5 APRIL 2017

The Meeting came to order at 10:30

Members Present: House, Russell, Moomaw

Guests: McDonald, GR

Minutes of meetings on March 1 and March 22 were approved unanimously, as corrected and will be posted.

Registrar’s Report was presented and discussed. See Addendum.

We briefly discussed the use of high-school pages at the General Election in Strasburg in November. The test was successful and the following resolution was unanimously approved.

Be it resolved that the Electoral Board of Shenandoah County intends to use high-school pages at future general elections.

L & A testing for the June primary is scheduled for Aprill 25th at 9:00 AM in the Electoral Board Office. GR McDonald will arrange for the technician to be here and will invited the chairs of the two party committees.

The Board unanimously agreed to order 6800 Democratic ballots and 8500 Republican ballots for the June primary.

The meeting adjourned at noon.


GR Report for Wednesday, April 5, 2017:

FROM: Lisa W. McDonald, GR

TO: EB (Charlie House, Jeanne Russell, & Ronald Moomaw)

Cc: minutes

➢GR and EB attended VEBA Conference March 2nd -5th

➢On March 10th, Voting Equipment Tech (VET) inspected and defragged all laptops to ensure that they are in good working order for the upcoming Primary Election.

➢GR and VET attended meeting at Clarke County with other GRs and Techs in regard to the ADVOCATE program for Electronic Poll Books on March 24th.

--ELECT has not yet completed their new software.

➢Election Officers’ two-year terms were set expired on February 28th per the Code of Virginia, the Shenandoah County Electoral EB appointed or reappointed EOs and the GR sent out packets including oaths. Many of these have been returned. GR is keeping track to make certain that EOs are eligible to work.

➢GR has sent out notification letters to Election Officers appointed by the EB.

➢GR renegotiated the photocopier contract for 3 more years with Ricoh.

--This new contract will allow us to make unlimited copies without additional costs, and will therefore ultimately save money.

--ETA is April 12th.

➢GR has made arrangements for EB & self for ELECT training in June.

➢For those seeking the Republican nomination, the deadline to submit their petitions and candidacy paperwork was March 30th.

--Karen Kwiatkowski filed in District 1 & Dennis Morris in District 5; no one filed in District 4. Therefore Republican Party Chair, Vito Gentile, certified Kwiatkowski and Morris as the GOP candidates for their districts, and Todd Gilbert for House.

--We will only need two ballot styles for the Gubernatorial Primary.

--Independents & Democrats have until June 13th to file for the General.

➢Absentee voting begins Friday, April 28th through Sat., June 10th (in person), June 6th (last date by mail).

➢EB must schedule L&A testing date(s).

➢EB must now determine number of ballots to order.

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GR Report for Wednesday, April 5, 2017:

FROM: Lisa W. McDonald, GR

TO: EB (Charlie House, Jeanne Russell, & Ronald Moomaw)

Cc: minutes

GR and EB attended VEBA Conference March 2 nd -5 th

On March 10 th , Voting Equipment Tech (VET) inspected and defragged all

laptops to ensure that they are in good working order for the upcoming

Primary Election.

GR and VET attended meeting at Clarke County with other GRs and Techs in

regard to the ADVOCATE program for Electronic Poll Books on March 24 th .

-- ELECT has not yet completed their new software.

Election Officers’ two-year terms were set expired on February 28 th per the

Code of Virginia, the Shenandoah County Electoral EB appointed or

reappointed EOs and the GR sent out packets including oaths. Many of

these have been returned. GR is keeping track to make certain that EOs are

eligible to work.

GR has sent out notification letters to Election Officers appointed by the EB.

GR renegotiated the photocopier contract for 3 more years with Ricoh.

-- This new contract will allow us to make unlimited copies without

additional costs, and will therefore ultimately save money.

-- ETA is April 12 th .

GR has made arrangements for EB & self for ELECT training in June.

For those seeking the Republican nomination, the deadline to submit their

petitions and candidacy paperwork was March 30 th .

-- Karen Kwiatkowski filed in District 1 & Dennis Morris in District 5; no one

filed in District 4. Therefore Republican Party Chair, Vito Gentile, certified

Kwiatkowski and Morris as the GOP candidates for their districts, and Todd

Gilbert for House.

-- We will only need two ballot styles for the Gubernatorial Primary.

-- Independents & Democrats have until June 13 th to file for the General.

Absentee voting begins Friday, April 28 th through Sat., June 10 th (in person),

June 6 th (last date by mail).

EB must schedule L&A testing date(s).

EB must now determine number of ballots to order.