Eisenhower High School

Ceramics 1,2,3 &4

-Jessica Conner #794-4190

Rules and Expectations

·  Follow the rules of EHS

·  Have a good attitude and try your best!

·  Respect others and their work. Artwork that falls apart will not be fired but will be graded.

·  Anyone found damaging another student’s artwork will receive a zero on that project

·  Take care of classroom supplies and equipment. No tools or clay should leave the ceramics classroom.

·  Take an active role in keeping the room clean and neat.

·  Throwing clay will result in 1st offence: 3 days of detention 2nd offence: 5 days of detention and no warning is given. 3rd offence: office referral

·  Stay on task with ART activities at all times; this is not a study hall.

·  Use appropriate language.

·  Be in your seat and working on the bellwork when the bell rings. Those who are not will be considered tardy.

·  You will be expected to work in your assigned seat until clean-up time.

·  No electronic devices should be out where they are visible to the teacher unless prior consent is given. Students can listen to music if their iPod or phone is in their pocket. Cell phones will be taken by the teacher if students are texting, or talking on the phone during class. Students can use my office phone or their phone (with prior permission) or go to the office in an emergency.

Failure to comply with these rules may result in the following:

·  Loss of participation points , After school detention, A phone call home, Office referral


A: 90-100%

B: 80-89%

C: 70-79%

D: 60-69%

F: 0-59%

Approximate Weight of Points:

Studio Assignments 60%

Written Assignments and Art Reviews 20%

Art Folder and Bellwork 10%

Participation & Clean up 10%

·  Evaluation of each studio project will be based on meeting the specific art objectives of the assigned lesson. Lesson objectives and rubric will always be posted on the board at the front of the room.

·  Artwork with content deemed by the teacher to be inappropriate or offensive will not be accepted, graded or displayed.

·  Please observe all due dates. Unexcused late work will not be accepted without instructor consent and may result in the reduction of points. Students are allowed one day to make up work for each day of school missed due to an excused absence. If a student makes a decision not to do an assignment they can’t turn it in later for points.


Each ceramic project must be labeled on the bottom with the student’s full name and hour. This is your responsibility! The teacher is not responsible for lost, stolen, misplaced or mislabeled work.

Written Assignments

·  There will be bellwork at the beginning of each class period. You will be expected to complete it and keep it in your art folder. Each bellwork assignment is worth 5 points and they will be graded every two weeks. If you miss any class period you are require to copy down the missing bellwork from the Bellwork Folder. Bellwork that is not complete will receive a partial credit.

·  Each student will be responsible for completing 5 Art Reviews during the course of the semester. Art Reviews help students to develop an appreciation for artists, artistic styles, and works of art. By looking at and responding to a variety of art forms, students will incorporate the ideas and techniques of other artists into their own work. Students will have time to complete each art review in class and this will take place at the end of each month. If the art review is not turned in by the next day after it is assigned, unless prior consent is given by the teacher. It will only be taken for half credit for one week after it was assigned. If the art review is more than one week late it will result in a zero.

·  Occasionally students will take notes on topics related to ceramics. Both lecture notes and vocabulary words will be kept in the art folder.

·  All projects will require the students to fill out a strategy sheet. This will help students plan and prepare for the upcoming project. Each “strategy sheet” is worth 10 points. Strategy sheets are must be turned in before the project is completed to receive credit.

I have read and understand the rules and procedures for Ceramics.

Student (please print name) ______Date: ______

Parent or guardian (signature) ______Date: ______

Email Address: ______(If I can contact you by email) Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns!