Robot navigation competition PARTNER
- The final project for ELEE 310 will consist of a competition to see how well you can program your robot to navigate along a course starting at one of the side entrances of HAL and ending at the other (see diagram below).
- Here are the rules of competition:
- The competition will begin at 4:00pm on Friday, May 2, and will consist of 2 identical rounds, in which each team (one by one) will make a timed run of the course. There will be a 15 minute time period between the end of round 1 and the beginning of round 2 during which you can make adjustments or programming changes.
- When it’s your robot’s turn to make a run, you will place it on the starting line and indicate to the starter that you’re ready. After that point you are no longer allowed to make physical contact with the robot or communicate with it in any way until the run is finished.
- The starter will give you a countdown and start signal, at which time you may start your robot. You must use an external light source of some kind (e.g. a flashlight) to start. You may not use the pushbuttons on the CSM12C32 board. After your robot starts moving you are not allowed to use the flashlight or any other method to communicate with it.
- You may not attempt to take your robot up or down steps. Doing so will result in disqualification.
- At least one team member must walk along with the robot to make sure it doesn’t run into something and damage itself.
- Your robot’s run will end either when it reaches the finish line or you abandon all hope of it doing so and pick it up. If it runs into an obstacle and is in danger of damaging itself you must pick it up.
- Each round will be scored according to the table shown below. The scores from both rounds will be added together into a final score which will be used to determine the “winners”. Note: Your final grade for this project will not necessarily depend on how well you do in the competition. See the end of this handout for the grading scheme.
Accuracy / Points
Robot crosses line 1 / 100
Robot crosses line 2 / 100
Robot crosses line 3 / 100
Robot crosses line 4 / 100
Robot crosses line 5 / 100
Robot crosses finish line / 150
Shortest travel time / 50 / Note: Robot must cross the finish line
2nd shortest travel time / 40 / to qualify for travel time points.
3rd shortest travel time / 30
4th shortest travel time / 20
5th shortest travel time / 10
6th (or greater) shortest travel time / 0
Report (due Monday, May 7 at beginning of class): Hand in a description of the algorithm (in the form of a flowchart or pseudocode) your robot used during the competition. Also hand in a well-documented final version of the source code used by the microcontroller. Then write a report that describes two different design decisions you made in developing your robot. For each decision, describe each of the options you considered along with the analysis and testing that led you to choose the option you did. Also, discuss any new options that have occurred to you since completing the project. Discuss whether and how you would make different choices if you had it to do over again, based on your experience in the competition.
Overall Project Grading:
Robot performance Points possible Points Comments
· Effective use of sensors/display/motors 20
· Competition strategy/creativity 25
· Effective implementation of strategy 15
· Algorithm description 10
· Source Code
o Organization 4
o Headers and comments 3
o Code efficiency 3
· Report on design decisions
o Creativity/range of ideas 4
o Clarity of explanations 4
o Completeness of explanations 4
o Technical accuracy/quality 4
o Writing quality 4
Totals 100