Managed Clinical Network for Eating Disorders Meeting

MINUTES of meeting held on Thursday 10th May 2007

Present:DrElaine Anderson

MrPeter Cartwright

DrPaula Collin

Dr Phil Crockett

DrSteven Curran

Dr Yvonne Edmonstone

DrCleo Hart

Dr Annie Ingram

MrsLinda Keenan

Dr Harry Millar

In Attendance: Mrs Rona Walker, MCN Secretary

1ApologiesMs Jackie Agnew

Dr Jon Cresswell

Mr Neil Fraser

MrBill Harrison

MrDerek Leslie

MrAlan Murdoch

MrsValerie Nelson

MrsElizabeth Stewart

Dr Jack Taylor

2Minutes of Previous Meeting

Accepted as accurate.

3Representation Update

Dr Elaine Anderson, Consultant Psychiatrist, Western Isles, Dr Cleo Hart,Consultant Psychiatrist, Child & Adolescent Mental Health, Moray and Dr Phil Crocket, Locum Consultant Psychiatrist, Aberdeen were welcomed to the group.

Dr Annie Ingram, Director of Regional Planning, NoSPG was introduced to the group.

General Practitioners

HMhas secured agreement from Dr Jack Taylor, General Practitioner, Aboyne Medical Practice (who is also the Clinical Governance Lead for Aberdeenshire CHP) to join the MCN. It is hoped that Dr Taylor will be able to attend the next MCN meeting.

Patient & Carer

HM has been in contact with AR who has agreed to be a patient representative and LK will also write to her. Patient representatives who have volunteered do not wish to attend MCN Steering Group Meetings, but are happy to be consulted using other methods. A volunteer has agreed to take part in the next Eating Disorders Conference in November 2007.

Action LK

YE has asked the Highland User Group about patient/carer volunteers and a suggestion was made for LK to formally write to HUG asking if there is anyone interested in becoming a patient representative.

LK also to write to support groups in Tayside.

Action LK

4 Teaching/Training/Supervision

National Eating Disorder Education and Training

HM gave the background and history of NEET to those present. He described how there is the possibility that some funding from NES to draw up a 3 year business plan for an EDS training syllabus. It is envisaged a modular system of pick & mix modules is developed to cover multidisciplinary professions and would be across all age ranges. These modules would be accredited by NEET.HM/LK/RW have offered to provide support and MCN steering group members were in support of this. HM gave a brief recap of the NEET meeting held last week.

AI stated that it may be a good idea to contact Jill Swan with regards to the remote and rural health initiative as it would be sensible to take their needs into account when planning training.

5 Updates

NHS Inpatient Unit – Outline Business Case

HM explained to the group that AI became involved in February 2007. She has taken this item forward and after further consideration and discussion with Regional Planning Leadsthe Business Case has been altered to become a Service Development plan which was presented to NoSPG on the 20thApril. Thishas now been approved in principlebut further detail has been requested and be presented again at the NoSPGmeeting in June 2007 AIalso updated the group on the current position with CAMH’s proposal for an inpatient unit in Dundee. It was felt that we should look at the interface issues between CAMH’s and adult services. LK informed those present that a copy of our original Option Appraisal document was to be shared with SEAT.

Further discussion took place surrounding the requirements of an inpatient eating disorder unit. It was notedthatLK and HM are to visit an inpatient unit in Norwich on the 29th of May.

A core group will meet later this month to take forward the required work for the service development document. There were volunteers from the steering group to become involved in discussions if and where necessary. It was felt that it would be a good idea to have some input from nursing colleagues. It was agreed that the MCN could be used a discussion forum by the core group for further input as required.

Contract with Priory/Huntercombe

On 10th May HM received an email stating that the Priory had backed out of the proposed contract. They have subsequently put forward a revised proposition on which people have been asked to comment. The revised proposition shows an increased cost compared with the original offer.

Action HM

6Eating Disorders Conference for Specialists – Nov 07

The title for the forthcoming conference will be “Severe Enduring Eating Disorders”. See below a list of speakers etc

Day 1 –Main Speakers

1Dr Bob Palmer – “Severe and Enduring Eating Disorders – An Overview”.

2Dr Alex Yellowlees – “The Role of Inpatient Management for Anorexia Nervosa”.

3Dr Chris Freeman – “The Role of Anorexia Nervosa Intensive Treatment Team”.

4Dr Chris Holman – “An Inpatient Programme for Borderline Disorders”.

Workshop speakers

1Professor Glen Walker – “How Clinicians can hinder therapy”.

2Ms Katie Park – “Inpatient Nursing Management”.

3Ms Maggie Gray – “Keeping Hope Alive – Clinical supervision in the area of severe chronic problems”.

4Dr Harry Millar – “Living with Long-term Illness”.

5Ms Angie Jackubowska – “Title to be confirmed”.

6Professor Janet Treasure – “Motivational Enhancement & Carers”.

7Ms Louisa Muspratt – “Supporting Families with Chronic Illness”.

8Dr Susan Simpson – “Schema Focused Therapy for Severe Eating Disorders”.

Day 2 – Main Speakers

1Dr Alastair McKinlay – “Physical Management of Re-feeding in the

Starved Patient”.

2Dr Donald Lyons – “Mental Welfare Commission Guidance on

Artificial Feeding”.

3Dr Ivan Eisler – “Family Perspective in Chronic Illness”.

7Service Developments by Region

It was decided not to cover this item on the agenda as it would be covered in the afternoon sessions.


LK has now circulated the web address to all.Ideally the website will be kept up to date on a monthly basis and will go live very soon. She felt that the website was currently very text based and the IT department were looking at ways of making the site look more inviting.

LKasked that everyonetake another look at the website and for all areas to supply a couple of lines about their current service provision. It was suggested that a link could be set up with MCN archive documents, a “hit count” and a private Steering Group members section which could be used for discussion would be a good idea. LK to contact Sandra Hay, NoSPG with the Web address for inclusion on the NoSPG website. CH also suggested it would be helpful to include some links for under 18’s

Action LK

Discussion took place surrounding the address of the website. It was noted that there would be a cost involved in changing it and no firm conclusion was reached.

YE to investigate the possibility of copying the Highland Intranet Guidelines onto the MCN Internet website. She willliaise with LK regarding this.

Action YE

Discussion took place surrounding the new Grampian Health Improvement website ( it was decided to have details of the MCN website included on this.

Action LK

9Workforce Planning

Discussion took place around workforce planning. HM to draft a current paper on workforce planning and send to AI for inclusion in the annual workforce plan document for NoSPG.

P Cartwright also informed the group that he has been involved in using a new software tool for nurse workforce planning which he was willing to share.

Action: HM

10MCN Newsletter

Discussion took place regarding aNewsletter for the MCN and whether it was felt this was required or not. It was agreed that the website would provide sufficient information.

Action LK


P Cartwright supplied LK with details on referrals in the Argyll & Butearea.

The MCN annual report has been circulated for comment and the report will be forwarded to the NoSPG office by 23rd May. Final comments are required by 18 May 2007.

12 Date & Time of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held in Aberdeen on Thursday23rd August2007 at 10.30 am in Seminar Room B, RoyalCornhillHospital.