El Capitan High School
Field Hockey Team Guidelines
You are now a member of an elite group of athletes who have a long-standing reputation of pride and excellence in Field Hockey. You represent our team, El Capitan High school and our community at all times. All team members are expected to abide by the El Capitan High School, Grossmont Union High School District California Interscholastic Federation and the National High School Federation rules, regulations and policies, as well as those included in this document.
It is our belief that the main role of athletics is to help our student/athletes develop personal character. It is our hope that the athletes that pass through our program have fun and develop in the following ways…
1. Show respect, dignity and pride for the school, the team and oneself.
2. Have the desire to achieve and learn.
3. Exhibit leadership and an understanding and appreciation of field hockey.
4. That you leave the program with a good feeling about yourself and what you
have accomplished in the time with the team.
The role of adults in the education of a student is vital. The support in the home is often manifested in the ability of the student to accept the opportunities presented at school and in life.
There is a value system – established in the home, nurtured in the school – which young people are developing. Their involvement in classroom and other activities contributes to that development. Trustworthiness, citizenship, caring, fairness and respect are lifetime values taught through athletics. These are the principles of good sportsmanship and character. It is part of the C.I.F. program “Pursuing Victory with Honor”.
As a parent of a student-athlete at our school, your goals should include:
Realize that athletics are part of the educational experience, and the benefits of involvement go beyond the final score of a game;
Encourage our students to perform their best, just as we would urge them on with their class work;
Participate in positive cheers that encourage our student-athletes; and discouraging any cheers that would redirect that focus – including those that taunt and intimidate opponents, their fans and officials;
Learn, understand, and respect the rules of the game, the officials who administer them and their decisions;
Respect the task our coaches face as teachers; and support them as they strive to educate our youth;
Respect our opponents as student-athletes, and acknowledge them for striving to do their best; and
Develop a sense of dignity and civility under all circumstances.
You can have a major influence on your student’s attitude about academics and athletics. The leadership role you take will help influence your child, and our community, for years to come. We appreciate your involvement and support in the year to come.
In order for an athlete to be eligible they must maintain all of the following.
1. Enrolled in five, 5 credit classes (high school credits)
2. 2.0 grade point average or higher
3. No more that 1 “U” in conduct
4. Student must attend 4 class periods in order to participate on any day.
Practice / Attendance
- All athletes are expected to attend all practices.
- Practice for varsity begin at 2:30 and JV 3:00, unless otherwise specified (Saturday practices 7:00 am)
- Missed practice = non-participation in the next match.
- If you miss practice, coach expects to be notified at least two hours in advance, verbally by the athlete or athletes parent/guardian. The only excused absences are when you have contacted the coach in advance. If not it is considered unexcused. An excused absence is at the discretion of the coach. Again, if you have an unexcused absence, you will not compete in the next scheduled match.
- Tardiness is unacceptable. If an athlete is tardy twice in one week it is considered an unexcused absence and you will not compete that week in the next match.
- If you have an injury, see your coach for an “injury slip”.
*** The only day we don’t have practice is when it snows and on Sundays. On rainy
days meet by coach’s classroom for direction.
- Athletes must attend 4 classes in order to participate in a practice or match (a field trip is considered
attending class).
It is your responsibility to arrive at least 30 minutes early to warm-up and prepare for the games. Home games arrive 1 hour early to assist with set-up and stay after for cleanup. You are not allowed to compete or participate on an outside Field Hockey team during our season or you will be ineligible and cause our team to be disqualified.
You are expected to provide or arrange your own transportation to and from practices, scrimmages, matches and tournaments, unless otherwise specified by the coach. If our team rides a bus we all ride to and from the games together (no exceptions).
Uniforms & Equipment
You are responsible for uniforms and equipment distributed to you for use during the season. If damaged, lost, stolen or not returned you will be held financially responsible.
Under the bylaws of the C.I.F., GUHSD Athletic Conference and NHSAA safety regulations require that we wear mouth guard and safety goggles for practices and competitions. This safety equipment is required.
Lettering Policy
- You must finish the season eligible and in good standing.
- Did the athlete strive to improve athletically?
- Did the athlete contribute during our extracurricular activities?
- Did the athlete attend practices and matches regularly?
- Athlete must compete in at least ½ of our games, at the level in which they wish to letter or meet the qualifications under discretion of the coach.
- Must have an A.S.B. card,(the Associated Student Body funds and sponsors all our matches and activities).
* The coach ultimately has the final say as to whether an athlete will letter or not.
Grossmont Athletics Inherent Risks
As everyone should be aware, there are inherent risks in any activity in which you participate. Please keep in mind that our athletic staff is sensitive to these risks and will do everything possible to make the athlete’s experience safe as well as enjoyable. Some inherent risks are:
- Minor muscle strains and contusions, as well as joint sprains are common.
- Dehydration may occur. Fluids will be readily available at all practices and matches.
- Heat exhaustion may occur. The staff will limit activities on extremely hot days.
- Concussions and neck injury may result from contact. Staff members are aware of potential complications of concussions and neck injuries and will treat them with extreme caution.
- Broken bones may occur. Arms, fingers, legs and clavicle seem to be the most common breaks.
- Joint damage may occur with ligaments in the knee, ankle, or shoulder.
- Cuts may occur.
- As in all high risk activities paralysis and even death may result from injury.
** The nature and degree of injury will vary with each level and each athlete’s physical make up.
As a condition of membership in the C.I.F., all schools shall adopt policies prohibiting the use and abuse of androgenic/anabolic steroids. All member schools shall have participating students and their parents, legal guardian/caregiver agree that the athlete will not use steroids without written prescription of a fully licensed physician (as recognized by the AMA) to treat a medical condition (Bylaw 524). We also recognize that under C.I.F. Bylaw 200.D, there could be penalties for false or fraudulent information. We also understand that the
El Capitan High School/Grossmont Union High school District policy regarding the use of illegal drugs will be enforced for any violations of these rules.
Please return this page signed, please keep guidelines for your records and reference
I verify that I have read all of the above policies and understand all inherent risks. By signing below I am stating that I will follow these policies during the season.
Parent Name PrintedParent SignatureDate
Student Name PrintedStudent SignatureDate
Student ID#
Parent/Guardian/Care Giver
Please state one goal you have for this athlete as part of this team.