CHAPTER. 2. Fluid Statics

- Physics of a Fluid at rest or moving without relative motion

- No relative motion (deformation) = No shearing stress!

 Basic questions:

1. Is the pressure inside fluid a constant or a function of region of interest?

2. How is the fluid weight balanced?

Pressure at a Point in Fluid

Q: What is the pressure at a point in fluid?

Basic information from the figure:

 No shearing stress on the planes of the wedge (Why?)

 External forces acting on the planes

1. Forces by the pressure = Pressure  Area

Direction: Perpendicular to the wedge plane (Why?)

2. Weight of the fluid in the wedge (Direction = )

= Specific weight  Volume

Let’s use the equations of motion (along y and z axes)

y comp.: (1)

zcomp.: (2)

where py, pz, and ps : Average pressures on the faces of wedge

: Specific weight of fluid

: Density of fluid

From the geometry of wedge,


By inserting Eqs. (3) into Eq. (1) and Eq. (2),


To obtain the pressure at a point (, , and  0)

 py = ps pz = ps

Pressure at a point inside fluid at rest (No shearing stress, )

 Isotropic (= Independent to direction) (Pascal’s law)

However, what is the pressure at different point?

The pressuredepends on the location of point

 Pressure Variation

- How does the pressure in a fluid at rest vary from point to point?

Consider a small rectangular element of fluid at arbitrary position shown

External forces:

1. Forces by the pressures

: Perpendicular to the faces

2. Weight of the fluid inside the element

: (Downward, )

1. All forces due to the pressure (Surface forces) along yaxis

where p: the pressure at the center of element

By using a similar manner, and

 Total surface force:

(where : Volume of the element)

 Vector operator “Del” or “Gradient”

e.g. + + = : Pressure gradient

2. Weight of the fluid element

Finally, Equation of motion of a fluid element

By eliminating the volume,

: General equation of fluid without shearing stress

 The fluid is at rest ()

→(Pressure variation)

1. Horizontal direction (x and y) = 0 = 0: No change 2. Vertical direction (z)  

Go deeper (z)pressure (p)

Case. 1 Incompressible Fluid (Liquid) (i.e. Specific weight  Constant)

Q. Determine the pressure difference betweenp1 and p2
From the situation shown

: Constant and

Using the equation above,

 

If : Known reference pressure *

 (Defined from bottom to surface) = (depth)

: Hydrostatic pressureat depth h(Linear variation)

- Pressure in homogeneous and incompressible fluid at rest

- Independent of the size or shape of container

c.f. : Pressure head

*Popular choice of reference: = Atmospheric pressure at sea level

101.3 kPa (kN/m2)= 1013 hPa = 760 Torr = 2116.2 lb/ft2

of air with a density, 1.225 kg/m3 at 288.15 K (15 oC)

Example: Hydraulic jacks, brakes, and lifts

How can we stop (or lift) a car of several tons by applying a small force?

Consider a liquid in closed container

At the same height (depth),

or[: Applied (Resultant) force]

e.g. If  (Magnification of force)

Case. 2 Compressible Fluid (Gases)

= : No longer constant, i.e. depend on the pressure and temperature

What is the relation between , p, and T?

Ideal gas law:

Then, Eq. of Hydrostatic pressure for Gas,


: We have to know the temperature as function of depth.

Example. Pressure of atmosphere above the Sea level

(1) Troposphere (Altitude, z= 0 ~ 10 km): Temperature decreases linearly

i.e. where : Temperature at the Sea level

: Lapse rate (6.5 K/km)

By calculating the equation,

where : Standard atmospheric pressure

(2) Stratosphere (Altitude, z= 10 ~ 20 km): Constant T