Eliminating grain defects in chickpea – request for samples

It is vital that the chickpea breeding team, growers and advisors know more about the environmental conditions conducive to these defects and whether any varieties are more susceptible than others. This will enable breeding of more tolerant varieties and possibly varied agronomic practices to reduce the risks.

As part of a new GRDC project, I will be working on eliminating grain defects in desi and kabuli chickpeas.

The two defects I am particularly interested in are:

  1. seed markings (particularlyseeds with tiger stripe or blotch markings), and
  2. weather damaged seed (symptoms include light weight, brittle seeds or sprouting).

In addition, Dr Kevin Moore, Northern NSW Integrated Disease Management, is interested in diseases and moulds and will provide free germination and emergence testing for all seed samples sent.

We would greatly appreciate chickpea seed samples of any condition, whether they look clean orcontainvisibly diseased, marked or weathered seeds. We will be collecting samples from QLD, NSW, VIC and SAto determine the percentage of seed affected in each sample. Geographical maps of incidence for each variety and defectwill then be constructed to help the breeding effort.

Please send a sample of your harvested grain, ideally 500 gsecured in two plastic bags (double bagged).Do nothand pick the sample prior to sending as it must be representative of your entire harvested crop.

Your grain will be tested for germination, emergence, seed borne diseases and moulds by Dr Kevin Moore as part of the GRDC Project DAN00176, Northern NSW Integrated Disease Management.

Other information that is required includes the:

  • variety,
  • address of the crop paddock (or GPS coordinates would be ideal),
  • the dates the crop was sown and harvested (and flowering and maturity dates would be helpful if you have them),
  • did you think the plant was stressed in the field? (moisture stress, heat stress, etc)
  • did the crop show reddening of the foliage?
  • were there any other varieties near you that were not affected? (if so, what variety?)

A quick answer sheet to send with your sample is included overleaf.

Samples should be addressed to; Dr Jenny Wood

C/- Kate Keir

Tamworth Ag Institute

4 Marsden Park Rd


As a researcher in the breeding team, it is extremely important to know what defects are occurring, to what extent and why so that we can try to increase tolerance in new varieties.

I appreciate any help you can offer.

Thank you,


Dr Jennifer Wood | Chemist (Pulse Quality) | Agriculture NSW

Department of Primary Industries

Tamworth Agricultural Institute | 4 Marsden Park Rd | Calala | NSW 2340

T: 02 6763 1157 | F:02 6763 1222 |E:


Eliminating grain defects in chickpea – Sample Info Sheet

I am sending a sample of my chickpea crop which showed signs of (please circle):

A.Marked seeds (tiger stripe or blotched markings)

B.Weather damage (light weight, brittle seeds or sprouting)

C.Disease or mould

D.No defects

Please provide contact details to send you your freegermination, emergence and defect results:

Please fill in as much information on your chickpea crop as possible:

Chickpea Variety
Crop paddock address
or GPS co-ordinates
Sowing Date / Flowering Date
Harvest Date / Maturity Date
Any plant stress? / Yes/No / Type of stress / Dry / Heat / Frost / Other
When did this stress occur? / If other, please comment
Any reddening of plant foliage? / Yes/No / How severe? / Slightly red / Moderately red / Very red
Any rain prior to harvest? / Yes / No / How many rain events?
Please list dates and millimetres of rainfall recorded
Any other comments?

Did your chickpea crop suffer any price penalties at point of delivery? Yes / No (please circle)

If yes, how much were you penalised?$

Thank you for your assistance.

Please enclose a copy of this form with your 500 g sample and send to: Dr Jenny Wood

C/- Kate Keir

Tamworth Ag Institute

4 Marsden Park Rd

Calala NSW 2340