September 10, 2013

  1. Call to Order at 3:50p.m.
  1. Pledge
  1. Welcome and Introductions
  1. Correspondence read by Donna Velgos
  1. Treasurer’s Reportread by Katrina Sites

Principal’s Report by Mary Ann Chapko: Academically, we are in the middle of assessments from K through 5. If you had a 3rd, 4th, or 5th grader last year, you will be getting a letter regarding ISTEPS and accessing the scores. If you have a 4th grader, encourage them to join Science Club headed up by Mrs. Laura Ortiz which will prepare them for the Science Fair which is held at the end of the school year. Also encourage your children to try out for all of our extracurricular activities. This is a great way for them to be involved. Just a reminder, we recycle ink cartridges, cell phones, and batteries through the “Funding Factory.” We are also participating in a pilot program collecting empty deodorant containers. This will go until January – send in “empty” deodorant containers.

  1. Approval of Minutes – Minutes were approved and seconded.
  1. Old Business
  2. Basket Committee: Up and running! Letters went home Monday. Donations need to be in by Monday, October 7th.
  3. Chairperson List for 2013-1014 school year: List has been distributed. If there are any changes, please let us know.
  4. Confirmation of meeting dates/times for 2013-2014 school year: Please find the dates/times on your magnet, the weekly newsletter and our website.
  5. Kindergarten Pyramid (Kindergarten teachers): This project is currently on hold.
  1. New Business
  2. Three for Me Program-Linda Blanton and Donna Velgos: Paperwork went home. The bulletin board is outside the Parent Volunteer Room. You’ll get “dogtags” when you’ve volunteered 3 hours of your time. Remember, things can be done at home too! Or you can email Mrs. Chapko and she may have something for you to do. You can also email your child’s teacher.
  3. Committee Chairpersons-Linda Blanton and Donna Velgos: This list was distributed during “Old Business.”
  4. PTO Website/FB-Linda Blanton and Donna Velgos: We will be creating a Facebook Page. You will not be able to post on this page. You can message us and we can post something for you. We will use it to post reminders, for example: Market Day, upcoming events, Fundraiser deadlines, etc.
  5. Fundraisers-Angie Ogrentz and Tammy LaChapelle: If you have a business, donating a basket is a great way to promote it. The magazine fundraiser is underway. We make 40% profit from that. We are participating in the Schepel Buick promotion – Eisenhower makes $150 per car sold to an Eisenhower family. We are up to over $500 in direct donations – check the “tree” on the bulletin board outside of the PVR. The coupon book: Simple Qpons is going out on Monday, September 23rd. They are $20 each and we make 50% profit. One book will go home with the oldest child in your household. Last year we made $7,256 in our Basket Raffle. The drawing this year will be Friday, November 22nd, after our Grandparents’ Day celebration.
  6. Box Tops-Suzanne Bisel: August – last Friday: $267.60. Waiting for December check: $898.90. We have $24.34 pending and the deadline is Friday, November 1st. We really make good money collecting Box Tops – please don’t stop!
  7. Labels for Education-Renee Gross: We have 33,000 points to spend
  8. Coke Rewards-Kathleen Edgren: Per Katrina Sites, Kathleen was not present, we use multiple email addresses since we are only able to enter 120 points a week. You may also enter individually -- the individual rewards are different than the school account rewards. We are using some of these reward items for basket raffle items.
  9. Scrip-Katrina Sites: We currently have a $2590 order of which $126 will come to us. A flyer will go out to all students with order forms. Remember we keep some cards in the office and Strack’s is one of them. Check the percentage of what the retailer splits: half of the percentage to Ike, half to you.
  10. Fright Night-Kim Dockins: Planning is underway—she is meeting with Mary Rhee to transfer material from years past.
  11. Market Day-Stacey Schoettle: This month’s sale made around $300. This is a very good sale. Pick up is Wednesday, September 18th from 5 until 6pm.
  12. Ceramic Kiln Funds-Lynn Czapla and June Wiley: The art department has been saving their profit from Square 1 Art but has not made enough to purchase a kiln. Mrs. Wiley explained to us how important it is for us to have our own kiln, and how long we’ve wanted it. They are asking PTO for $670 to cover the remaining costs. Per PTO board: we can use the money from Market Day profits that was supposed to buy bulletin boards for each classroom. Autumn McCall motioned to approve, Renee Gross seconded.
  13. McSchool Night: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 from 5pm to 8pm after Market Day!

Barbara VanderWoude asked Mrs. Chapko to remind parents to follow after school pick-up rules after extracurricular activities also.

The winner of our $5 Dunkin Donuts gift card raffle is Joe Foster!

The next PTO meeting is Tuesday, October 8, 2013 at 3:45pm. It was motioned and seconded to adjourn meeting.