Election Statement from Hilary Griffiths – South East

I have been the elected member for the SE region on the Board of Friends of the Earth for nearly 3 years now and it is time for me to stand for re-election. I found serving on 2 committees, first Resources, then Engagement, an interesting but challenging learning curve dealing with the finances of a large charity. Serving on Engagement allows me to be a more rounded individual- I have worked on many campaigns over the years and can put my past experience to good use, seeing the Campaigns and views of staff from both sides.

I have also thoroughly enjoyed being part of the community at Conference for the past 8 years. Last year I was honoured to be asked to be a judge for the Earthmover’s awards, then to present them in the evening, alongside John Halladay, walking up the green carpet in Oscar style glitter! I will also be more involved in the Motion’s process this year, having understudied Dave Coleman in 2009 and am currently talking to Jill Andrews about this year’s selection process.

My original objective in standing for the Board was to add a breadth of experience and wider viewpoint from my background in the fields of education and science. My second objective was to encourage a greater interest in the FOE Board and I took part in a contested election at Conference, raising the profile of Board membership. We are moving forward considerably on this second objective this year.

I have been involved with Friends of the Earth for nearly 13 years, first as a National member thenwithGuildford and Waverley local group. I write the monthly Newsletter and am the long standing Coordinator. It is an increasingly successful group, with over 100 on the email list, a regular meeting attendance of 10+, a wide skills base, and good relationships with our 3 local MPs, 2 of whom are now in ministerial positions.

I am an active member of the steering group of the Woking LA21, encouraging Woking to be a more sustainable community, and working successfully with Woking Borough Council, helping influence their Climate Change Strategy and educating the public.

I have proved myself on the Board by having good communication skills, being an approachable team worker capable of meeting deadlines and having a fairly fail-safe sense of humour!

I am unaware of any potential conflict of interest as I have no directorships, few shares and no political involvement apart from visiting local MPs to put the Climate Change Act and Sustainable Communities Act into practice.