Issue 536 - 27 February 2018UPCOMING EVENTS
ADASS Spring Seminar 2018
All ADASS members should have received a personal invitation to the ADASS Spring Seminar 2018. The seminar is taking place between 11-13 April at Yarnfield Park Conference Centre. The programme is already taking shape and can be found on the ADASS website. If you are an ADASS member but have not received an invitation please contact Su Stook on or 01352 756575.
Joint Committee on Human Rights Inquiry on The Right to Freedom and Safety: Reform of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
This Friday (2nd March 2018) is the closing dates for written submissions to this inquiry. Submissions should be no more than 1,500 words. The Committee is issuing an open call for evidence from interested parties on:
- Whether the Law Commission’s proposals for Liberty Protection Safeguards strike the correct balance between adequate protection for human rights with the need for a scheme which is less bureaucratic and onerous than the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
- Whether the Government should proceed to implement the proposals for Liberty Protection Safeguards as a matter of urgency
- Whether a definition of deprivation of liberty for care and treatment should be debated by Parliament and set out in statute
Guide to Community Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
Please see here for a helpful guide to Community Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards that has been updated recently.
Revised Care Act Guidance-DPAs and self-funders
Care Act statutory guidance relating to Deferred Payment Agreements (section 9 of the Guidance) was updated on 5 Feb 2018 by DHSC. These revisions mean that LAs must offer a DPA to self-funders who meet the qualifying criteria for a DPA. LAs can offer both types of DPA to self-funders (charging and loan-style) but they cannot refuse to enter into a loan-type DPA if all the qualifying criteria for a DPA are met and a person requests it. More information can be found on the LGA web page . Please cascade this information and check your public-facing information about DPAs is fully compliant.
DTOC support offers-evaluation
The Delayed Discharge Programme Board has commissioned an evaluation of the DTOC support provided to local care and health systems last year by national partners including LGA, NHSE, NHSI, BCST and ADASS. The aim is to look at whether system behaviours and relationships have improved as a result of support, and to inform decisions about investment in DTOC support during 2018/19 and beyond. An e-survey is going out next week to recipients of support, many of whom are DASSs; any immediate queries to . Any DASS interested in providing feedback in confidence about DTOC support offers, please contact . who is leading the project.
Long-term sustainability of the NHS and adult social care: government response
Please see here for a command paper responding to the Lords Select Committee report on long-term sustainability of the NHS and adult socialcare.
London’s Mental Health Discharge Top Tips
Please see here for London’s Mental Health Discharge Top Tips that may be of interest to ADASS members.
No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF) Network – New Guide
The NRPF Network focuses on the statutory response to migrants with care needs who have no recourse to public funds (NRPF) involving a range of councils and regional networks. It has recently published ‘Assessing and supporting adults who have no recourse to public funds’ for practitioners to refer to when assessing people for eligibility. The new guide is part of a range of resources and training aimed at councils.
New Care Models – Vanguard learning guide – Workforce Development
Please see here for the slide deck from the Vanguard Learning Guide on Workforce Development.
Ageing Well – Quality Healthcare in Later Life
Please see here for a slide deck on using sub-segmentation to promote tailored care in later life, that members may find useful. They give a strategic overview of the work happening in NHSE from Martin Vernon, National Clinical Director for Older People.
Adult PSW Network - Drabble Initiative
Are you creative? Could you sum up in 100 words a positive experience of your career in Social Work? If so, contribute a “Drabble”! The Adult Principal Social Worker Network would love contributions from social work qualified DASSs, ADs and managers, as well as social workers. This initiative for World Social Work Day is a fantastic way of gathering positive perspectives about social work. The drabbles received will be compiled into a e-Book and published on World Social Work Day. This can be used to raise the profile of social work and champion everything that is great about adult social care so that more people understand, support and celebrate the fantastic difference care and support makes to people’s lives. If you would like to join in, click for more details, and submit your drabble by 14th March 2018!
Care and Health Improvement Advisers - Regional
The LGA is recruiting Care and Health Improvement Advisers. There are two fixed term positions available covering East of England and also South West regions until 31 March 2020. Please see here for more details.
European Social Network – Members Communication
Please see here for the latest members communication from the European Social Network
BCF Bulletin
BCF Bulletin - 23 Feb 2018: New Better Care Exchange thematic space: Health, home and care│Thematic national workshop, London: Integrated workforce and data sharing
Public Health Matters
Please see here for the latest Friday Message from Duncan Selbie, Chief Executive of Public Health England
Association of Directors of Children’s Services Bulletin
Click here to read the latest bulletin from the ADCS
NB:A reminder to Members and their staff that all publicly available documents, such as ADASS Responses to consultation documents, can be found in the Publications section of the website. Similarly, news on forthcoming events can be found in the Events section. The documents in this Bulletin are ADASS copyright but may be reproduced by Local Authority staff without formal permission or charge.The ADASS Communications Bulletin is a document circulated electronically to ADASS members. While members are welcome to forward the document to colleagues (where appropriate), we would ask that secondary recipients raise any queries about the bulletin, or its attachments, with the ADASS member who sent it on to them, rather than the ADASS Business Unit.
Association of Directors of Adult Social Services
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