HEI Liaisons Conference Call Agenda and minutes – 4/21/2016

1.  Update on CCP payment process and hopefully a new timeline for payment, pending information from ODE.

a.  The partial payment could have included spring if the data was submitted and reconciled by the districts. ODE will make another payment to colleges and universities hopefully before the end of June. That payment will include how the payment was calculated (number of credits, by district, and term, etc.) so they can reconcile what has been paid for fall and spring.

b.  For non-public/home school students, full payment is expected in June (no payments have been made yet).

2.  CCP program related data items – reviewed assessment file layout.

3.  CCP year-long courses – reporting options and issues – Report in the beginning term for payment purposes but through HEI in the ending term. The credit hours accumulated by students to determine the 30 hour limit are calculated based on the starting term so any year-long courses will count for school year 2015-16.

4.  Projections for SSI FY17 – released for review and feedback.

5.  Report on time to degree – adjust to include a measure for students that start college level courses in high school? Other options?

6.  Update on the workforce data sharing – here is our request – still pending approval:

ODHE is requesting individual-level de-identified record of employment information for each employed graduate of the 23 public community colleges and 14 public universities to be shared with each of the higher education institutions. These data sets will enable each college or university to prepare performance reports for their grantors, meet federal performance reporting standards, and evaluate the ROI for individual programs.

7.  HEI Project update – consultants have started and work is beginning on the ETL transition to Informatica.

8.  Anything else?

Template for workforce data reports: