National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
Washington, DC 20546-0001 /

NM 6700-1

NPD 6000.1B


October 2, 2001

Reply to Attn of: JG

TO: Officials-in-Charge of Headquarters Offices Directors, NASA Centers

Director, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

FROM: J/Associate Administrator for Management Systems

SUBJECT: Use of Hand-held Wireless Phones

This memorandum provides guidance to NASA employees concerning the use of hand-held wireless (cellular) phones while driving motor vehicles owned, leased, or rented by the Federal Government.

The State of New York recently banned the use of hand-held wireless phones while driving in that state. Similar legislation is pending in at least 27 other jurisdictions. In addition, 23 countries around the world now restrict or prohibit wireless phones in motor vehicles. These actions have been taken in view of the growing evidence of an increase in driver distraction and greater risks to safety while using hand-held phones.

NASA's number one core value is "safety." In order to be proactive in the prevention of needless risk to, or loss of, life or damage to property, the following policy regarding the use of hand-held wireless phones is effective immediately:

The use of hand-held wireless (cellular) phones is prohibited by NASA employees when driving motor vehicles owned, leased, or rented by the Federal Government.

Employees are further reminded that they are expected to comply with all State and local laws of the jurisdiction in which they are operating a motor vehicle owned, leased, or rented by the Federal Government.

This is an interim policy change announcement. It will be codified in a subsequent change to NPG 8715.3, NASA Safety Manual.

If you have any questions, or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact James Wm. Hawkins, Jr., at 202-358-2292, or Jeffrey Parker, Director, Logistics Management Office, at 202-358-4462.

/s/ Jeffrey E. Sutton


Officials-in-Charge of Headquarters Offices:

AI/Dr. Mulville

AA/Mr. Stadd

AB/Mr. Christensen

AC/Gen. Armstrong

A-I/Dr. Blumberg

AE/Mr. Keegan

AJ/Mr. Tam

AM/Dr. Williams

AO/Mr. Holcomb AS/Dr. Olsen

B/Mr. Varholy (Acting)

C/Mr. Sullivan (Acting)

E/Mr. Reese

F/Ms. Novak

G/Mr. Frankle

H/Mr. Luedtke

I/Mr. Schumacher

J/Mr. Sutton

K/Mr. Thomas

L/Mr. Bingham (Acting)

M/Mr. Rothenberg

P/Mr. Mahone (Acting)

Q/Mr. Gregory

R/Mr. Venneri

S/Dr. Weiler

U/Dr. Olsen (Acting)

W/Ms. Gross

X/Mr. Saleeba

Y/Dr. Asrar

Directors, NASA Centers:

ARC/Dr. McDonald

DFRC/Mr. Petersen

GRC/Mr. Campbell

GSFC/Mr. Diaz

JSC/Mr. Estess (Acting)

KSC/Mr. Bridges

LaRC/Dr. Creedon

MSFC/Mr. Stephenson

SSC/Mr. Craig (Acting)