Request for Proposal: Evaluation Services and Required Reporting for
ESD 123 - 21st Century Program
Dates of Service:
- Program runs September 1, 2016 – August 31, 2017
- Evaluation services need to be completed by state and federal deadlines which will extend beyond program year.
Scope of Service:
- Local Evaluation – To be used by site staff, ESD administration and OSPI.
- Complete unique and distinctive recommendations for each program site which tie to sites’ individual program designs
- Visit each site at least once during the program year for on-site review and conversation with site coordinator
- Oversee the collection of program andacademic achievement data using EZ Reports
- Analyze academic achievement data
- Organize and facilitate the distribution and collection of required surveys
- Tally survey results and report results as required
- Collect and analyze data for objectives
- Draft program descriptions
- Develop visuals as necessary for reports
- Required Reporting
- Provide necessary forms and deadlines to administrative and site staff for all reporting deadlines including
- Federal reporting requirements such as PPICS or new reporting tools as required
- DOE Grantee Profile Report
- DOE APR Report
- Training
- Provide staff training to review expectations and deadlines for year at Site Coordinators’ Meeting
- Provide staff training to review expectations and deadlines for closeout at April or May Site Coordinators’ Meeting
- Provide one-on-one or small groups staff training for all new site staff around reporting and evaluation needs
- On-going Support
- Provide email and telephone technical assistance to program administrators and site coordinators as necessary as related to program and evaluation needs
- Data Management
- Attend EZ Reports database training
- Review data on a regular basis and provide monthly log of missing items
- Travel
- Reimbursement for one conference hotel stay, for up to three nights
up to $1,000 dollars
- Reimbursement for one conference registration up to $500
- Provide two external YPQI assessments for each site
- Score and enter data into online Scores Reporter
- Participate in External Assessors’ Training as needed
- Participate in YPQA meetings and webinars as agreed
- Meetings - Attend state Director and Evaluator meetings as required
- Continuation Reports - Assist with data as needed for OSPI Continuation reports
- Confidentiality Agreement - The agency awarded the evaluation contract will sign a confidentiality agreement related to the data management system ESD 123 is using.