Monthly Newsletter from Skyview Junior High School
Election day is february 11 remember to vote
King Count Elections Office has asked school districts to share the following information with the community to help avoid common mistakes voters make when voting. If you have any questions about voting, please call the Voter Help Line at 206-296-8683.The Northshore School District School Board has place three propositions on the February 11th ballot for voter consideration to support student learning: Renewal Education Operations Support Levy, Capital Projects Bond and Renewal School Technology Levy.
King County Elections Home Page Fact Sheet
Below are links to information and resources to help you make an informed vote. Please feel free to contact Communications at 425-408-7670 for additional information or assistance.
Bond and Levies Information
Financial Information on bond and levies
Frequently Asked Questions
Enrollment Growth, Enrollment Demographics Taskforce work and recommendation
Video of community presentation on enrollment growth
Capital Bond Planning Task Force
2013 Capital Facilities Plan
Grade Reconfiguration Committee work
NSD Community newsletters
2/10 8/9 Band Pathway Concert at NPAC at 7:00pm2/10 – 12 Candy Gram sales during school lunches ( more information below)
2/12 Early Release at 1:05pm
2/12 Orchestra Pathway Concert at NPAC at 7:00pm
Mid Winter Break will be February 17 – 21
2/24 – 28 is School Spirit Week (more information below)
2/26 Early Release at 1:05pm
3/5 Early Release at 1:05pm
3/5 Parent Information Night at Skyview for parents of incoming 7th graders
Please check the Skyview website for our complete school calendar.
Spread the goodwill and friendship by sending a Valentine Candy Gram!Our Skyview ASB (Associated Student Body) is holding our annual Valentine Candy Gram sale February 10th through 12th. Students may purchase Candy Grams for just $1.00 each, in the cafeteria during all three lunches.
We still need parent volunteers to help with our Candy Gram Sales during lunches on the above dates. Please contact Mrs. Ernster at and sign up for your spot today!
Skyview Spirit Week will be February 24th through 28th
Monday – Pajama Day
Tuesday – Disney or Cartoon Character Day
Wednesday – Pink Out Day
Thursday – Thrift Shop Thursday
Friday – Class Colors Day (7th wear red, 8th wear blue and 9th wear white)
Join in the fun and show your school spirit in your dress-code appropriate outfits!
All games and matches are scheduled to begin at 3:30pm.2/25 Girls Basketball KJH @ SJH
2/27 Basketball SJH @ LJH and Wrestling SJH @ TJH
3/3 Girls Basketball SJH @ NJH
3/6 Girls Basketball SJH @ LJH and Wrestling SJH @ CPJH
Fourth Season sports begin on April 8
7th/8th Boys and Girls Track, Boys Soccer, Girls Tennis and 7th Girls Volleyball
9th Graders may participate in Spring Baseball, Softball, Golf or Track at Bothell High School. Please contact BHS directly regarding registration dates and other information.
Sports packets must be turned in one week before the first practice or try-out and MUST include a current sports physical with Doctor’s signature.
All visitors, district employees, substitutes and parents must sign in at the office when they are on a school campus. This allows us to track who is on-site in case of a disaster, and is an important step in creating a safe and secure campus. If visitors don’t have a district ID, they should be issued a visitor’s badge.Please make sure all staff are aware of the district policy and understand your school’s procedure for visitor check-in. Ideally, staff should wear their badges as well and be trained to direct visitors who aren’t wearing a badge to the office for check-in
We are extending our Box Top collection through FebruaryThe Skyview PTSA is conducting a contest to see which homeroom class can bring in the most Box Tops. So start clipping now!! You can also shop at your favorite retailers using the Box Top Marketplace at to help our school even more!
If you have questions about Skyview and prefer to speak in Spanish, please call our Spanish Message Line: 425-408-6875Si tiene alguna pregunta referente a Skyview y prefiere hacerla en español llame a nuestra línea al numero 425-408-6875 y deje un mensaje.
Our Skyview schedule is as follows:8:05am – 2:40pm
Wednesday - 8:05am to 1:05pm (* when early release)
*Note: Early release will only happen on weeks with five full school days, not during weeks with holidays.
Please note that there are no after-school activities on Early Release days.
Our School office is open from 7:00am – 3:30pm
Important School Phone Numbers and Email:
Main School Office 408-6800
ASB and Athletics 408-6803
Attendance Office 408-6810
School Registrar 408-6818
Health Room 408-6806
Kitchen 408-6808
Transportation 408-7900
Skyview Web Site
District Web Site
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