Landlord Steering Group
Wednesday 15thApril 2015
1.30 – 3.00pm
Elizabeth House, Stratford District Council, Stratford upon Avon
In attendance: Richard Thomas (Chair), Mark Lingard (WDC), Paul Hughes (WDC), Becky Frazer (Secretary/WDC), Paul Chapman (SDC), William Mackinnon-Little (Landlord), Cathy Cattel (Warwick University), Matthew Scott (Warwick University), Richard Woodcock (Landlord)
- Welcome and Apologies
Apologies received from Nathan Nock , Graham Folkes Skinner , Norman Walton, Terry Samuel, Charmian Evans , Runjit Bhopal , Hillary Kennelly , Stephen Woodley and Dr Singh.
- Minutes of Last meeting/ Matters Arising
Welcome to Richard Woodcock who has joined the LSG as a new member and possible vice chair nomination.
Agenda items proposed by Terry Samuel have been moved to the next meeting as TS unable to attend today.
RW raised from the previous minutes that he understood Stratford District Council were flexible around charging for unoccupied properties. PC advised there were payment holidays for unfurnished properties. WML advised he was aware of exemption for uninhabitable properties.
- Student Refuse Update (RF)
There has been a restructure in the waste management department and Graham Folkes-Skinner is in a new role and unable to attend the LSG. Nick Gray and a colleague will be attending future meetings
RF advised the policy on allocating additional bins and costing was being reviewed. Currently 180l and 240l bins are proved upon request at no charge where the householders are effectively recycling.
MS enquired if WDC would attend to remove rubbish from rental properties where complaints had been received from the public. PH advised if the rubbish was within the curtilage of the property it was the landlords responsibility to dispose of it and if it was outside waste management would address it.
PH advised that draft letters to landlords would be circulated prior to the next meeting for comments. MS advised letters would have the most impact if an early letter went out to students detailing collection days and then a second warning letter went out advising of a fine or penalty for leaving refuse behind. MS advised letters were more effective if aimed at students rather than landlords.
CC advised she was keen to continue to discuss alternative collections and charity collection points with waste management. RF advised she would update waste management of this and there was a possibility there could be further discussion prior to next meeting.
- Private Sector Housing Team Update (RF)
Redress scheme
RF advised that the PSH team were checking agents were registered with an approved Redress Scheme. Two agents were found to be unregistered, one has since registered and we are waiting for confirmation from the second agent.
Landlord communications
PSH team are working to increase the communication we have with landlords and provide different means of doing this. The first edition of the e-newsletter went out in March and the Blog is up and running, although will be moving to a new hosting site. Landlords are welcome to contribute articles or suggestions for content.
RT advised the blog and newsletter looked great and landlords would primarily use them for updates on legal requirements. RT suggested promotion of the blog at the next Landlord Forum.
MS suggested communication on Article 4 and creation of new HMO’s in Leamington. MS advised he had received feedback from a landlord that article 4 had deterred him from investing in new HMO’s. MS and WML agreed there was a perception that planning permission was a barrier or likely to be refused. ML advised landlords considering creating a new HMO that there is no blanket ban on HMO’s and landlords should seek advice from planning officers via email at . PH highlighted that Article 4 only applied to Leamington and not other areas in the district. MS suggested sharing the figures on refused and approved HMO applications. RW enquired if planning permission had to be sought again if the property was sold. PH advised it did not, but that if the property was licensed this would need to be reapplied for.
Landlords and Lettings Show
RF advised WDC and SDC would have a stand together at the next show on at Stoneleigh Park on 25th and 26th November. RF advised tickets were free and asked that LSG members promote the show in addition to the blog and newsletter.
- Green Deal (PC)
PC enquired if the LSG wanted to invite Act on Energy to speak about the Green Deal and incoming legislation on energy efficiency and EPC’s. CC advised that landlords did not like that the Green Deal loan was attached to the energy bills. RT advised his preference was to pay up front for improvements as this was at a lower cost.
MS enquired about incoming legislation on landlords being prevented from refusing reasonable requests by the tenant for energy efficiency measures. PH advised landlords may be unable to refuse energy efficiency measures the tenant had applied for under the Green Deal. MS enquired about the feasibility of tenants being granted green deal funding where the tenancy may be short. PH advised this would be factored in to the finance check.
WML advised the funding of works was a complicated mix of grants and loans which put landlords off applying. PC advised local authorities were keen to address landlords hesitations and improve efficiency of properties. PC suggested Act on Energy attend the next LSG rather than the Forum.
RT advised firms were still offering free loft/cavity wall insulation and this had been installed in his rental properties.
- Chair Feedback
RT advised he had found a social club who had been letting out the stewards accommodation but were unaware of their legal requirements as landlords. RT advised the club on requirements and they were now compliant. RT suggested contacting the social clubs in the district to see if they had accommodation attached that they let out and offering advice if required.
PH updated on incoming legislation in October 2015 requiring all private rented properties to have a fire alarm on each floor and a co monitor if there was a solid fuel burner. RF advised funding had been allocated to local fire services to assist landlords with fire alarms and co monitors. RF will update LSG and landlords of any development.
RT enquired about speakers for the next forum. RF advised she would liaise with Mary Latham to check speakers from Mydeposits and tenant referencing service were confirmed. WML suggested Lisa Williams as a speaker for the next forum. RT advised she had been well received previously.