Programme Development
As in the current programming period, the strategic orientations established within the EU and national strategies will be implemented on the ground through programmes covering the different policies.
In the case of EMFF programmes, the overall approach taken by the Commission proposal follows the logic of continuity with respect to the current programming period. Accordingly, the Member States will have to set-up the overall strategy addressing the fisheries and aquaculture sectors, as well as the development of fisheries areas in general, based on a thorough analysis of the needs of the geographical area covered by the programmes. Such strategies will be implemented through the EMFF measures and other delivery mechanisms such as Community-Led Local Development and Financial Instruments.
However, important adjustments are proposed in light of the new strategic framework. While these will be further detailed in the different sections of this document, the central novel elements of the Commission proposal can be summarised as it follows:
- Most of the current CFP and IMP financial instruments are integrated into one fund - the EMFF, with the exception of Sustainable Fisheries Agreements (SFAs) and the compulsory contribution to RFMOs;
- A clearer policy framework for the EMFF, based on the establishment of five Union priorities for the policy further detailed into a set of specific objectives and measures;
- An increased performance orientation for the EMFF (together with all other ESI Funds), based on ex-ante conditionalities and on a performance review system;
- The establishment of three cross-cutting objectives which are high on the Union policy agenda (linked to innovation, care for the environment and climate change mitigation and adaptation), to be pursued horizontally through the EMFF programmes;
- An increased flexibility as regards the use of EMFF measures within operational programmes. Such measures are no longer rigidly attributed to specific "priority axes", but can be programmed in relation to several Union priorities in a flexible manner, based on their expected contribution to those Union priorities. This new approach to the building of intervention logic is presented in Annex I to this document;
- A reinforced result-orientation of the programmes through the setting of precise targets for the programmes and the reporting on such targets throughout the programming period, based on a rationalised common monitoring and evaluation system.
General common provisions for the ESI funds on programming are included in Part II of the Commission proposal for a Common Provisions Regulation, while the Commission proposal for the EMFF Regulation sets out specific rules for the EMFF operational programmes. The EMFF will be a main instrument to contribute to the implementation of the IMP and CFP in the 2014 – 2020 period in coordination with the other programming policies under the CSF.