HW #1 / Unit 2

Element Names & Symbols – A History of Discovery

The periodic table represents the condensed story of a major human effort over a long period of human history. It is filled with the results that have accumulated due to the efforts of many people who were curious about the most basic material makeup of our universe. These elements represent the basic building blocks from which all substances are built. Some of these elements are dated to B.C. while some were discovered in 1999. It is now time for you to begin to learn about the identities of these building blocks. We will start with the names and symbols. Fill in the missing symbol/name of the element. The date of discovery and the origin of the name are included for your information. You will only be responsible for the names and symbols of the 40 most common/important elements that are listed on a separate handout, but here you will see the names and symbols for all??? (it’s always changing!) of the elements.

SymbolNameDateOrigin of Name

Ac1900Greek, aktis = ray

aluminum1825Latin, alumen = astringent taste

Am1944country where discovered

antimony~1450Greek, antimonos = opposed to solitude

Ar1894Greek, argos = neutral or inactive

arsenic ~1200Greek, arsenicon = valiant or bold

At1940Greek, astatos = unstable

barium1808Greek, baryos = heavy

Bk1949city where discovered in California

beryllium1797mineral where found - beryl

Bi~1450German, wismut = white mass

bohrium1981in honor of Neils Bohr, Danish physicist

boron1808Arabic, bawraq

Br1826Greek, bromos = stench

cadmium1817Latin, cadmia = a zinc ore

Ca1808Latin, calcis = lime

californium1950state and university where discovered

C B.C. Latin, carbo = coal

cerium1804asteroid Ceres

Cs1860Latin, caesius = blue

chlorine1808Greek, chloros = green gas

Cr1797Greek, chroma = color

cobalt1735Greek, cobolos = goblin

Cu B.C.Latin, cuprum

curium1944in honor of Marie and Pierre Curie

Db1967discovered in Dubna, Russia

Dy1886Greek, dysprositos = hard to get at

einsteinium1952in honor of Albert Einstein

Er1843city, Ytterby, Sweden

europium1900continent where discovered

Fm1953in honor of Enrico Fermi

fluorine1886Latin, fluere = to flow

Fr1939native country of its discoverer

gadolinium1886in honor of J. Gadolinium, Finnish chemist

Ga1875Latin name, Gaul, of France

germanium1886country, Germany

Au B.C.Latin, aurum

hafnium 1922Latin name of Copenhagen, Denmark

Hs1984relates to Latin name for German state “Hassias”

He1895Greek, helios = the sun

holmium1879Stockholm, Sweden, the source of its ore

H1766Greek, hydro genes = water former

indium1863color of its main spectral line

I1811Greek, iodos = violet color

iridium1804Latin, iridis = rainbow

Fe B.C. Latin, ferrum

krypton1898Greek, kryptos = hidden

La1839Greek, lanthanein = to be concealed

lead B.C.Latin, plumbum

Li1817Greek, lithos = stone

lawrencium1961in honor of E. Lawrence, cyclotron inventor

Lu1905Lutetia, ancient name of Paris

magnesium1803Latin, magnesia = a place in Asia Minor

Mn1774Latin, magnes = magnet

Mt1982in honor of Lise Meitner, Austrian physicist

mendelevium1955in honor of D. Mendeleev, father of periodic table

Hg B.C.Latin, hydragyrum = god and planet

molybdenum1782Greek, molybdos = lead

Nd1885Greek, neo = new and didymos = twin

neon1898Greek, neo = new

Np1940 planet

nickel1750German, goblin

Nb1801Niobe, daughter of Tantalus

nitrogen1772Latin, nitro = native soda and gen = born

No1957in honor of Alfred Nobel, inventor of dynamite

osmium1804Greek, osme = a certain odor

O1771Greek, oxys = sharp and gen = born

palladium1803planetoid, Palas, discovered in 1801

P1669Greek, phosphoros = light bringer

platinum1735Spanish, plata = silver


polonium1898native country of its discoverer

K1807Latin, kalium

praseodymium1885Greek, praese = green and didymos = twin

Pm1847Greek mythology, fire bringer

protactinium1917Greek, protos = first and actinium

Ra1898Latin, radius = ray

radon1900originates from radium

Re1924Latin name of province in Germany

rhodium1804Greek, rhodos = rose

Rb1860Latin, rubidius = red

ruthenium1805Latin name of Russia

Rf1964in honor of Lord Rutherford, New Zealand chemist

Sm1879Samarski, a Russian engineer

scandium1879Scandanavian peninsula by its discoverer

Sg1974Glenn Seaborg, American chemist

Se1817Greek, selene = the moon

silicon1823Latin, silex = flint

Ag B.C.Latin, argentum

sodium1807Latin, natrium

Sr1808town of Strontian, Scotland

sulfur B.C.Latin, sulphur

Ta1802Tantalus of Greek mythology

technetium1937Greek, technetes = artifical

Te1782Latin, tellus = earth

terbium1843Ytterby, Sweden

Tl1862Greek, thallus = a young shoot

thorium1819Thor of Scandinavian mythology

Tm1879Latin, thule = most northerly part

tin B.C.Latin, stannum

Ti1791Greek mythology, first sons of earth

tungsten1783 Swedish, heavy stone

Uub (112)1996temporary systematic IUPAC name

Uuh (116)1999temporary systematic IUPAC name

Uun (110)1994temporary systematic IUPAC name

Uuo (118)1999temporary systematic IUPAC name

Uuq (114)1998temporary systematic IUPAC name

Uuu (111)1994temporary systematic IUPAC name

U1789planet Uranus

vanadium1830Scandinavian mythology, goddess Vanadis

Xe1808Greek, xenos = strange

ytterbium1905Ytterby, Sweden

Y1843Ytterby, Sweden

zinc B.C.German, zink = like tin

Zr1824Arabian, zerk = a precious stone

Fill in the missing element names.

Driving along with a (Fm) ______grip on the wheel of his car, a (Ag) ______(Hg) ______with (Cr) ______wheels and (Fe-Ni-Mn-C) ______-belted (Ra) ______tires, he was on his way to southern (Cf) ______. On the way, he had to pull into a gas station in (Bk) ______where he bought twenty (Ga) ______s of (Pb) _____-free gas for a (Ni) ______. Just as he pulled out of the station, along came a (Eu) ______in his little (Ge) ______-made car driving on the wrong side of the (Rh) ______. They crashed! The poor fellow hit his (Ne) _____ the dash and bit his (W) ______. As he lay there, a (Si) ______came along and stole his (Au) ______watch and left him there to (S) ______. Then, along came an (As) ______who set fire to his car. Finally, a good (Sm) ______came along and tried to (He) ______, but, alas, all he could do was (Ba) ______in a (Kr) ______the hill nearby.

Find the element that fits the phrase.

______What are doctors for?______Policeman

______To spice______Have went (poor grammar)

______What torpedoed ships do______Well driller's chant

______"Get him"______Half a dime

______To press a shirt______Directed (past tense)

______Kitchen work area______Leg joint above the calf

______Amusing prisoner______Not fat

______Building to store autos______Holmium x 1/2

______The Lone Ranger's horse______What I do when hungry

______What police do to a place if they hear of illegal activity there

______Cowboy's call after a good trip on a bronco: "I ______"

______Cowboy's call after a bad trip on a bronco: "I'm ______"

______What you do to a steak when you barbecue it

______"_____ anything, but give them nothing."

______Why she wears My Sin perfume

______Except science, what all my classes do

______What I do is none of your ______!

______Soldier from Troy who only fights after dark


Chemistry I Cary Academy W.G. Rushin