” After amendments motion for the minutes were approved by Ed Scaro. Seconded by JoAnne Schafer. Passed.

Financial Report – Motion to approve by Ed Scaro. Seconded by Shelly Higgins. Passed.

Concession Report – No events scheduled till 4/18. 3 cases of water bottles available for Markus and JoAnne Schafer will deliver them to him tomorrow.

Presidents Report –Ward Phillips went to the parents meeting and promoted the Booster Club. Someone did approach him and suggested we ask a local restaurant to donate to the concession stand.

The signs promoting the referendum are available and we can pick them up after the meeting. Dave Welsh has extras and they will be at his house if anyone needs more. Ward Phillips will also have pamphlets available at his office that we can give out to property owners when posting signs.


Website – Dave Welsh added a current college/athletes tab to the website and will update as information comes in. We also discussed having a link on the city website and the high school website. We should also have links on our site to other sports sites. Dave’s daughter has helped a lot with the website in making the graphics and Ed Scaro made a motion to pay her, Megan Welsh, $50 for her services. Seconded by JoAnne Schafer. Passed.

Hall of Fame – We should get the Hall of Fame announcement in the high school newsletter. There is a firm date of 10/10/15.

Golf Outing – Firm date of 6/12/15. Any auction items can be given to Ed Scaro.

Concession Opportunity – On May 29th and 30th there is an event at the fairgrounds and we are committed to running concession per Renee Wilging (by text). Ward Phillips will make plans with Renee Wilging this week. Shelly Higgins will email to Dave Welsh the flier she received by email so he can put on the website.

Signs for referendum – Second reading for the motion for the club to purchase signs up to $2500 to promote the “Vote Yes, Yes” campaign. Joanne Schafer made the motion. Seconded by Dave Welsh. Passed.


Fair Parking passes for Purple & Gold Auction – We will again supply the Purple & Gold committee with fair parking passes for their annual auction. Ed Scaro will take care of it.

Political Organization – Completed the paperwork for the club as a political organization because of our stance on the referendum (or any other action the club wants to take).

Scholarships – Received a letter from the high school if we were again to offer scholarships. Motion to offer (4) $1000 scholarships to 2015 Elkhorn seniors to be presented on Honor Night and awarded at the Golf Outing. Dave Welsh. Seconded by Shelly Higgins. Passed. Need 2nd reading next month.


Dean Wilson was not present.

NEXT MEETING – Monday April 13th, 2015 at 6:30pm in the library.

Motion to adjourn by JoAnne Schafer and seconded by Shelly Higgins. Unanimous approval. Meeting adjourned at 7:10pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marge Gahart