
Business Meeting

Western Council of Business Schools and Programs

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs

Region 7

Date: October 27, 2017

Time: 10:00 AM

Location: Cableland, Denver, CO

Officers Present:Lori Becker (BCIT), Chair

Doug Gilbert (UPhoenix), Chair-Elect

Linda Whitten (Skyline College), Treasurer

Joe Welker (College of Western Idaho), Secretary

Call to Order:at 10:00 AM by presiding officer Lori Becker

Quorum:Officers established for this meeting 20 of the 60 schools present

  1. Approval of minutes

Minutes of the meeting in 2016-17 will be tabled until June at the nation conference.

  1. Chairs report

Lori Becker (BCIT), Chair

  1. Treasurer Report- (See Financials Attached)
  2. Linda Whitten (Skyline College) created budgets for 2017 and 2018.
  3. Reoccurring expenses for the organization. See attached budget for details.
  4. Establishment of a personal banker for the treasury account.
  5. Questions from the treasurer

1)Question posed by treasurer, invest in money market or CD?

2)Jeff Lineman (NNU) requested a cost benefit analysis of investment in the form of a formal proposal.

  1. Global Committee Member Reports:
  2. Articulation Committee -Vacancy
  3. Business/Industry Relations Committee -Joe Welker, College of Western Idaho (ID) (2-yr, Region 7) 2016-2019 First Term
  4. Digital Media Communications Committee -Jeff Lineman, Northwest Nazarene University (ID) (4-yr-, Region 7, 2016-2019) Second Term
  5. Global Business Education Committee - Sam Dunn, Northwest Nazarene University (ID) (4-yr, Region 7) 2016-2019 Second Term – Met and called, planned Toronto meeting, Sam Dunn invited member to Global.
  6. Member Relations Committee - Vacancy
  7. Scholar-Practitioner Publications Committee – Julie Browning, California Baptist University (CA) (4-yr, Region 7) 2016-2019First Term – went to Anaheim doing well, great people on the committee, submit articles for publishing. Encouraged all for submissions.
  8. By-Laws Committee - Tom Cary, City University (WA) (4-yr, Region 7) 2016-2019 Second Term– Met at National conference, by-laws approved, big shift moved operations out of by-laws, creation of operations manual. Get regional by-laws to conform to national by-laws. Major change from by-law to policy based.
  9. Marketing Committee - Brenda Johnson, Northwest Nazarene University (ID) (4-yr, Region 7) 2016-2019 First Term – absent
  10. Risk Assessment and Management Committee – Freda Hartman, Capella University (4-yr, Region 4) 2017-2018 First Term – this effort has been ongoing for 2 years. Risk assessment plan for all of ACBSP. Site visits, global activities, financially, legally, talking through and drafting a document that we can use as a starting point. Identify specific risk categories, how do we manage those risks? Complete draft is ready. Identified higher risk activities – 6 or 7 critical items. Board of directors meeting in two weeks. Actions will be taken at national and regional levels.
  11. Region 7 Committees:
  12. Delta Mu Delta – Mark, University of Phoenix
  13. By-Laws – Tom Cary- see previous
  14. Public Relations – Linda Whitten, Skyline College – Jeff Alderman – working on community colleges in California and other places. Growing excitement for new colleges. Movement in Anaheim met will new attendees got identify and meeting one-one. Looking for contributions to recruit regional representation.
  15. Strategic Planning Committee – Doug Gilbert, University of Phoenix – Build a plan going forward, identify schools, reigniting of this committee to gain a larger foothold in this region.
  16. Teaching Excellence Award Committee – Marsha D’Angelo as award winner, Alisa Fleming, Charla Brown, Automated process, Apply online, looking for submissions in this area. Share awards opportunities
  17. Region 7 Conference Chair – Doug Gilbert, University of Phoenix –Thank you to Doug.
  18. Fall 2018 Regional Conference Committee – Absent members
  19. Best of Regions and Student Showcase Committee – Absent
  20. Nominating and Service Awards Committee – Lori stepped down, representatives needed
  21. Nominations and Elections Section:
  1. Election of Secretary – Erin Creagh – Lori Nominated – Second Jeff Lineman – Unanimous Voted passed
  2. Global Committee vacancies for 2017-2020

1)Articulation Committee – Richard Beers – Lori Nominated – Second Sam Dunn – No Discussion - Unanimous voted

2)Member Relations – Helen Vallee – Lori Nominated – Linda Whitten Second – No Discussion – Unanimous Voted

3)Task Force for Recruitment – Tabled until further information can be gathered

  1. Regional Committee Members

1)Public Relations: Joshua Jensen – Chair – Shelly Moore – Lori Nominated Both – Linda Whitten Second – Unanimous – Linda Whitten also member of this committee

2)Strategic Planning – JekabsBikis– joined committee

3)Nominating and Service Awards Committee – No additional members – Hopefully June

4)Best of Regions and Student Showcase – Charla Brown

  1. New Business:
  2. Teaching applications 12/15/2017 – Application is online
  3. Sites for upcoming – Kansas 18 – Houston 19 – Chicago 20
  4. Upcoming 2018 Regional Conference:

1)Hawaii – Lori opens discussion on this location

a)Hawaii is a go October 10-12

b)2019 BC is still good to go

c)2020 Grand Canyon good to go

d)2021 City University good to go – Co-Host

e)2022 CWI/NNU Co-host

  1. Best of Region Winner – Jeff Lineman - Presented Check by Lori
  2. Other Business:
  3. Open to floor - Freda in the annual conference program – Jeff was given instructions – The internal award will be presented on the 3rd day of the conference. Invited to the body to support Jeff at nationals. Doug, accreditation plus level invitations.
  4. Motion to Adjourn:
  5. Jeffery Lineman

Attachments to come with attendance – agenda – budget