Elizabeth C. Poster, RN, PhD, FAAN
Current Position:Dean and Professor, College of Nursing
The University of Texas at Arlington
UTA Box 19407
411 S. Nedderman Drive
Arlington, TX 76019-0407
PH:817-272-2776 FAX: 817-272-5006
Registered Nurse - State of Texas (1995-present)
Boston College:PhDMay, 1981
Educational Psychology -
Early Childhood Counseling and
Child Development
Boston University:
Child Psychiatric NursingMSNMay, 1970
Boston University:
NursingBSNMay, 1968
Harvard UniversitySummer 1996
Graduate School of Education
Management Development Program
Employment/Professional Experience
Dean and Professor1995-present
UTA Health Services oversight 2006 - 2010
Editor 1992 –present
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing
President, Texas Association of Deans and Directors of 2009-2011
Professional Nursing Programs
Founder and Chair, North Texas Consortium of Professional 2004-2011
Nursing Programs and Practice Partners
President, American Psychiatric Nurses Association2005-2006
Guest Columnist on Health Care (monthly)2003-2004
Fort Worth Business Press
Member 1997-2003
Board of Nurse Examiners for the State of Texas
Representing Baccalaureate Programs
Director, Nursing Research and Education1984-1995
Neuropsychiatric Hospital - UCLA
Risk & Liability Evaluations: Psychiatric Case Consultation1993-1995
Health Facilities Insurance Corp. Ltd.
Vienna, Virginia and Santa Monica, California
Assistant Clinical Professor - UCLA School of Nursing1986-1995
Assistant Clinical Professor - UCLA School of Medicine/
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Instructor (DE) Quality Assurance in Health Care1990-1995
California State University, Dominguez Hills, California
Statewide Nursing Graduate Program
Assistant Dean for Student Affairs1983-1984
Assistant Professor, Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing
Director, Child Mental Health Graduate Program1981-1984
University of California, Los Angeles, School of Nursing
Associate Professor1970-1981
Massasoit Community College
Brockton, Massachusetts
Consultant and Therapist1977-1978
Brockton Multi-service Center
Brockton, Massachusetts
Part-time Staff Nurse1970-1973
In-Patient Psychiatric Unit
Beth Israel Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts
School Nurse (Summer)1971-1972
Summer-Title I Remedial Program
Evaluation and treatment of learning and behavior problems
in 1-6th grade
Quincy and Boston, Massachusetts
Supervisor-Inservice Education Coordinator (Summer)1969
Linda Richards Extended Care Facility
Dorchester, Massachusetts
Camp Nurse (Summer)1968
Pond Homestead Camp
A multi-racial camp for disadvantaged children
Wrentham, Massachusetts
2012 (Feb 26th)Top 12 Women in Healthcare
Health Care Industry Council of the North Texas Region
2008Strong Woman Award- Girls Inc. of Tarrant County
2006Texas Nurses Association- Leadership in Clinical Education for North Texas Consortium of Schools of Nursing Leadership – group Award
2003Legacy of Women, Education Award (Sponsored by the Arlington Women’s Shelter)
2002International Society of Psychiatric Nurses; Child and Adolescent Division: Leadership Award
2001Healthcare Hero, FortWorth Business Press
2000American Psychiatric Nurses Association Education Award
2000Boston College, School of Education, Distinguished Alumni Award in Health
1999Selected for inclusion in “Who’s Who in Health Care” by the Business Press
AJN Book of the Year Award for Shea, et al. (1999) Advanced Practice in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
1998Selected as the “Most Influential Women 2000 in Education” by the Ft. Worth Business Press
Selected as one of 17 influential community leaders in Arlington by an Arlington Star Telegram survey
Inducted into Omicron Delta Kappa, National Leadership Honor Society
Dallas-Fort Worth Great 100 Nurses
1997American Psychiatric Nurses Association, Candidate for President
1995UCLA Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Director’s Award
1990-1991UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute and Hospital, Management and Professional Program Award
1989Gamma Tau Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau, National Honor Society for NursingResearch Excellence Award
1983Outstanding Faculty Award, UCLA School of Nursing
1976American Heart Association, Outstanding Service Award
Funded Research/Grants/Gifts
Scholarship funding and endowments to the College of Nursing available upon request
Dream Makers Scholarship (over $1,400,000)
2002- Present
University of Texas System ($500,000)
LERR Technology grant- Building the SMART Hospital: Phase II.
Poster, E.C. and Cason, C. (2006)
U.S. Department of Education ($487,499)
Poster, E., Ashwill, J., Ashe, M.J. Opening Pathways for Future Hispanic Teachers and Nurses. Collaboration with Mountain View College and UTA College of Education) (2005-2010)
Amon Carter Foundation ($150,000)
New building funds for the Smart Hospital (Fall 2005)
Building a SMART Emergency Department ($496,000)
Congressionally-directed award, Department of Education (Spring 2005)
National Student Nurses’ Association ($19, 954)
Promise of Nursing Dallas/Fort Worth Nursing School Grant (2004)
Nursing Workforce Diversity
HRSA Diversity Grant, $ 728,000, (2004-2007)
DHHS, HRSA Scholarship Supplement ($80,000)
Hillcrest Foundation, ($50,000)
Pediatric Patient Simulator
Nurse Faculty Loan Program
Department of Health and Human Service, ($82,660) 2004-2005
Department of Health and Human Services, ($41,853) 2003-2004
A Recruitment Project to Admit 200 Ethnically Diverse BSN Students ($48,189)
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, 2002-2003
Expanding simulated learning opportunities for students in Nursing: Meeting the Challenge of Increased Student enrollment) ($69,650)
Hoblitzelle Foundation, Dallas Texas, 2002-2003
Baccalaureate Education Grant to Support Increased BSN Enrollment ($435,600)
Dallas Fort Worth Hospital Council, 1999-2001
Psychopharmacology Institute Planning Workshop ($3,900)
Janssen and Salvay Pharmaceuticals, 1997
Child Mental Health Institutional Training Grant
Principal Investigator/Project Director (Development of Graduate Child Mental Health Specialty Program at UCLA School of Nursing)
National Institute of Mental Health, 1983-1985 ($75,000).
Bereavement reactions in school-aged children. (Co-Principal Investigator)
Grant - UCLA Academic Senate, 1982-1983 ($4,000)
Pediatric nurses' knowledge of psychosocial development. (Co-Principal Investigator)
Grant - UCLA Academic Senate, 1982-1983. ($3,500)
Children's perceptions of the meaning and cause of problematic behaviors exhibited by children and adults.
(Principal Investigator)
Grant - University of California, Los Angeles - Academic Senate, 1981-1982. ($4,000)
Upgrading licensed practical nurses and other qualified personnel.
Project Director/ (Principal Investigator)
Grant - Department of Health, Education and Welfare
Massasoit Community College
Brockton, Massachusetts, 1974-1977. ($75,000)
The effects of a nursing staff's responsive acts on the hostile behavior exhibited by emotionally disturbed children in a residential treatment center.
Grant - National Institute of Mental Health award for graduate study, 1968-1970. (Tuition/fees and monthly stipend for 2 years)
Boston University master's thesis, 1970.
Research Tools Developed
PROBe Nursing Research Questionnaire (1986)
Attitudes Toward Patient Assault Questionnaire (1985)
Publications -Refereed Journal Articles (*denotes data based)
Poster E.C., Pearson , G. & Pierson, C., (In Press January 2012) Publication Ethics: Its importance to readers, authors, and the profession.Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing. Vol 25 No 1 pgs 1-2
Sportsman, S., Poster, E.C., Curl, E.D., Waller, P., & Hooper, J. (In press January 2012) Differentiated Essential Competencies: A View from Practice.Journal of Nursing Administration.
Burns, P., Williams, S. H., Ard, N., Enright, C., Poster, E. C., & Ransom, S. A. (2011). Academic Partnerships to Increase Nursing Education Capacity: Centralized Faculty Resource and Clinical Placement Centers. Journal of Professional Nursing Vol 27 (6) e14-e19.
Poster, E., Curl, E.D., & Sportsman, S. (2011). Differentiated Essential Competencies for Graduates of Texas Nursing Programs.Journal of Nursing Regulation, 1(4), 46-50.
Burns, P and Poster EC. (2008)Competency Development in New Registered Nurse Graduates: Closing the gap between education and Practice. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. Vol 39 (2), 67-73.
Poster, E. C., Cason, C. L., & Mancini, M. E. (2007).Interactive learning through a teaching/learning model puts nursing students in a virtual hospital. Advance for Nurses, 9(22), 37.
Poster, E.C. & et al (2005).The Texas model of differentiated entry-level competencies of graduates of nursing programs.Nursing Education Perspectives, 26(1), 18-24.
Poster, E.C. (2004) Nursing education and nursing practice: Collaboration essential to current differential entry level competencies of Texas nursing programs. Nursing Outlook, 52(1) 67-68.
Poster, E.C. (2003) Collaboration Key to Differentiated Entry-Level Competencies, Nursing Spectrum Southern Edition, 42.
Poster, E.C. & Marcontel, M. (1999) School Nurse Role and Competence.The Journal of School Nursing. 15(2) 34-42.
*Barrell, C., Merwin, B. & Poster, E. C. (1997) Patient Outcome Evaluation in Psychiatric Nursing.Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. 11(4), 184-197.
*Poster, E.C., Dee, V., & Randell, B.A. (1997) The Johnson Behavioral Systems model as a framework for patient outcome evaluation. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 3 (3), 73-81.
*Poster, E.C. (1996) A multi-national study of psychiatric nursing staff beliefs and concerns about work safety and patient assault.Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. 10(6) 365-373.
Guze, B., Duim, S., McGuire, M.T., Moreau, D. & Poster, E.C. (1996).A clinical information system database for psychiatry.M.D. Computing, 13(3), 211-215.
Dee, V. & Poster, E.C. (1995) Applying Kanter’s theory of innovative change: the transition from a primary to attending model of nursing care delivery. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 1(4), 112-119.
Poster, E.C. (1994, Winter). Volunteers as Research and Publication Assistants. Nurse Author & Editor, 4(1), 4-8.
Ryan, J. & Poster, E.C (1994). Workplace Violence.Nursing Times, 89(48), 38-41.
*Poster, E.C., & Ryan, J. (1994). A multiregional study of nurses' beliefs and concerns about work safety and patient assault.Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 45(11), 1104-1108.
Poster, E.C. & Ryan, J. (1993). Violence at Work: At Risk of Assault. Nursing Times, 89(23), 30-33, 35.
*Moreau, D., Poster, E.C. & Niemela K. (1993). Implementation and evaluation of an Attending Nurse Model in and inpatient setting. Nursing Management, 24(6), 56-60.
*Poster, E.C., Betz, C.L., & Randell, B. (1993). Psychiatric nurses' attitudes toward and involvement in nursing research. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing, 30(10), 16-29.
Niemela, K., Poster, E.C., & Moreau, D. (1992). The Attending Nurse: a new role for the advanced clinician. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Mental and Health Nursing, 5(3), 43-48
Van Servellen, G., Poster, E.C., Ryan, J., Allen, J., & Randell, B. (April 1992). Methodological concerns in evaluating psychiatric nursing care modalities and a proposed standard group protocol format for nurse-led groups. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 6(2), 117-124.
*Poster, E.C. & Beliz, L. (1992). The Use of the Johnson Behavioral System Model to measure changes during adolescent hospitalization. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth 4(1), 73-74.
*Poster, E.C. (1992). Children's Concepts of the Mentally ill. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 5(2), 28-36.
Ryan J, & Poster, E. (Sept. 1991). When a patient hits you: A post assault program that puts nurses first. Canadian Nurse, 23-25.
Pelletier, L., & Poster, E.C. (June 1991). Environmental Rounds: Implementation of a continuous clinical safety improvement program. Journal of Quality Assurance, 28-31.
*Poster, E.C., Pelletier, L, & Kay, K (1991). A retrospective cohort study of falls in an acute neuropsychiatric setting.Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 42(7), 714-720.
*Van Servellen, G., Poster, E.C., Ryan, J., & Allen, J. (June 1991). Nursing led group modalities in a psychiatric inpatient setting: A program evaluation. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. 5(3), 128-136.
Pelletier, L., & Poster, E.C. (October 1990). When a Nurse Dies: Survivor Strategies.Canadian Nurse. 86(9), 26-28.
*Betz, C. L., Poster, E. C., Randell, B. & Omery, A. (1990). Nursing research productivity in a western metropolitan area: The Los Angeles experience. Nursing Outlook. 38(4), 180-183.
Ryan, J., & Poster, E. C. (December 1989). Supporting your staff after a patient assault.Nursing '89, Section 32K.
Poster, E. C. (1989).The use of projective techniques in pediatric research.Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 4(1), 26-35.
*Pelletier, L., Poster, E. C., & Kay, K. (January 1989). Contraband: the hidden risk: A risk management case example. Quality Review Bulletin, QRB, 16(1), 9-14.
*Poster, E. C., & Ryan, J. (1989). Nurses' attitudes toward physical assaults by patients. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. 3(6), 315-322.
*Ryan, J., & Poster, E. C. (1989). The assaulted nurse: Short- and Long-term responses. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. 3(6), 323-331.
Pelletier, L. & Poster, E. C. (1988).An overview of evaluation methodology for nursing quality assurance programs.Journal of Nursing Quality Assurance. 2(4), 55-62.
Poster, E. C. & Pelletier, L. (1988).Quantitative and qualitative approaches to nursing quality assurance program evaluation. Journal of Nursing Quality Assurance. 2(4), 63-72.
*Pelletier, L. & Poster, E. C. (April 1988). Does a specific method of medication administration affect error rates? Journal of Nursing Administration. 18(4), 29 & 38.
*Poster, E. C. & Pelletier, L. (1988). Primary vs. functional medication administration: Monitoring and evaluating medication error rates. Journal of Nursing Quality Assurance. 2(2), 68-76.
*Ryan, J., Poster, E. C., Auger, J., Davis, B. & Ringdahl, P. (1988). A comparative study of primary and team nursing models in the psychiatric care setting. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. 2(1), 3-13.
*Poster, E. C. & Beliz, L. (1988). Behavioral category ratings of adolescents on an inpatient psychiatric unit: The use of the Johnson Behavioral System Model.International Journal of Adolescence and Youth. 1(3), 293-303.
*Poster, E. C. & Betz, C. L. (1987). Survey of sibling and peer visitation policies in Southern California hospitals. Children's Health Care. 15(3), 166-171.
*Poster, E. C., Betz, C. L., McKenna, A. and Mossar, M. (1986, September).Children's attitudes toward the mentally ill as reflected in human figure drawings and stories. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry. 25(5), 680-686.
Poster, E. (1985).Stress Immunization: techniques to promote behavioral and cognitive control in hospitalized children. In E. Poster and C. Fore (Eds.) Meeting the Psychosocial Needs of Children and Families in Health Care, Washington, D.C. Association for the Care of Children's Health.
Betz, C. L. & Poster, E. C. (1985).Incorporating play into the care of the hospitalized child.Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Care. 1, 343-355.
*Poster, E. C., Baxter, L. R. and Hammon, C.L. (1985). Nursing Students' Perception of Electroconvulsive Therapy: Impact of Instruction with an Electroconvulsive Therapy Videotape.Convulsive Therapy. 1(4).277-282.
*Poster, E. C. & Beliz, L. (1985). Behavioral Category Ratings of Adolescents on an Inpatient Psychiatric Unit. In proceedings of the Octoberquest: Nursing Research conference.
Poster, E. C. (l984).Preparing healthy young children for hospitalization: a rationale and proposal.Early Childhood Development and Care, 18(1-2), 41-51.
Poster, E. C. & Betz, C. L. (l984). When the patient dies: dealing with the family's anger. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 3(6), 372-377.
Betz, C. L. & Poster, E. C. (l984).Children's concepts of death. In E. C. Poster & C. L. Betz (Eds.) Nursing Clinics of North America (pp.341-349). Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co.
Betz, C. and Poster, E. (l984).Communicating with children. Paedovita, 1(1), 11-16.
Betz, C. L. & Poster, E. C. (1984 May).Pediatric Nurses' Knowledge of Psychosocial Development. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Association for the Care of Children's Health Conference. Houston, Texas. (ERIC, ED 256 489).
Poster, E. (1983).Consumer education for health care: key curriculum elements. Early Childhood Development and Care, 9(3), pp. 275-282.
Poster E. (1983). Rationale and guidelines for a pre-crisis curriculum to prepare healthy preschool children for hospitalization. Urbana, Illinois: Clearinghouse for elementary and early childhood education. (ERIC, ED 221 273).
Poster, E. (1983). Stress immunization: Techniques to help children cope with hospitalization. Maternal Child Nursing Journal, 12(2) 119-134.
Poster, E. C. & Betz, C. L. (1983). Allaying the anxiety of hospitalized children using stress immunization techniques.Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing, 6, (4) 227-234.
Poster, E. C. (1983, April). Bibliography of child development, child abuse and handicapped children.In B. Pugh (Ed.). The Hospitalized Child Bibliography. Washington, D. C.: Association for the Care of Children's Health.
Poster, E. C. (1982). Pre-Crisis preparation of children for hospitalization. In Proceedings of Octoberquest '82 (pp. 217-230). Los Angeles, California. DRW Printing.
Cohen, P. and Poster, E.C. (1980).Going healthy.Pediatric Social Work, 1, (3), 69-73.
Abstracts (*denotes refereed)
Poster, EC (2004).A Recruitment Project to Annually Admit 200 New Ethically Diverse Nursing Students. 2005-2010 Texas State Health Plan
*Poster, E.C. and Ryan, J. (1989). Triggers of Violence as perceived by assaulted nursing staff.Proceeding of the Communicating Nursing Research Conference.Western Society for Research in Nursing.Volume 22, p. 169 (May 3-5, 1989).
*Poster, E.C. (1989). Behavioral category ratings of adolescents on an inpatient psychiatric unit: The use of the Johnson Model.Proceedings of the Nursing Theory Diagnosis and Intervention Conference.University of Ottawa.p. 99 (May 16-19, 1989).
*Poster, E.C. (1989). Children’s perceptions of mental illness. Proceedings of Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents in Primary Care Settings: A Research Conference. National Institute of Health.Yale University School of Medicine.p.12 (June 12-13, 1989).
*Poster, E.D. and Ryan, J. (1985). Nursing staff responses to patient physical assaults.The Psychiatric Hospital.17 (1), 48.
Fore, C. V. & Poster, E. C. (Eds.). (1985). Meeting the psychosocial needs of children and families in health care.Washington, D. C.: Association for the Care of Children's Health.
Poster, E. C. & Betz, C.L. (Eds.). (l984). Psychosocial aspects of pediatric care.Nursing Clinics of North America. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co., 9(2), 283-379.
Shea, C., Pelletier, L., Poster, E.C., Stuart, G; and Verhey M. (Eds) (1999) Advanced Practice in Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. Mosby-St. Louis
Betz, C. L. & Poster, E. C. (1992). Mosby's Pediatric nursing reference (Second Edition). St. Louis: C. V. Mosby Publishing Co.
Betz, C. L. & Poster, E. C. (1989). Mosby's Pediatric nursing reference (First Edition). St. Louis: C. V. Mosby Publishing Co.
Chapters in Books
Poster, E. C., & Armmer, F. A. (2005).Getting to know faculty and staff.In AACN Task Force on Academic Leadership (Eds). Academic leadership in nursing: Making the journey (pp. 63-74). Washington, DC: American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (Invited)
Pelletier, L.R., Poster, E.C., Shea, C.A., Stuart, G.W., Verney, M.P. (1999) Envisioning the future in Mental Health Care in Shea, Pelletier, Poster, Stuart and Verney.Advanced Practice Nursing in Psychiatric and Mental Health Care. St. Louis, MO, Mosby, Inc. P 547-562.
Poster, E.C. (1997) Outcome Management. In Haber J. McMahon A.L., Price-Hogkins, P. & Krainovich-Miller, B (Eds.) Comprehensive Psychiatric Nursing (5th Ed.). Mosby- St. Louis.pg 44-54.
Poster, E.C. (1991). Quality assurance and treatment outcomes: A psychiatric nursing perspective. In S. Mirin, J. Gossett & M. Grob (Eds), Psychiatric Treatment: Advances in Outcome Research.Washington D.C.: APA Press, 279-292.
Poster, E. C. & Delaney, K. (1989).Mental health counseling of children and adolescents. In L. Birckhead (Ed.), Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott.
Poster, E. C. (1987). Behavioral problems. In M. Smith, J. Goodman, & N. L. Ramsey (Eds.). Child and Family Concepts of Nursing Practice (2nd Ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Poster, E.C. (2002) Today’s exciting choices in Nursing. Dallas/Ft. Worth High School Graduate.Philadelphia, PA: Spindle Publishing Co. p 9-10
Guest Health Care Columnist: Fort Worth Business Press
November 19-25, 2004Osteoporosis isn’t just your grandmother’s disease p. 23
October 15-21, 2004Terrorism tool kits, resources for business preparedness p. 31
September 17-23, 2004Fire ants can put a sting on outdoor activities p. 27
August 20-26, 2004Protect yourself from malignant melanoma and other skin concerns p. 34
June 18-24, 2004Travel tips for a healthy vacation
May 14-20, 2004Hypertension, the silent killer: Check your blood pressure p. 33
April 16-22, 2004Twenty-four questions to ask about nursing home care p. 30
March 19-25, 2004Your health is in your hands: Many cases of bacteria easily could be avoided p. 36
February 20-26, 2004Should you be drawn to hospitals with magnet status? p. 34
January 16-25, 2004 Learning about fraud can save more than money, p. 39
December 19-25, 2003 Knowing more about the holiday highs and lows, p. 20
November 21-27, 2003 Numbers prove wellness programs pay off, p. 35
October 17-23, 2003 Pleasant Fragrances can pack a hazardous punch pgs. 38, 40
September 19-25, 2003 Anger Management 101: ability to manage anger is a sign of a healthy person p. 30
August 15-21, 2003 Mental Health Day Focuses on children that suffer p. 32
July 18-24, 2003 Children and elderly at Special risk from summer heat p. 23
June 20-26, 2003Don’t let mosquitoes and West Nile virus ruin your summer p. 26
May 28, 2003 Salute to Nurses “bright light on a proud tradition” p. 36
May 16-22, 2003 Precautions you should take in light of SARS spread p. 30
April 18-24 2003 Early intervention is the key to helping the mentally ill p. 37
March 21-27, 3003 Opening the doors of education on family violence p. 39
Feb 21-27, 2003 The Nursing Shortage and you, or, “Detour, Beds Closed” p. 29
Editorials: Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing ( Prior to 2012)
Weber, S., and Poster E.C., (2010 ) Special Issue on Mental Health Nursing Care of LGBT Adolescents and Young Adults, Vol. 23 No.1, pgs 1-2
Poster, E.C. (2008) Cultural Connectivity. Vol. 21, No. 3, Pg. 23
Poster, E.C. (2006) Observing to Learn. Vo.l19, No. 4, Pg.165
Poster, E.C. (2005) Providing Tsunami Assistance. Vol.18, No.1, Pg.3
Poster, E.C. (2004) National Study of Adolescent Mental Health Points to missing role of nurses. Volume 17, Number 3 July-September 2004
Poster, E.C. (2004) Psychiatric Nursing at Risk: The New NCLEX-RN Test Plan,