Electronic Supplemental Material: Comprehensive list of MCE studies by location
Locations / MCE StudiesAtlantic
Bermuda / Fricke and Meischner 1985; Searles and Schneider 1987; Peckol and Ramus 1992; Venn et al. 2009
North Carolina shelf / Schneider and Searles 1973; Searles and Schneider 1980; Peckol and Ramus 1988; Macintyre 2003
Florida shelf / Cheney and Dyer 1974; Reed 1980,1981,2006; Hanisak and Blair 1988;Phillips et al. 1990; Hanisak 2001; Jarrett et al. 2005; Collier et al. 2008; Leichter et al. 2008
Bahamas / Busby et al. 1966; Porter 1973; Colin 1976; Lukens 1981; Jensen et al. 1985; Reed 1985; Littler et al. 1985, 1986, 1991; Blair and Norris 1988; Norris and Olsen 1991; Freile et al. 1995; Avery and Liddell 1997; Liddell et al. 1997; Reed and Pomponi 1997; Avery 1998; Liddell and Avery 2000; Aponte and Ballantine 2001; Pomponi et al. 2001
Texas-Louisiana shelf / Bright et al. 1984; Rezak et al. 1985, 1990; Dennis and Bright 1988; Rabalais 1990; Fredericq et al. 2000; Schmahl and Hickerson 2006; Vize 2006; Hickerson et al. 2008
Cuba / Zlatarski and Estalella 1982
Belize / Ginsburg and James 1973; Colin 1974; James and Ginsburg 1979
Cayman Islands / Lukens 1981
Jamaica / Goreau and Wells 1967; Land and Goreau 1970; Goreau and Goreau 1973; Hartman 1973; Kinzie 1973; Colin 1974; Lang 1974; Goreau and Land 1974; Lang et al. 1975;Dustan 1979, 1982; Liddell and Ohlhorst 1988; Ohlhorst and Liddell 1988; Itzkowitz et al. 1991; Leichter and Genovese 2006
Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands / Kühlmann 1983; Colin and Clavijo 1988; Rodriguez-Jerez 2004; Singh et al. 2004; Nemeth 2005; Armstrong et al. 2006; Menza et al. 2007; García-Sais et al. 2001, 2005, 2007, 2008
Netherland Antilles (Curacao) / Van den Hoek et al. 1978; De Ruyter Van Steveninck and Breeman 1987; Bak and Nieuwland 1995; Vermeij and Bak 2002, 2003; Vermeij et al. 2003; Bak et al. 2005; Frade et al. 2008a, 2008b; Nugues and Bak 2008
Barbados / Macintyre et al. 1991
Brazil / Collette and Rützler 1977; Rocha 2003; Feitoza et al. 2005
Canary Islands / Haroun et al. 1993; Sanson et al. 2002
Malta / Larkum et al. 1967; Drew 1969
Northern Red Sea / Fricke and Hottinger 1983; Fricke and Schuhmacher 1983; Kühlmann 1983; Fricke and Knauer 1986; Schlichter et al. 1986, 1994, 1997; Fricke et al. 1987; Schlichter and Fricke 1991; Kaiser et al. 1993; Mass et al. 2007; Brokovich 2008; Brokovich et al. 2008; Alamaru et al. 2009; Einbinder et al. 2009
India / Kerkar 2003
Maldives / Gardiner 1903
Chagos Islands / Dinesen 1977; Sheppard 1980, 1981
Reunion Island / Bouchon 1981
JapanRyuku Islands / Yamazato 1972; Kajimura 1987
Caroline Islands (Palau) / Pyle 2000; Wolanski et al. 2004; Pyle et al. 2008
Marshall Islands (Enewetak) / Wells 1954; Gilmartin 1960; Colin 1986; Colin et al. 1986; Hillis-Colinvaux 1986a, 1986b; Thresher and Colin 1986
Johnston Atoll / Agegian and Abbott 1985; Keating 1985; Maragos and Jokiel 1986
Hawaiian Islands / Vaughan 1907; Grigg 1965, 2001, 2006; Doty et al. 1974; Agegian and Abbott 1985; Parrish and Boland 2004; Kahng and Grigg 2005; Kahng and Maragos 2006; Kahng and Kelley 2007; Chan et al. 2009
Papua New Guinea / Earle and Pyle 1997; Coppejans and Millar 2000; Pyle 2000
Great Barrier Reef / Chalker et al. 1983; Drew and Abel 1988; Wolanski et al. 1988; Drew 2001; Cappo et al. 2007
Cook Islands / Pyle and Randall 1992; Pyle 2000
Society Islands / Kühlmann 1983
Fiji / Smith-Vanis 2005; Pyle et al. 2008
Vanatu / Pyle et al. 2008
Galapagos Islands / Graham et al. 2007
Literature Cited
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Collier C, Ruzicka R, Banks K, Barbieri L, Beal J, Bingham D, Bohnsack J, Brooke S, Craig N, Dodge R (2008) The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of Southeast Florida. In: Waddell JE, Clarke AM (eds) The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the United States and Pacific Freely Associated States: 2008 NOAA/NCCOS Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment’s Biogeography Team Silver Spring, MD 131-159
Coppejans E, Millar AJK (2000) Marine Red Algae from the North Coast of Papua New Guinea. Bot Mar 43:315-346
De Ruyter van Steveninck ED, Breeman AM (1987) Population dynamics of a tropical intertidal and deep-water population of Sargassum polyceratium (Phaeophyceae). Aquat Bot 29:139-156
Dennis GD, Bright TJ (1988) Reef fish assemblages on hard banks in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Bull Mar Sci 43:280-307
Dinesen ZD (1977) The coral fauna of the Chagos Archipelago. Proc 3rd Int Coral Reef Symp 1:155-161
Doty MS, Gilbert WJ, Abbott IA (1974) Hawaiian marine algae from seaward of the algal ridge. Phycologia 13:345-357
Drew AE (1969) Photosynthesis and growth of attached marine algae down to 130 metres in the Mediterranean. Proc Int Seaweed Symp 6:161-159
Drew AE (2001) Ocean nutrients to sediments banks via tidal jets and Halimeda meadows. In: Wolanski E (ed) Oceanographic processes of coral reefs: physical and biological links in the Great Barrier Reef. CRC Press, Florida, pp255-267
Drew AE, Abel KM (1988) Studies on Halimeda: I. The distribution and species composition of Halimeda meadows throughout the Great Barrier Reef Province. Coral Reefs 6:195-205
Dustan P (1979) Distribution of zooxanthellae and photosynthetic chloroplast pigments of the reef-building coral Montastrea annularis Ellis and Solander in relation to depth on a West Indian coral reef. Bull Mar Sci 29:79-95
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Earle JL, Pyle RL (1997) Hoplolatilus pohle, a new species of sand tilefish (Perciformes: Malacanthidae) from the deep reefs of the D'Entrecasteaux Islands, Papua New Guinea. Copeia:382-387
Einbinder, Mass, Brokovich, Erez J, Tchernov D (2009) Changes in morphology and diet of the coral Stylophora pistillata along a depth gradient. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 381:167-174
Feitoza BM, Rosa RS, Rocha LA (2005) Ecology and zoogeography of deep-reef fishes in northeastern Brazil. Bull Mar Sci 76:725-742
Frade PR, De Jongh F, Vermeulen F, Van Bleijswijk J, Bak RPM (2008a) Variation in symbiont distribution between closely related coral species over large depth ranges. Mol Ecol 17:691-703
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Fredericq S, Phillips N, Gavio B (2000) Observations on the macroalgae inhabiting deep-water hard bank communities in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Gulf Mex Sci 18:88-96
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Hanisak MD (2001) Macroalgal blooms in Florida's coastal waters: Codium isthmocladum. J Phycol 37:21-22
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Kajimura M (1987) Deep-water flora of benthic marine algae in the OkiIslands, Sea of Japan. Bot Mar 30:373-385
Keating B (1985) Submersible observations on the flanks of JohnstonIsland (Central Pacific Ocean). Proc Fifth Int Coral Reef Symp 6:413-418
Kerkar V (2003) Deep water calcareous algae from submerged banks of India. Seaweed Research and Utilisation 25:21-25
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Kühlmann D (1983) Composition and ecology of deep-water coral associations. Helgol Mar Res 36:183-204
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Larkum AWD, Drew EA, Crossett RN (1967) The vertical distribution of attached marine algae in Malta. J Ecol 55:361-371
Leichter JJ, Genovese SJ (2006) Intermittent upwelling and subsidized growth of the scleractinian coral Madracis mirabilis on the deep fore-reef slope of Discovery Bay, Jamaica. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 316:95-103
Leichter JJ, Stokes MD, Genovese SJ (2008) Deep water macroalgal communities adjacent to the Florida Keys reef tract. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 356:123-138
Liddell WD, Ohlhorst SL (1988) Hard substrata community patterns, 1-120 M, North Jamaica. Palaios 3:413-423
Liddell WD, Avery WE (2000) Temporal change in hard substrate communities 10–250 m, the Bahamas. Proc 10th Int Coral Reef Symp 1:437-442
Littler MM, Littler DS, Hanisak MD (1991) Deep-water rhodolith distribution, productivity, and growth history at sites of formation and subsequent degradation. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 150:163-182
Liddell WD, Avery WE, Ohlhorst SL (1997) Patterns of benthic community structure, 10–250m, the Bahamas. Proc 8th Int Coral Reef Symp 1:437-442
Littler MM, Littler DS, Blair SM, Norris JN (1985) Deepest known plant life discovered on an uncharted seamount. Science 227:57-59
Littler MM, Littler DS, Blair SM, Norris JN (1986) Deep-water plant communities from an uncharted seamount off San Salvador Island, Bahamas: Distribution, abundance, and primary productivity. Deep-sea Res 33:881-892
Lukens RR (1981) Observations of deep-reef ichthyofauna from the Bahama and Cayman Islands with notes on relative abundance and depth distribution. Gulf Res Rep 7:79-81
Macintyre IG (2003) A classic marginal coral environment: tropical coral patches off North Carolina, USA. Coral Reefs 22:474-474
Macintyre IG, Rützler K, Norris JN, Smith KP, CairnsSD, Bucher KE, Steneck RS (1991) An early Holocene reef in the western Atlantic: submersible investigations of a deep relict reef off the west coast of Barbados, WI. Coral Reefs 10:167-174
Maragos JE, Jokiel P (1986) Reef corals of Johnston Atoll: one of the world's most isolated reefs. Coral Reefs 4:141-150
Mass T, Einbinder S, Brokovich E, Shashar N, Vago R, Erez J, Dubinsky Z (2007) Photoacclimation of Stylophora pistillata to light extremes: metabolism and calcification. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 334:93
Menza C, Kendall M, Rogers C, Miller J (2007) A deep reef in deep trouble. Cont Shelf Res 27:2224-2230
Nelson WR, Appeldoorn RS (1985) Cruise Report R/V Seward Johnson. A submersible survey of the continental slope of Puerto Rico and the U. S. Virgin Islands. NOAA, NMFS, SEFC, Mississippi Laboratories. University of Puerto Rico, Department of Marine Sciences 76
Nemeth RS (2005) Population characteristics of a recovering US Virgin Islands red hind spawning aggregation following protection. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 286:81-97
Norris JN, Olsen JL (1991) Deep-water green algae from the Bahamas, including Cladophora vandenhoekii sp. nov. (Cladophorales). Phycologia 30:315-328
Nugues MM, Bak RPM (2008) Long-term dynamics of the brown macroalga Lobophora variegata on deep reefs in Curacao. Coral Reefs 27:389-393
Ohlhorst SL, Liddell WD (1988) The effect of substrate microtopography on reef community structure 60-120 m. Proc 6th Int Coral Reef Symp 3:355-360
Parrish FA, Bolland RC (2004) Habitat and reef-fish assemblages of banks in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Mar Biol 144:1065-1073