Electronic Supplementary Material

Table E1.1 List of the 197 fishes recorded following rotenone sampling of the 58 sites around Buck Island, and categories allocated within this study

Note that 68 species judged to be non-cryptic were removed from the data set. Species were removed if they were surveyed during underwater visual censuses by NOAA at 70 sites around Buck Island (data described in Smith-Vaniz et al. 2006) or ~200 sites across The Bahamas (Harborne et al. 2008). Note that 11 species (Apogon quadrisquamatus, Chaenopsis limbaughi, Coryphopterus dicrus, Coryphopterus tortugae, Ctenogobius saepepallens, Elacatinus evelynae, Gnatholepis thompsoni, Malacoctenus boehlkei, Malacoctenus triangulatus, Ophioblennius macclurei, and Paradiplogrammus bairdi) recorded during the visual censuses at Buck Island were not removed from the data set because these species are from families that are typically under-sampled without ichthyocides (Ackerman and Bellwood 2000). Five additional species were removed either because they were appropriate for surveys using visual methods (e.g., co-generic or co-familial species recorded during visual censuses) but were not seen during surveys in St Croix or The Bahamas, or attain considerably larger sizes than the 5-10 cm limit typically applied to cryptobenthic species (Depczynski and Bellwood 2003; Depczynski and Bellwood 2005). These species were Abudefduf taurus, Bothus maculifera, Doratonotus megalepis, Pareques acuminatus, and Plectrypops retrospinis. Three other species (Atherinomorus stipes, Jenkinsia lamprotaenia, and Sardinella aurita) were excluded because they occur in large schools and are not behaviourally cryptic. Finally, data for 20 species identified as piscivorous (Froese and Pauly 2010) were removed.

Species / Family / Category
Apogon affinis / Apogonidae / Cryptobenthic
Apogon binotatus / Apogonidae / Cryptobenthic
Apogon lachneri / Apogonidae / Cryptobenthic
Apogon maculatus / Apogonidae / Cryptobenthic
Apogon quadrisquamatus / Apogonidae / Cryptobenthic
Apogon townsendi / Apogonidae / Cryptobenthic
Astrapogon puncticulatus / Apogonidae / Cryptobenthic
Phaeoptyx conklini / Apogonidae / Cryptobenthic
Phaeoptyx pigmentaria / Apogonidae / Cryptobenthic
Entomacrodus nigricans / Blenniidae / Cryptobenthic
Hypleurochilus springeri / Blenniidae / Cryptobenthic
Hypsoblennius exstochilus / Blenniidae / Cryptobenthic
Ophioblennius macclurei / Blenniidae / Cryptobenthic
Dinematichthys minyomma / Bythitidae / Cryptobenthic
Ogilbia jeffwilliamsi / Bythitidae / Cryptobenthic
Ogilbia suarezae / Bythitidae / Cryptobenthic
Ogilbichthys kakuki / Bythitidae / Cryptobenthic
Ogilbichthys longimanus / Bythitidae / Cryptobenthic
Paradiplogrammus bairdi / Callionymidae / Cryptobenthic
Acanthemblemaria aspera / Chaenopsidae / Cryptobenthic
Acanthemblemaria spinosa / Chaenopsidae / Cryptobenthic
Chaenopsis limbaughi / Chaenopsidae / Cryptobenthic
Emblemaria pandionis / Chaenopsidae / Cryptobenthic
Emblemariopsis bahamensis / Chaenopsidae / Cryptobenthic
Emblemariopsis ruetzleri / Chaenopsidae / Cryptobenthic
Emblemariopsis cf. signifera B / Chaenopsidae / Cryptobenthic
Emblemariopsis carib / Chaenopsidae / Cryptobenthic
Stathmonotus gymnodermis / Chaenopsidae / Cryptobenthic
Stathmonotus stahli / Chaenopsidae / Cryptobenthic
Chilorhinus suensonii / Clopsidae / Cryptobenthic
Kaupichthys hyoproroides / Clopsidae / Cryptobenthic
Symphurus arawak / Cynoglossidae / Cryptobenthic
Symphurus ommaspilus / Cynoglossidae / Cryptobenthic
Acyrtus artius / Gobiesocidae / Cryptobenthic
Acyrtus rubiginosus / Gobiesocidae / Cryptobenthic
Gobiesox nigripinnis / Gobiesocidae / Cryptobenthic
Gobiesox punctulatus / Gobiesocidae / Cryptobenthic
Tomicodon reitzae / Gobiesocidae / Cryptobenthic
Barbulifer antennatus / Gobiidae / Cryptobenthic
Bathygobius soporator / Gobiidae / Cryptobenthic
Coryphopterus dicrus / Gobiidae / Cryptobenthic
Coryphopterus tortugae / Gobiidae / Cryptobenthic
Coryphopterus personatus / Gobiidae / Cryptobenthic
Coryphopterus thrix / Gobiidae / Cryptobenthic
Ctenogobius saepepallens / Gobiidae / Cryptobenthic
Elacatinus chancei / Gobiidae / Cryptobenthic
Elacatinus dilepis / Gobiidae / Cryptobenthic
Elacatinus evelynae / Gobiidae / Cryptobenthic
Elacatinus gemmatum / Gobiidae / Cryptobenthic
Elacatinus pallens / Gobiidae / Cryptobenthic
Elacatinus prochilus / Gobiidae / Cryptobenthic
Ginsburgellus novemlineatus / Gobiidae / Cryptobenthic
Gnatholepis thompsoni / Gobiidae / Cryptobenthic
Lythrypnus crocodilus / Gobiidae / Cryptobenthic
Lythrypnus elasson / Gobiidae / Cryptobenthic
Lythrypnus nesiotes / Gobiidae / Cryptobenthic
Lythrypnus okapia / Gobiidae / Cryptobenthic
Priolepis hipoliti / Gobiidae / Cryptobenthic
Psilotris alepis / Gobiidae / Cryptobenthic
Psilotris boehlkei / Gobiidae / Cryptobenthic
Psilotris celsus / Gobiidae / Cryptobenthic
Pycnomma roosevelti / Gobiidae / Cryptobenthic
Risor ruber / Gobiidae / Cryptobenthic
Labrisomus albigenys / Labrisomidae / Cryptobenthic
Labrisomus bucciferus / Labrisomidae / Cryptobenthic
Labrisomus gobio / Labrisomidae / Cryptobenthic
Labrisomus guppyi / Labrisomidae / Cryptobenthic
Labrisomus haitiensis / Labrisomidae / Cryptobenthic
Labrisomus nigricinctus / Labrisomidae / Cryptobenthic
Labrisomus nuchipinnis / Labrisomidae / Cryptobenthic
Malacoctenus aurolineatus / Labrisomidae / Cryptobenthic
Malacoctenus boehlkei / Labrisomidae / Cryptobenthic
Malacoctenus erdmani / Labrisomidae / Cryptobenthic
Malacoctenus gilli / Labrisomidae / Cryptobenthic
Malacoctenus macropus / Labrisomidae / Cryptobenthic
Malacoctenus triangulatus / Labrisomidae / Cryptobenthic
Malacoctenus versicolor / Labrisomidae / Cryptobenthic
Paraclinus fasciatus / Labrisomidae / Cryptobenthic
Paraclinus grandicomis / Labrisomidae / Cryptobenthic
Paraclinus nigripinnis / Labrisomidae / Cryptobenthic
Starksia atlantica / Labrisomidae / Cryptobenthic
Starksia culebrae / Labrisomidae / Cryptobenthic
Starksia elongata / Labrisomidae / Cryptobenthic
Starksia lepicoelia / Labrisomidae / Cryptobenthic
Starksia melasma / Labrisomidae / Cryptobenthic
Starksia nanodes / Labrisomidae / Cryptobenthic
Starksia smithvanizi / Labrisomidae / Cryptobenthic
Cerdale floridana / Microdesmidae / Cryptobenthic
Moringua edwardsi / Moringuidae / Cryptobenthic
Otophidium dormitator / Ophidiidae / Cryptobenthic
Parophidion schmidti / Ophidiidae / Cryptobenthic
Petrotyx sanguineus / Ophidiidae / Cryptobenthic
Opistognathus maxillosus / Opistognathidae / Cryptobenthic
Pempheris schomburgki / Pempheridae / Cryptobenthic
Pseudogramma gregoryi / Serranidae / Cryptobenthic
Acentronura dendritica / Syngnathidae / Cryptobenthic
Bryx dunckeri / Syngnathidae / Cryptobenthic
Halicampus crinitus / Syngnathidae / Cryptobenthic
Enneanectes altivelis / Trypterygiidae / Cryptobenthic
Enneanectes boehlkei / Trypterygiidae / Cryptobenthic
Enneanectes pectoralis / Trypterygiidae / Cryptobenthic
Antennarius multiocellatus / Antennariidae / Cryptobenthic predator
Antennarius pauciradiatus / Antennariidae / Cryptobenthic predator
Scartella cristata / Blenniidae / Cryptobenthic predator
Conger triporiceps / Congridae / Cryptobenthic predator
Dactyloscopus poeyi / Dactyloscopidae / Cryptobenthic predator
Dactyloscopus tridigitatus / Dactyloscopidae / Cryptobenthic predator
Gillellus greyae / Dactyloscopidae / Cryptobenthic predator
Gillellus uranidaa / Dactyloscopidae / Cryptobenthic predator
Platygillellus rubrocinctus / Dactyloscopidae / Cryptobenthic predator
Echidna catenata / Muraenidae / Cryptobenthic predator
Enchelycore carychroa / Muraenidae / Cryptobenthic predator
Enchelycore nigricans / Muraenidae / Cryptobenthic predator
Gymnothorax vicinus / Muraenidae / Cryptobenthic predator
Uropterygius macularius / Muraenidae / Cryptobenthic predator
Ahlia egmontis / Ophichthidae / Cryptobenthic predator
Myrichthys ocellatus / Ophichthidae / Cryptobenthic predator
Scorpaena inermis / Scorpaenidae / Cryptobenthic predator
Scorpaena plumieri / Scorpaenidae / Cryptobenthic predator
Rypticus subbifrenatus / Serranidae / Cryptobenthic predator
Synodus synodus / Synodontidae / Cryptobenthic predator
Acanthurus bahianus / Acanthuridae / Non-cryptic
Acanthurus chirurgus / Acanthuridae / Non-cryptic
Acanthurus coeruleus / Acanthuridae / Non-cryptic
Atherinomorus stipes / Atherinidae / Non-cryptic
Bothus ocellatus / Bothidae / Non-cryptic
Bothus maculifera / Bothidae / Non-cryptic
Trachinotus goodei / Carangidae / Non-cryptic
Chaetodon capistratus / Chaetodontidae / Non-cryptic
Amblycirrhitus pinos / Cirrhitidae / Non-cryptic
Jenkinsia lamprotaenia / Clupeidae / Non-cryptic
Sardinella aurita / Clupeidae / Non-cryptic
Gramma loreto / Grammatidae / Non-cryptic
Haemulon flavolineatum / Haemulidae / Non-cryptic
Haemulon plumieri / Haemulidae / Non-cryptic
Myripristis jacobus / Holocentridae / Non-cryptic
Plectrypops retrospinis / Holocentridae / Non-cryptic
Inermia vittata / Inermiidae / Non-cryptic
Bodianus rufus / Labridae / Non-cryptic
Clepticus parrae / Labridae / Non-cryptic
Halichoeres bivittatus / Labridae / Non-cryptic
Halichoeres garnoti / Labridae / Non-cryptic
Halichoeres maculipinna / Labridae / Non-cryptic
Halichoeres pictus / Labridae / Non-cryptic
Halichoeres poeyi / Labridae / Non-cryptic
Halichoeres radiatus / Labridae / Non-cryptic
Thalassoma bifasciatum / Labridae / Non-cryptic
Doratonotus megalepis / Labridae / Non-cryptic
Cantherhines pullus / Monacanthidae / Non-cryptic
Monacanthus tuckeri / Monacanthidae / Non-cryptic
Lactophrys triqueter / Ostraciidae / Non-cryptic
Holacanthus ciliaris / Pomacanthidae / Non-cryptic
Abudefduf saxatilis / Pomacentridae / Non-cryptic
Chromis cyanea / Pomacentridae / Non-cryptic
Chromis multilineata / Pomacentridae / Non-cryptic
Abudefduf taurus / Pomacentridae / Non-cryptic
Heteropriacanthus cruentatus / Priacanthidae / Non-cryptic
Ginglymostoma cirratum / Rhincodontidae / Non-cryptic
Scarus vetula / Scaridae / Non-cryptic
Scarus iseri / Scaridae / Non-cryptic
Scarus taeniopterus / Scaridae / Non-cryptic
Sparisoma atomarium / Scaridae / Non-cryptic
Sparisoma aurofrenatum / Scaridae / Non-cryptic
Sparisoma chrysopterum / Scaridae / Non-cryptic
Sparisoma radians / Scaridae / Non-cryptic
Sparisoma rubripinne / Scaridae / Non-cryptic
Sparisoma viride / Scaridae / Non-cryptic
Equetus punctatus / Sciaenidae / Non-cryptic
Pareques acuminatus / Sciaenidae / Non-cryptic
Serranus tigrinus / Serranidae / Non-cryptic
Sphyraena barracuda / Sphyraenidae / Non-cryptic
Synodus intermedius / Synodontidae / Non-cryptic
Canthigaster rostrata / Tetraodontidae / Non-cryptic
Aulostomus maculatus / Aulostomidae / Non-cryptic predator
Holocentrus adscensionis / Holocentridae / Non-cryptic predator
Holocentrus rufus / Holocentridae / Non-cryptic predator
Neoniphon marianus / Holocentridae / Non-cryptic predator
Sargocentron coruscum / Holocentridae / Non-cryptic predator
Sargocentron vexillarium / Holocentridae / Non-cryptic predator
Ocyurus chrysurus / Lutjanidae / Non-cryptic predator
Gymnothorax miliaris / Muraenidae / Non-cryptic predator
Gymnothorax moringa / Muraenidae / Non-cryptic predator
Myrichthys breviceps / Ophichthidae / Non-cryptic predator
Scorpaenodes caribbaeus / Scorpaenidae / Non-cryptic predator
Cephalopholis cruentata / Serranidae / Non-cryptic predator
Cephalopholis fulva / Serranidae / Non-cryptic predator
Hypoplectrus chlorurus / Serranidae / Non-cryptic predator
Hypoplectrus puella / Serranidae / Non-cryptic predator
Rypticus saponaceus / Serranidae / Non-cryptic predator
Serranus baldwini / Serranidae / Non-cryptic predator
Microspathodon chrysurus / Pomacentridae / Non-cryptic territorial damselfish
Stegastes adustus / Pomacentridae / Non-cryptic territorial damselfish
Stegastes diencaeus / Pomacentridae / Non-cryptic territorial damselfish
Stegastes leucostictus / Pomacentridae / Non-cryptic territorial damselfish
Stegastes partitus / Pomacentridae / Non-cryptic territorial damselfish
Stegastes planifrons / Pomacentridae / Non-cryptic territorial damselfish
Stegastes variabilis / Pomacentridae / Non-cryptic territorial damselfish


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Depczynski M, Bellwood DR (2003) The role of cryptobenthic reef fishes in coral reef trophodynamics. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 256:183-191

Depczynski M, Bellwood DR (2005) Wave energy and spatial variability in community structure of small cryptic coral reef fishes. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 303:283-293

Froese R, Pauly D (2010) FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication: www.fishbase.org

Harborne AR, Mumby PJ, Kappel CV, Dahlgren CP, Micheli F, Holmes KE, Brumbaugh DR (2008) Tropical coastal habitats as surrogates of fish community structure, grazing, and fisheries value. Ecol Appl 18:1689-1701

Smith-Vaniz WF, Jelks HL, Rocha LA (2006) Relevance of cryptic fishes in biodiversity assessments: A case study at Buck Island Reef National Monument, St. Croix. Bull Mar Sci 79:17-48