Elections 2015 - Campaigning Guidelines

This document sets out the specific details which candidates need to be aware of during theElections 2015. We suggest you give copies to your campaign team.

Active Campaigning

Commences after materials pick-up on Monday 23rd February 2015 (11am)

1)Candidates must only use the bona fide campaign materials which have been ordered through the SU. Candidates must not print further posters, banners, stickers or purchase further giveaways. Candidates must not organise any activity, event or campaign that has an inherent financial value, even if the service / event has actually cost them £0.

Some illustrative examples are given below of activities that would be considered a breach of elections regulations:

-Your sister owns a fancy dress shop and she donates some costumes free of charge for you and / or your campaigners

-You have a friend who agrees to give you digitally / screen printed clothing for your campaign free of charge

All of the above would be considered breaches.

Here are some examples of acceptable campaigning:

-you and your campaign team buy a T-shirt each and decorate them with fabric or marker pens (assuming each person spent under £5)

-your friend plays an instrument and follows you around on foot, playing whilst you campaign. This would not put you at an unfair advantage and realistically would not cost you anything. Of course if your friend is Katy Perry, you would be out of the elections in a flash.

Candidates are permitted to dress up or have a theme for their campaigns but to reiterate, you must not spend more than £5 per head. However we would strongly recommend that you approach the Elections Officer or Deputy Returning Officer for authorisation prior to campaigning.

Candidates must be aware that the elections committee will take action against any candidate whom they deem to have breached Election regulations, even if it is a member of your campaign team who has broken the rules. You are responsible for the actions of your campaign team.

2) Candidates may place posters or flyersanywhere on campus,ON GLASS SURFACES ONLY, using ONLY white tac.

EXCEPT in the following banned sites -

Sites banned for postering and flyering (all campuses):

  • in or near the HelpZones
  • in any SU office
  • in the Libraries
  • in any teaching room
  • in FCH Chapel
  • in any faith / prayer room.
  • in any toilets

3) Posters must NOT be placed on door vision panels and sellotape must NOT be used.

4) Homemade placards may be positioned on campus. They must be authorised by the deputy returning officer first and should be less than 4 foot in any dimension.

5) The SU will erect standardised poster boards for all candidates to use, as follows:

Park Campus-Display boards in the Elwes reception

Display boards in the Bar / Refectory

FCH Campus-Back wall in the bar.

Display boards in the Refectory

Oxstalls Campus-Lockable boards around campus

Display boards in refectory, bar and link corridor

Hardwick Campus-Display board in the reception

Pittville Campus- Display boards in the Lobby by thebar

Candidates must not enter halls of residence, either to put up posters or canvass voters.Entering halls of residence is against Elections regulations. We will display one poster per candidate in each hall of residence.

6) Candidates must not deface or remove any campaign materials belonging to other candidates.

7) Each candidate is given 1 officialcampaign t-shirt. Candidates can attach their official ‘SU-franked’ posters toany other campaign t-shirts they make, or write on them with marker pens.

8) Each campaigner in your team is entitled to spend no more than £5 on ‘dressing up’, printing T-shirts, or can buy non-printed, plain T-shirts and write on them with marker pens. You may not make bulk orders with combined funds.

9) Candidates may purchase iron-on t-shirt transfers providing they do not exceed £5 and are not bought in bulk.

10) Candidates should ask prior permission from the lecturer if they wish to do a ‘lecture shout’.Candidates cannot shout out in lectures if the lecturer is eligible to vote, candidates are responsible for checking this. Candidates are also responsible for ensuring that the lecturer remains impartial and does not express any opinion on the candidate.

11) No campaigning of any nature is allowed in the Libraries or within 3 metres of a university pc.

12) Candidates must not ‘bulk email’ students or request that a member of SU or UoG staff should bulk email on their behalf.

13) Candidates must not be seen to be close to students who are trying to vote using online devices (including computers and phones). Any candidates suspected of coercion, or putting pressure on students to vote, will be at risk of being disqualified.You may not actively campaign within 3 metres of a student who is voting.

13) Candidates may promote their campaign on the social network pages of other candidates, providing they have their permission to do so. Any negative or defamatory statements will be investigated.

Campaign Conduct

Candidates are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner at all times. Intimidation or bullying of other candidates or voters will not be tolerated.Please see the Elections Candidates guide for a full list of actions to be taken, if a candidate is found to have breached election regulations.

Social Media

You are entitled to promote your campaign through social media after the Candidates’ Briefing Session onWednesday 18th February 2015.

You must:

  • not conduct yourself in manner that is detrimental to the University, or the Students’ Union
  • not make promises that you know you cannot realise
  • not make offensive or defamatory statements.

If the Returning Officer or Deputy Returning Officer deems that you, or your campaigners have defamed a fellow candidateor their supporters or broken an election rule in any medium, the Elections Committee will be advised and you may be given a warning, with the possibility of disqualificationpending the seriousness of the allegation.

The Elections Officer and Deputy Returning Officer must be given administrator status on your social media pages so that activity can be monitored. They will remove any posts that breach the election rules or are offensive/ defamatory and will report any breaches to the Elections Committee.

You will be held responsible for false or offensive words spoken or written by you and your campaigners. Any assertions you make must always be backed up by evidence so better to focus on your positives rather than your perception of a fellow candidate’s negatives.

Elections Committee

1) In the event that there is an accusation that any of the above regulations have been broken, it must be brought to the attention of the Elections Committee. The committee will meet to decide on whether there has been a breach and if so to decide on what actions to take.

2) In the event the committee feels there has been a breach of regulations,it has a number of options available, including:

  • Take no action
  • Issue a warning
  • Immediate disqualification
  • Suspend the elections.

Any incident brought to the attention of the elections committee will be dealt with on a case by case basis at the discretion of the committee.

Following the Elections

Following the elections all candidates should ensure that they take down all posters.

Election Rules

It is important to remember that during the elections campaign you are bound by the election regulations and sets of rules that, while not strictly election rules, still have a bearing on your conduct.

1) Students’ Union Rules:

This includes abiding by the Students’ Union rules generally, its behavioural code and equal opportunities procedure. If you breach these and the Elections Committee decides not take action under the auspices of the election regulations, you may still be subject to the SU’s disciplinary procedure, which can revoke membership rights.

2) University Rules:

The University operates a number of rules that relate to your membership of the student community and use of its facilities and property, for example damage to University propertyetc. If you breach these and the Elections Committee decides not take action under the auspices of the election regulations, you may still be subject to the University disciplinary procedure.

3) The Law:

Running an election campaign does not remove you from the auspices of the law. Again, if you breach these and the Elections Committee decides not take action under the auspices of the election regulations, they still reserve the right to refer the matter to the appropriate authorities.