Evaluation Form
Evaluations must be submitted within 2 calendar months of the end date of the project
The evaluation form should be completed by the recipient of the award i.e. the arts applicant, although the business applicant should engaged with to complete section 5: Business Story and to provide quotes. Please note, if the evaluation is not received within two calendar months Arts & Business Scotland reserves the right to withhold the final 20% payment, returning it to the NAS Grant fund.
Financial Report
In conjunction with the evaluation form please submit a financial report. For all awards, a certified financial statement signed and dated by two people (the most senior member of staff e.g. Director / Chair and the project co-ordinator) is required to confirm that the Grant and Sponsor’s money have been used in the way specified in the application.
Please note:
Arts & Business may request further information or a phone interview with both partners following review of the submitted form. This may include providing evidence of payments made as noted in the financial statement.
Support materials include photographs, press cuttings, posters, flyers, programmes CDs etc. to be submitted by post or electronically as appropriate.
If you need any advice or assistance in completing this form please contact Arts & Business Scotland on 0131 556 3353 or email: .
Submitting your evaluation
By email
In line with Arts & Business Scotland’s environmental policies in supporting a Greener Scotland we encourage evaluations and associated documents to be submitted by email with electronic signatures to .
By post
If the arts applicant or business sponsor do not have an electronic signature then hard copies should be submitted to New Arts Sponsorship Grants, Arts & Business Scotland, Rosebery House, 9 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 5EZ.
Please note if submitting by post a copy of the completed evaluation form (in Word), certified financial statement and any additional support materials must also be emailed to: .
Section 1: Project details
Project title: /Ref:
Arts/cultural organisation:Art form(s):
Name of contact:
Direct telephone:
Nature of business (industry):
Name of contact:
Direct telephone:
Form completed by:
Total sponsorship received: /
Cash sponsorship: /£
In-kind sponsorship: /£
Award received: /£
Total cost of the project: /£
Location of the projectCity: / Region:
If based outside Scotland, please specify:
Start and end date of the project:
Start date: / End date:
Focus of arts project (tick all that apply):
Community & Social Empowerment / Education / Environment
International Engagement / Health and Wellbeing / Older People
People with disabilities / Tourism / Young People
Other (please specify):
Business reason for sponsoring the arts activity (tick all that apply):
Business/brand name awareness / Corporate Social Responsibility / Creative development
Develop community links / Enjoyment / Entertaining
Image enhancement / Marketing / PR opportunities
Staff relations / Other (please specify):
Section 2:Spending the grant
If the project / activity details are different in any way from what was stated on your original New Arts Sponsorship Grant Application Form, please use the space below to explain the change(s). Please give details of any contact that you have had with this office to agree these changes:Section 3: Project story
Please provide us with your story about the sponsorship and sponsored project and (if applicable) the New Arts Sponsorship Grant arts/cultural activity. How did it come about? How did the business and arts organisation make the connection? What was the aim of the project? How did it match the values of the business with those of the arts / heritage organisation? Please describe the project, how it was delivered and what was delivered:Section 4: Arts/cultural organisation story
Please detail the benefits the arts/heritage organisation has gained in return for the sponsorship and New Arts Sponsorship Grant. Please include profile raising opportunities, staff benefits and relationship with the sponsor, perceived community reaction, any new partnerships or creative business opportunities derived from the project, new ways of working that have materialised as a result, difficulties faced, unexpected successes achieved and key learning outcomes that could be shared by others:Section 5: Business story
Please detail the benefits the business has received in return for the sponsorship and New Arts Sponsorship Grant. Please include profile raising opportunities, staff benefits and engagement with the project, perceived community reaction, any new partnerships or creative business opportunities derived from the project, new ways of working that have materialised as a result, difficulties faced, unexpected successes achieved and key learning outcomes that could be shared with others:Section 6: Audience/people/community story
Please provide us with impacts and lasting outcomes to have come out of the sponsorship and project such as community engagement, audience response, people involvement and information on audiences reached through participation and marketing/press activity:Number of people reached:
Engaged directly:
Reached through marketing/PR:
Section 7: New Arts Sponsorship Grant
Please specify the importance to the business and arts/cultural organisation in receiving the New Arts Sponsorship Grant and the difference it made to the project and arts/cultural activity:Section 8: Quotes
Please supply quotes from the business and the arts/heritage organisation summarising your experience of the partnership and the project. Please also provide quotes gathered from people who engaged with the project and other partners who came on board:Arts/cultural organisation:
Other partners (if applicable):
People who engaged with the project:
Section 9: Press coverage
Please detail the press & media coverage attained, providing links to news items if available:Section 10: Additional information
Please provide at least one print quality photograph (300dpi).
Any support documentation such as photos, marketing materials, posters, news cuttings, programmes etc. should be supplied in electronic format and sent via file transfer or emailed to . Alternatively, posta drive or disc to:
Arts & Business Scotland, Rosebery House, 9 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh EH125EZ.
Arts & Business Scotland may wish to use any images you supply in its own promotional material. Do you agree to us using your images in this way?: /
If YES, please provide a suitable credit for the photographer(s) of the images provided and any cropping/sizing instructions if applicable:Section 11: Financial report
On a separate sheet, please attach your certified financial statement, signed and dated by two people with appropriate financial authority (e.g. Director / Chair and the project co-ordinator)
Section 12: Signed declaration
I confirm that the New Arts Sponsorship Grant was used appropriately and for the activity agreed. I understand that Arts & Business Scotland can request further information, including an investment and expenditure report for the Grant, if deemed necessary. Failure to supply this information may result in the remaining portion of my Grant being retained or in further applications by my organisation being ineligible:Name:
Job title:
Submitting your evaluation
Evaluations must be submitted within two calendar months of the end date of the project.
Please see the notes on page 1 on submitting your application.
Arts & Business Scotland Awards 2016 and 2017
Please note that your partnership may be eligible for nomination in the Arts & Business Scotland Awards in either 2016 or 2017, depending on the end date of the project activity. The Awards celebrate exemplary partnerships between arts and business. For information on the Awards see our website:
For office use onlyAwards activity satisfactory / ☐ Yes / ☐ No / Benefits consistent / ☐ Yes / ☐ No
Further monitoring required / ☐ Yes / ☐ No / Financial report approved / ☐ Yes / ☐ No
A&B Project Manager
Signed off by / Date
Arts & Business Scotland is a company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland (SC406905) and a Scottish charity (SC042631). The registered office is Rosebery House, 9 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 5EZ.
Page 1NAS Evaluation Form 2016-17